Let's have a good old joji thread

let's have a good old joji thread

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Pussycats-Japanese-T-Shirt-Tank-Top/dp/B00JR0TSJS/ref=sr_1_37?ie=UTF8&qid=1481251473&sr=8-37&keywords=anime tank top




so casual and on point on does he do it

Doesn't browse Veeky Forums and therefore isn't convinced into clowning up with all the Veeky Forums approved clothes.


i look kinda like max just with a different mouth
is he effay and/or handsome





hes ok

I look a lot like idubbbz. Not sure if that's a bad thing or not

shitty youtuber
dresses like a shitty normie
certifiably shops at zara
shitty music
if you like this guy you don't belong on Veeky Forums

fucking JAP



if this isn't enough evidence for why he is shit then idk what would convince you

joji isnt even fa, wears shitty meme clothes and looks like pepe the frog. i dont get why he was circlejerked in the past or why hes circlejerked rn


he's horrible and fucking cringy
fat, acne, shitty beard, meme hairstyle and dresses like a numale

is it true ethan's like 5'1

4 8 7

worse than a nu male



no hate on papa franku but why the fuck did u post this thread in Veeky Forums u autist fag


He seems douchey and stuck up

The thing about him is that he doesn't even try. The edginess/sad-vaporwave-animeish hiphop is just natural and not Veeky Forums infected.

do you honestly think so


kill you're self

Yes. Plus he's just the earliest of us all. He started it all. We all copied him, whatever happened to us, it's because we look at him.

No kill yourshelf fagoat

I want that fucking anime shirt

w2c windbreaker

Me too

He's not too bad desu no homo.




What to do to have his hairstyle?

I don't know but i want them so fucking bad too. these are my fucking hairgoals

WOW, this is painful




anyone know what jacket that is?


If this guy wasn't a meme and his mug was ever posted on here, he'd be crucified like that troll kid with the glasses

Lmao what the fuck. Ive browsed fa for years and never knew Poppa Franku had a circlejerk here. Still dont understand why. Hes fits arent even great. I have a feeling the majority of these posts are just by one autist whos obsessed with him.



btw bring back jojivlogs


Be asian

Been there since his early rant videos about how he hates Spanish.. Yep.

Why does he have a Dartmouth windbreak I'm 90% certain he never went here

someone please feed Hila

He looks uncomfortable. I mean, I would be too if that faggot was touching me

Ethan eats all the food
becasue he fat

stop creating threads about yourself you retard, you're irrelevant now

ID on that cowl


kill yourself.... please, please kill yourself..

ID that tank top

oh yeah sorry. I thought you were the people on Veeky Forums posting about something completely unrelated to Veeky Forums, but it was actually me. sorry!

Literally everything he said was spot on.

Probably because he likes it. Fuck off.

it's from amazon

Go back to sucking yourself off, faggot

Im always so surprised how defensive effay gets of joji miller. He really is just a mediocre person, and i say this specifically to be contrarian. Everyone i meet who knows about the filthy frank show romanticizes this guys "real" side. I honestly dont get it.

god he looks like he has downs

Because autists live vicariously(normal lives) through him. So they want to see more of his normal side. It's sad.

He's hilarious and I love him

>belonging on /f/a
>implying there's such a thing and if there were it would be a good thing


Max is pretty cute but he dresses like he's 16. But then again maybe he's not that bad by Aussie standards, I wouldn't know.

I like him alot more with glasses personally

>eme and his mug was
amazon.com/Pussycats-Japanese-T-Shirt-Tank-Top/dp/B00JR0TSJS/ref=sr_1_37?ie=UTF8&qid=1481251473&sr=8-37&keywords=anime tank top

There you go boys

There's gotta be a better board for kids to post about their favorite youtubers on

fucking bumped
i've been looking for a plain hoodie with a big hood

someone have that joji photo of him with the naked lady drawn on it

lmfao pepe franku too accurate

whats his sc

That's way more autistic than it looks in photos.
joji is kang

I wear a harvard hoodie, but go to uw.

I kinda want the t-shirt version of that mainly because I don't wear tank tops

Too bad I'm white

Not even, I'm white as fuck and have the exact same haircut. I give my stylist this picture.

thats from insta i think

you guys can do better than this thread, I know you can

W2C jacket? Thanks

This person is a musician? Who is he?

He makes autistic youtube videos for 13 year olds under the name filthy frank. They can honestly be pretty funny sometimes, but you would never admit that you watch them to anyone in real life. He makes music and has a pretty decent personal style, but people idolize him for some reason. Probably because he is their telescope from autism to normal.



I always have a hard time looking at edups and not seeing a psychopath