Will you be fishing for this Veeky Forums?

Will you be fishing for this Veeky Forums?

These look very fake lol

Doesn't matter, just found a pic looking like them asap. I am just curious if this board is full hipster or will you try to cop the ultimate normie shoes.

Probably, but only to sell them
Bought and resold some copper v2s, very easy cash

Is it true that yeezy sell as fast as you put them online?

I like the look of the black 350's but fuck if its not easy cash.

Can i cop two pairs from the adidas store or do i have a limit to one?

how to resell? just put them on ebay and raise the price double?

No because I have the superior PB original 350s.

lot of fuckboys on grailed too who'd buy it

i got over a hundred offers first day on grailed so dont even worry about them not selling
no idea if you can buy multiple pairs, probably not

the hype is dying
resell prices are going cheaper and cheaper
next year you will be able to cop those hideous ass shits at your local mall

When do these come out

>What if we take the sleek aesthetic that everyone has been doing since the Roshe
>And just completely fuck it up
Original 350s had good proportions, but Splys was where everything went wrong.

tried to cop the black/red but ended up with the black/green, so I'm trying to get this pair (which I like more) so I can sell the green pair.

You can't cop two pairs from adidas.com and I'm pretty sure it's the same with the adidas stores

Dec 17th

see Resell prices are really down. If you get them for retail you can flip them for around twice as much but I wouldn't expect more
The rumor has that this release is the biggest yeezy release to date again, so this single colourway could have more pairs than the red/green/coppper release.

How do you cop these? Through an app?

also this

please Veeky Forums

how does one cop these from Canada

Just to resell desu

this, the sply line doesn't resell as well as the previous releases

sign up for raffles in store like adidas, house of hoops, footlocker, livestock, etc

how much less will it resell for? can i still make like a 200$ profit?

Can't wait to get 10 pairs of these

this one looks so goddamn fake it's unbelievable

literally sign up for every single raffle that you can find, twice.
heck, use your mom's name and email
that's how I won once

this is the shoe that will turn every guy harvey/my-dad-has-a-boat-on-the-lake/I-wear-pink-to-show-im-not-insecure kappa delta beta fratcuck into a sneaker head.

>the sply line doesn't resell as well as the previous releases
yeah because the production numbers are so high.
I've heard the turtle dove were like 9k pairs total when the latest release was 20k pairs alone in europe.

In my country reselling is pretty hard, because anyone who is willing to pay already has a pair.
There were more stupid resellers buying the shoe than there are people wanting to buy them.
Pairs for well under 400€ are sitting on resellers' shelves and it doesn't help that some idiots are trying to sell them for 700-900€ expecting someone to pay that much just because earlier yeezys were sold for that.

How do i use the adidas store?

Do i just go there early in the morning and spam F5?

Do i have to register earlier or something?