GXY Galaxy Resources & Lithium


GXY - has a producing mine in Mt. Cattlin and a management with know-how for years now, had to shut the mine down since there was no interest for lithium in 2009-2012, but restarted it now in great supply shortage. has a lithium off-take agreement with mitsubishi, the production started two days ago. share price still massively undervalued. has a low-cost brine deposit in Sal de vida waiting for development.

My best choice for investment in the industry is GXY, they are the ONLY producing lithium company next to the "big five" (ALB, SQM, FMC, Tianqi, Ganfeng) with a shareprice that is massively undervalued and no debt in the company. Everybody else from the lithium junior developers are virtuals (companys with a research in their hand and a field infront of them).

GXY is a good investment, solid company, no debt, good experienced management with ties in china and year-long know-how in the industry, experience in the sector meaning they already did this for years now and most importantly they have a producing lithium mine which works and already produces, NO other company in that mkt.cap-range or SP has that. A bargain at the current price.

>How do I buy GXY

IF BURGER: GALXF (Traded on OTC Market)

>Can I Trade w/ Robinhood

NO. Only LARGE PROFESSIONAL brokerages trade. If you have to ask this question or any questions regarding how to trade OTC I recommend you go back to your memecoins

>Is this a Pump & Dump?!?!!

NO. GXY trades, on average, 8,000,000 shares on any given day with the previous weeks topping out at 15,000,000 shares. This is several millions of dollars worth on money being invested here.

>What is your price target

Assuming lithlium prices continue their unprecedented rise (up 50% for the year) and since GXY is actually mining then we expect to hit at least $2.50 which is their previous high

Other urls found in this thread:


>inb4 flooded with dump
Stock has retraced 10% on a 90% gain. Either buy the dip or sell and move along. But since this is most of your first time I'm expecting the latter

we know it man, we know it. who bought, bought. we can move to ASX threads now instead of spending time replying to retards and doomfags shitposting

These threads are comfy though and I don't want to drag this to the ASX

Is GALXF an ADR? If not what is it? I seriously can't find any info on the issue or how it specifically represents interest in Galaxy Resources.

>ere we go again
for three weeks, same fucking questions

It's not the same question. I'm in and holding till dec. I know it trades OTC. Typically a foreign stock in the pink sheets is gonna be an ADR and you can read the issue disclosure for specifics on how FX and international funds transfers are handled, the size of the block held by the IB and which IB. You DO know what an ADR is, right?

just inform yourself


Major dip buying occurring right now. Check out GALXF. Huge gap in bid/ask

Okay ya got me. I didn't know about the qualified market thing. So my galxf is indeed gxy shares, not a derivative.

In at .23 so my blood pressure won't budge for another 7 cents.

some roastie from lynxbroker called me why i cancelled signup, was about to use it to buy GXY but the 3000 eur min deposit ruined it

t. neet

People who sell should be shot.

Luckily the price is stabilizing.

Just canceled my sale, was going to dump everything.but.profit but the interneets have convinced me.to stay, was in at 26/27 so I'm still up almost 18%. Yeah it looks like it's stabilizing. Hoping it will break 42c soon

I'm in at .21 and I'll sell if we hit .22

I was in at .33 and got 1k worth, what should I do?

The dream is over, buy gold instead!


I bet it runs on water too.

Hold? Sell? Are you worried? I usually set stop loss at 5%

Jesus.... Between galxf and sxe tanking, I keep trying to get back.to sxe when it looks stable and then.it fucking tanks again...

How much more is this shit gonna dip

Kinda worried with this Mitsubishi business, was considering selling when I heard that and now it's losing some momentum. I don't wanna hold if there's a good chance their prospects aren't gonna pan out, and I really don't know shit about these industries. I mean I can afford to lose 1k but it'd be gay

>Kinda worried with this Mitsubishi business
you do realise there are numerous other businesses which would suck a dick to be able to buy GXY's lithium for spot price after ALB and Tianqi pumped it and can't even meet the rising demand. the original thread is unfortunately dead where the guy explains it all, so I advise anyone interested into investing in GXY to DYOR or not invest at all.

