ITT: /manletcore/

ITT: /manletcore/

I'm 6'4 and wear those.

im 6'2 and wear these in monos
stop projecting your insecurities fucking sperg

.t 5'1 and 5'4

Im 6'100" and I wear stilts!

i'm 3'8" and wear these. no one fucks with me in the bar

Koksal baba is that you?

im 11'4 and wear them fucking moronic OP here innit?

Yes 5'9" manlet here that bought them just for the lift

.t Veeky Forums

ssh... our secret, okay? they will not see me coming

I initially thought it said "metalcore" and the pic still made sense

jokes on you they aren;t even that thick-soled

2 inches famalam

> 16 shoe size
> manlet
stay salty down there

.t midget clown

> n-no u

6'2" is still pretty short dude, most women get that tall with heels.

This, how embarrassing for user

> he dates women

6;7 is the minimum height for a man now adays. anyless and you're fucked

As a disgusting tranny I'm glad to hear so!

Fucking dwarves ITT. Everyone knows 7'2" is the minimum height for guys to be considered acceptable tier, and even then it's on the short side.

6'0" and still wearing those

Well good because that's manlet tier

anyone who isnt exactly 6' 5.25" should just end it now

5' 7" here
what to wear?

No only 1.25

A noose

underrated comment



I just wear bombers and slim-fit pants and Sambas.

t. 5'4" Southeast Asian

Let the manlet believe in his delusions.


> samefagging this hard
must suck to be u

im 6'1 and im going to buy these AND put a height sole in it to become 6'4 SMD MANLETS

Agreed. 7'11 to 8'1 is probably ideal.