Dylan roof's pants

where can i fucking cop these

they're just camo hunting trousers

Go to your local hunting store, or any equivalent, and buy wood camo trousers. You could get them tailored for a better fit. Now please fuck off back to the w2c general and stop shitting the board with threads. Sage

Literally walmart

The Dylan Roof shooting meme is as dead as the people he murdered.


Heros never die user.

y'all are full of zingers today arntcha?

Yeah but his victims did

I seriously thought he was wearing clear bags as pants for a second

>just about to make a thread asking if Dylann is effay

Guess this answers it


>mfw bowlcuts are in


oh my god

autistic online faggots adore honky southern retard over simple fits

w2c those fuggin boots

>people actually think he's effay

get ready for poltards and angry 15 year olds accusing you of being a minority or calling you a faggot

he is

>tfw people want to look like dylan roof

howd you add that filter, if you did one at all

lel, do they share the same shoes?

that fit is fire

you minority faggot

It's just a polo sweater you retard

the off colour sweater with the black t combined with his pale skin and primo bowlcut make this one dope ass fit

cal ranch

okay that's pretty fucking Veeky Forums, style on point. maybe he really was a fashion visionary

Do you guys think he had friends take these pics or did he do it himself

From the faggot store

How do i ask for this haircut without showing a picture of a guy who shoots niggers

Just ask to get your shit fucked up. 9/10 times you'll get a bowl cut.

Just ask for a hair cut of someone who gets raped by niggers in prison instead
You will end up with the same hair cut


def had no friends, an autotimer is easy to use


Here's your (You)


bullied children fantasize about getting back at their tormentors, they couldn't hurt a fly so they do the next best thing: form an obsession over a racially charge mass murderer who wears mostly black and doc martens. they have entire folders dedicated to him on their PC, which they repeatedly post online and stare out for hours on end thinking "god i wish that were me". hilariosu!

There's no need to make that thread for the 100th time. Regardless of what you think about what he did to those people, Dylann is Veeky Forums. Everybody here pretty much knows.


I have those same boots for work holy shit

Fucking love these.