>for spot price

What does this mean??

C'mon now I'm completely retarded and I know what that means, google it

This is what the consensus seems to be, I'll hold for a while. Lesson learned tho I just hopped in hoping for ez moneez without doing much research

Ez money = tons of small but huge volume gains. Aka: gotta be a billionaire to do it.

It is ez moneez if you hold for the long run. Just dump some extra cash into the stock and watch it slowly grow instead of it sitting in a savings account getting a penny a year.

is this a meme or are you guys actually all in on this stock?

Most of us memeing ARE in on this. The ones claiming PUMP AND DUMP are definitely not.
You've never experienced a meme until it's made you thousands of dollars.

I agree, battery powered vehicles are the future. Tesla has shown it. The thing that makes me think it's a MEME was the Straya part, but fair enough, I read up a little on the company and it's not a Veeky Forums ruse.

I'm curious to see how GALXF trades when ASX is closed on Monday.

Except the cleanest lithitum , lithium salts are mined in nevada

Would demand for lithium is about to jump so high they'll get what they can take

I'm in $2000 at US$0.25/share.

I have faith that it will go back up, this sell off was just for all the people holding from years ago when the stock was neigh worthless.

They gained a shitload, so of course they're getting out now, they're happy.

But the company is worth more than what it's sitting at, so I hold until it climbs more again.

I think I might dabble, too.....

It actually has more upside potential than downside potential. If people took the time to look at the information, Galaxy has gone through an incredible 2 year turn around.

I am just hoping they got the $18M. If they did - I must admit . . . it will go to the moon.

Where did you buy it? Sorry for the dumb question, but I'v never bought stock before. USA, is there anything I need to know about AUS market that might be different from USA?

From yesterday if this helps.
It was reported a lot of selling was done across mining and oil stocks to take their profits.

Also its long weekend here so the high rollers need hooker and coke money.


I only jumped on the train with about $2k at .34 each.
I trust the research and intend to hold this for a good time to see this small mining operation grow


>17 April 2013 – Galaxy Resources Ltd advises that production at its Jiangsu Lithium Carbonate Plant in China has reached 386 tonnes in the first half (15 days) of April 2013. Lithium carbonate output over that period has averaged 26 tonnes per day, which represents 55% of the Plant’s design

30 April 2014 – Galaxy Resources Ltd is pleased to announce the signing of a binding Share Purchase Agreement with Sichuan Tianqi Lithium Industries Inc. (“Tianqi”) for the sale of 100% of the Jiangsu Lithium Carbonate Plant.


Not him but Scottrade

Is this some shill shit or nah

Thanks, man. I need to start getting into this stuff. 30 years old and all I have is about 15k in savings and the bank isn't generating anything.

Best thing they ever did - can the old management and bring in Tse. The fact he and a new team reorganized the company without bankruptcy or dangerous financing is great. Company is smaller, but the debt is gone along with the disaster of the Chinese property. (There were deaths, limited production capacity, labor problems, and serious debt.)

Now done, Tse and his team have this company already producing, $30M credit line (tapped, but much better than the HUGE one before), and a partner running Mt. Cattlain and paying to do so.

There are a couple hiccups - (Hong Kong lawsuit about the Chinese property $2-3M, and the question of did GXY get $18M) - but overall, it is miles ahead of the other WA ones.

Tse and his team deserve a lot of credit and this stock is below the value of the assets imo - especially when Mt. C gets cranking in full by December and GXY pushes higher tonnage and pricing.

After this - SDV in SA - if they can do that this will skyrocket.

Just my 2cents from reading their documents for several days.

I sold yesterday at .35, GALXF. I'm getting back in at .20 if it goes that low. Otherwise I'm out for good.

I'm pissed I didn't sell at .41, cost me about $600.

