How did *you* start on your journey to effay?

Your early style mistakes and victories?

I've lurked for a couple of months, constantly referred back to the Wiki, etc., and there's always been an image of dressing well but I never had anyone show me and correct me. I've got the mall-tier essentials, now I need to step up.

What's the word on style gurus like Real Men Real Style, Alpha M, and whatever others there are?

Other urls found in this thread:

It takes a year or few. Getting on to this isn't about learning on what is displayed on the forums etc, it's about taking notice. You start observing people and their clothes. While you may at first judge them by certain quantitive criteria, such as how rick-approved they are (should that be your thing), you soon develop your own sense of what you want to be like. And before you get that right, you are bound to have multiple mispurchases. You learn from failures, just like in other aspects of life.

I wouldn't bother with style gurus. It's important to know the etiquette of clothing - even if only to break it - and in such the style gurus aren't necessarily the best bet. I like what the Mr Porter Journal has, even though it's repulsively commercial and thus you have to filter that message out (they sell pretied bow ties so of course they mention them to be okay, ugh). You can try it and see if you like it.

Shia was my first solid inspo, really accessible and easy to pull off. Then I started to appreciate Veeky Forums's designers and expanded my tastes to designer pieces, I signed up for Grailed to get them sweet deals.

You could find your own brand of style and incorporate pieces that you can get your hands on into that idea, or try to build a wardrobe on a variety of different clothes and make them all try to work. How the clothing fits is important, silhouette and material are important.

Style gurus are hit and miss. All of the information is good and reliable (hygiene / color theory / certain fashion standards) but if fashion becomes an interest for you, you step outside of the small section that is menswear.

In the end, fashion is art and expression. Most of the shit on this site is not art, but once you get into it, it becomes another form of artistic work.

>found Veeky Forums in middle school
>Veeky Forums late middle school
>emo hipster bullshit through high school
>mfa late highschool
>styleforum/sufu early college
>bored of internet fashion in college
>now drunk shitposting on Veeky Forums

all of it was a mistake, there are no victories in fashion

that just sounds like you consistently chose the worst possible thing at any given time

>shitposting on Veeky Forums

this is 90% of my posts, I have lost all respect for Veeky Forums

are you implying that fashion is a choice?

>2 months
lurk more before posting please

>the mall-tier essentials, now I need to step up.
I have to say right now that you should drop the idea of "getting rid of mall-tier, only top tier rick owns adidas"
youre going to feel more comfortable with an even mix, and look more comfortable too
dont be a tryhard, no one looks natural draped in high end shit
an important lesson>>

I wanna be high quality normcore. What do?

give up

high quality basics: wang, acne, some margiela, common projects

I can't remember why but I clicked on Veeky Forums at the end of 2013 and started browsing then. I didn't really buy anything until 2015, so 2013 and 2014 was just lurking and learning. I didn't really make any mistakes save buy jeans that were slightly too large for me. Style 'gurus' are a joke.

I started browsing Veeky Forums in my senior year of high school, when my best friend had just gotten together with a girl and I suddenly had a lot of time on my hands. Decided to pick up something new and came across this board. At the time, I was totally clueless; I didn't even notice people's clothes at all.

After a few months of browsing, I'd come to know and recognize all the standard memes that were starting to come up at the time (rick, luna core, mori boy, etc.). For a year or so, I became extremely judgemental and critical of people who wore shit things, and I made the mistake of buying high end designer things on sale, even if I didn't really like it.

After a while, though, I got over that phase and since then I've just been buying and wearing what ever I like. Nowadays, I still notice what people wear, but I'm back to not caring too much about it.

Also, now I actually have my own opinions and sense of style, rather than just the regurgitated memes I had at the start. This makes fashion fun.

With regards to 'stepping up', what I learned over the years is:

- you should first look into investing most of your money into tops (shirts/jackets). This is because, in my opinion, the difference in quality for expensive and inexpensive tops is much greater than for bottoms. For example, if you have $200 to spend on a shirt or trousers, go for the shirt, because the gap in quality between a $50 shirt and a $200 shirt will be greater than $50 trousers and $200 trousers.
- look into buying nice outerwear pre-owned (grailed is a nice place to look).
- Only buy what you really want. Don't buy things just because its cheap.
- As a general rule, the higher the quality, the higher the price. The more elaborate/unique the design, the higher the price. It's often said on this board that designer pieces are high quality; this is only partly true. As an example, for $800 you can get a cool looking Undercover piece, or a pair of conservative but quality Tricker's

well i started w going on /r/streetwear (lol) in the summer of 2015 and made some incredibly embarrassing fits i thankfully never wore to school. then i joing teenmfa and started to dress a little better, although looking back it's still embarrassing. then came what i call the tace era, which im sure many of you know(shitty dickies that dont fit right, weird thrifted jackets that looked like plastic, really high cuffs and tucks so pulled up i got mooseknuckles and old skools, really awful too short undercuts which exposed my massive forehead) then this summer i got woke and started to dress better and more consistent and i grew my hair out and made it fluffier which i love. now i dress combo of kinda 90s core and post punk and im finally happy with how i dress

pic related is my first fitpic and a recent one

and heres some of the tace era fits (inb4 tace tace tace)

>Your early style mistakes

It is.

I was first introduced to fashion from a friend that showed me goth ninja as a freshman in high school and this other kid that was really into thrifting/norm core look. I both looked really cool and when searching online I came across sufu and Veeky Forums(this was when Veeky Forums was really into the raf uniform). over time browsing I started to like the Veeky Forums memes like lunar core and jewelwave and started experimenting heavily. I was and still am poor as fuck so i never really spent a whole lot of money on clothes and essentially everything was thrifted or came from cheaper stores or diy. I started to have an appreciation for people with really unique/ developed styles like theodore, knoch, and the people on sufu. I still dont have a style and still dick ride trends but I found something that I kinda enjoy doing and dont spend a whole lot of money doing.

I used to post stuff on instagram

but I havent posted in awhile I may start again. I have some old shit on there to get a feel of how ive changed.

Whats the shoe on the far right?

diet butcher slim skin

I started coming here back in early 2013 and I fell for a good deal of memes like palewave, lunacore, roshes, stan smiths and a couple others you name it before I started getting a grasp of what makes a certain style look good. I wanted to fit in and just dress good at first but then I really started to appreciate fashion as an art, and I think that came with just lurking everywhere and seeing too much. I went on a quest to find more and more interesting garments, it was like a game to me and once I saw and read too much that's when something inside of me clicked that made me realize how basic and boring everyone around me dresses and I didn't want to be part of that.

Veeky Forums doesn't have the answers, but the nature of Veeky Forums has always been finding gold in a huge sea of trash, and I have made good friendships here and have laugh more than in any other fashion forum.