Post limited edition things you'll never be able to cop

Post limited edition things you'll never be able to cop

A Grail for me, but I'll never be willing to pay resale

no judgerooni pls



Nah man i kinda like it desu




Nike Air Epic J. Crew release

absolutely agree with NMD's are not remotely fashionable.


i want it too

SLP D05s
Fuck I need them so bad.

Same, it's way too overpriced due to the thrasher hype right now

Gundam reebok :(

Holy shit this is flavortown tier lmaoooooooo

Adidas Gazelles in non-suede form. I had a pair with green soles and laces on a white base and with a white tongue. Those shoes lasted me almost a decade and were comfy as all hell. Looked good as well. They're now only available in suede which doesn't last as long, and the only green color you can get is this electric one which is way too flashy for me.

yooooo wtf?

i like the concept but they turned out to be clown shoes

You don't miss anything user, you only miss the opportunitty of look like a faggot