You guy's ARE FUCKING RETARDS IF YOU INVEST IN THIS SHITTY ASS COMPANY. Jesus fucking christ. If you have over 10G invest in CHK look it up you fucking twats i made 2800$ today off them. AND THEY ARE JUST BEGINING

Gonna have to do some research on them. They declined pretty hard this past year.

>Scientists can now make lithium-ion batteries last a lifetime

>The discovery could lead to vastly longer lifespans for batteries in computers, smartphones, appliances, cars and spacecraft

>Researchers at the University of California at Irvine (UCI) said that's exactly what they were doing when they discovered how to increase the tensile strength of nanowires that could be used to make lithium-ion batteries last virtually forever.

Once this technique is adopted by battery manufactures lithium mining will fall hard as the need to replace lithium batteries will be no existent.


From the street.com

>The company's weaknesses can be seen in multiple areas, such as its deteriorating net income, generally high debt management risk, disappointing return on equity, weak operating cash flow and generally disappointing historical performance in the stock itself

This sounds like a summer stock when gas demands are higher than normal.

But they'll need them now with car manufacturers moving away from gas powered vehicles.

>bought GALXF when it was 0.41
How fucked am I?

Some think that it will go up but you're in a worse position than someone who got in at .25

>you're in a worse position than someone who got in at .25

Wow great insight.

Do you mean to say that .41 is more than .25?

I did the same, I don't really care. It's DEFINITELY going MOON

The better question is why are you not averaging down right now with the recent dip?

i bought gxy at 37 and it went down to 34 before going up to 48 before going down to 43

this is what stocks do.

tuesday or wed there will be a pump back to 46


Ah faith, the trading strategy of the billionaire class.

Why would they not get 18 million? Can you give me some backstory pls

They wouldnt get it if they fail to deliver.

You'll be fine.

Let the lithiums hit the floor edition is this ?

Sure. Tse, (who basically was put into GXY by large creditors to turn it around), wiped out a shitload of debt in spinning off the Chinese mine - and with it Chinese debt. From that involvement, GXY made numerous contacts with Chinese lithium refiners.

While there is an exclusive deal with Mitsubishi, I am presuming it is an option deal that Mitsubishi can exercise a right to buy all ore produced when it wants to - until then, GXY is free to sell.

So, with the above set forth, GXY has contracts totaling $36M for the initial ore production @ $600/t. The deal required the purchasers to pay $18M on or before 3/31.

(This is why I and others keep harassing about the question: "Where's the $18M?" Some say earnings reports - others say: fuck that do a press release GXY and pop that stock!)

GXY is doing work with product that had evidently been mined up now to export under the contracts. The money from the contracts will help GXY into the next phase which is full blown mining at Mt. C in WA.

Tse, the guy running the show and a very smart man, has let it be known that the current operation will hit over 60K tons this year and can expect contracts for next year of 120,000/t - because of demand - he/GXY is prudently not signing contracts now so they can raise the price per ton. (Next year they will be hitting 120-150/t production.)

All the above doesn't even include SDV in SA or James Bay in CA. If those come online with funds from Mt. C - this stock will no longer be a penny stock at all.

tldr; Chinese economy going through weird times and usual business shit may have delayed payment of the $18M. Worst scenario is contracts canceled, but I would believe GXY can find other purchasers fast.

Wew lad - read the GXY business documentation before such a statement. Agreements are $36M total. $18M is prepayment of half. Delivery later. No way in hell would GXY send product to China without prepayment of a lot of $$$.


You got unlucky with an opening buy on the top of a bump.
Shouldn't worry though, it'll be going back up soon.

OP is definitely on the fucking money. Also, m.phys.org/news/2016-04-chemists-battery-technology-off-the-charts-capacity.html.

I'm definitely putting money into this. That's for damn certain.

but this means that batteries will last longer. that isn't good for miners is it?

if the batteries are more efficient then adoption will increase

They will need lithium to make these batteries. Maybe demand will fall in the long, long term. They will need new lithium to create batteries that will encompass all sorts of technology. As this starts up, demand for lithium will skyrocket even more.

