Are my tattoos effay ?

Are my tattoos effay ?
Am I too buffed or should I try to loose some weight ?


but im for real

Nintendo tats, a freemason tat, a jew tat, and a flying pig tat what the fuck was this dude thinking and what are these contrasting interests



Hate to be blunt but your bod is too doughy to pull off tattoos. You don't have to be jacked but you just lose weight in general


b8. Original was like a month ago.

>being foolish enough to believe this in 2017

I think you look handsome and healthy but it wouldn't be a bad idea to lose some weight. Your tattoos are generally pretty dorky but some people will think that's cute. I for one appreciate the sincerity.

Just got this today. How's it look?

that's not buffed, that's a porkball

Believe what?


I kind of want to see you naked

best tats in the game

Well, im not a fan.

it looks nice, but a different placement wouldve been better. for example inner biceps.

what biceps lmao

Hey lanky arms can whip it. Whip it gud.

You should lose some weight. That's not buff, that is fat.

is it finished?

Yes, there is no shading. Minimalist.

Can you color the sheep in and make him black Phillip?


That's a goat you stupid fuck

yeah mean youre too "buffed"