>but this means that batteries will last longer. that isn't good for miners is it?

The research the article is quoting is about LiC's (Lithium-Ion capacitators) not LiB's (Lithium-Ion batteries), unfortunately a lot of journalists are not educated enough in the energy storage field and make wrong assumptions while informing the public. LiC's have higher charge/discharge cycles than LiB's, however their energy density is much smaller. The information is interesting, but irrelevant from the investing point of view.

Is this a good time to buy the stock or do you think it'll dip a bit more Monday morning?

Monday morning will see little movement as Asx is closed. You could see people buying back after the long weekend in Australia. I'm buying more shares Monday.

5 star post, was gonna read the articles but you saved me some time.

April 30th is supposed to be a big day for this stock?

Earnings report, last year was positive, whereas the years before were negative

so price will burst up or?

It will be positive?


the days preceding it will likely have the price shoot up, and depending on if the report is positive it should shoot up more.

think about it my dude. fundamental analysis tells us lithium prices are way up, their mines are opening, and that they may or may not have a big contract in place. this probably gives us around an 80% chance of the report being positive and likewise an 80% chance of the p[rice going up hugely the day before as people try to buy in before the news is released

If they confirm they got the $18M and the mine is working as hoped, stock has very decent shot at going over $1.00 shortly after the report is released.

Why? What makes you say $1? Or did you just pull that number out of your ass?

look at the share price history

1 dollar is a reasonable estimate for the news this company will garner

>rising lithium company with actual mines shows positive earnings
>people want on the lithium train
>price goes up

Norway is like 30% Teslas

I've missed a couple of days of this ...can someone recap what Tse is ?

>can someone recap what Tse is ?
Anthony Tse, managing director of Galaxy Resources. youtube.com/watch?v=6ZNPeJOvbCQ

Those prices were before dilution. IIRC the highest MC previously was like between 200-400m. I do think we're headed for $1 but what prices used to be aren't the indicator, market caps of companies similar to the projection for GXY. PLS for instance probably doesn't deserve a larger MC than GXY near-term, so that's just one reason why I think GXY will go up.

Veeky Forums should meme one of us to GXY's Board

if there is a earnings report on the 30th wouldnt the stock almost certainly go up the 29th? Why not just throw like $5,000 into it on the 26th and then if you dont feel like holding dump it the 30th? or even late in the day the 29th..

im buying 25th, there shouldnt be any dips till 30th

What platform/website do you guys trade with? looking to join the game

what makes you say that? I can see it go down the 25th and bounce up the 26th..

also im somewhat new to stocks so how will the Australian market being closed on Monday affect GALFX? isnt it basically just the US version of GXY?

thats why i typed shouldnt, we'll see on 26th what is the sentiment of market, maybe it'll dip further and i am wrong

>TFW I have an international finance final at the same time the aus market opens tuesday.

Gonna be white knucklin', boys.


im stil here, the true moonish April holder,

>for those dedicated dont worry if threads on biz gonna die
>im workin on a gxy web,please wait few days for daylait.com

After doing hours of research, I must say thanks for the heads up. In exchange I'll offer my take on the technicals as they stand. I see a lot of people saying they dont expect a dip etc.

It is entirely possible for price to push below the .322 area. If this happens, demand will not start coming back in to play until the .28 region, with a possible selloff all the way down to .255

Supply, on the other hand is centered around the .345 area. I meaningful break above this area would not run in to meaningful supply until .404+

In short, if youre looking to go long, watch for a dip to at least .28 during the week.If price fails to fall below the .322 price point, keep a close eye on the .355 for confirmation.



>After doing hours of research

I'm not selling my shares you shill

So we're all putting 5k on the 26th and dumping it at the end of day on the 29th? Isn't this illegal?


I'm holdin' till december at least

Didn't realize I even remotely suggested selling anything but ok