Female inspo





Argh why do you constantly have to post those shing shongs in female inspo threads?

ID on shoes?







not op but i live to trigger ppl like u

why do you constantly have to be so racist?
fashion is a global thing...

Does anyone know of some beauty gurus on YouTube similar to Jessica clements? Natural type makeup

>women in 2017






wtc her neck and face


asians r so cute desue XDD!

How about you shut the fuck up and post your basic white bitch inspo then



How about we post female inspo instead. These threads usually end up being a mono racial thing where only asians are posted, as if these threads are made by white beta males with yellow fever.

are asians not female?

I'm pretty new to Veeky Forums

Am I go the wrong direction?

when I read "female inspo" I expect people of all races, no just asians.


no, I mean you could maybe find something a little more creative? but in all youre fine

not bad for basic fits. if youre new i say yea for now focus on getting the basics in your wardrobe. then once you got that maybe you can add something extra.

fucking hell i hate being a male


plaid is hideous stop


You would hate yourself no matter what you were.

I'm not interested in your anti-white opinions.


you spelled facts wrong


Are you even female?

this thread is already literally 99% basic meme outfits





mods r asleep post flowy trousers

reminder that your femininity is powerful

currently in ownership of 2 pairs of flowy trousers but i want m o r e


id on boots?

god I need shirts like this, what are they called?

she just looks like a fucking dork...

but if it was all white people, as most threads usually are, you wouldn't have a problem...

because asian girls on average are just better at fashion than white girls
>inb4 anecdotal evidence
its not like people seek out to only post asian girls its just most good inspo for girls tend to be asian because they photograph and stylise things more nicely
instead of getting buttmad and posting racist garbage why dont you post some inspo from white girls to further your agenda


>something is coincidentally asian


is your primary exposure to asian girls on the internet

in aggregate they dress as poorly as any other race





they're probably doc martins. i recognize it cuz they're a worn out cliche. just don't


no ive lived in both western and asian countries and by far are the eastern fashion trends more organic and diverse
but i may have misworded, sorry
when it comes to inspo, asian inspo is usually better for girls (id say so for guys aswell but thats more debatable)

lol why are u getting so triggered u fucking autist



la musica ideas portara


then post white girls to even it out you fucking inbred

complaining isn't going to stop the asian posters in fact now I'm going to post asians aswell just to piss you off, when i initially planned to just lurk.

>the Jared Leto look


That's why the look is great though.

What is naos tumblr?

SJWs get off my board reeee





Fucking subhuman Americunt/Americuck destroyed another thread with their racial insecurity..


asian gap model v nice

did my ex gf have good a Veeky Forumsshion sense?

yo i fucking hate it when i see nice, huge shirts and i try them on and they buldge out the back like that

average at best for where i live (toronto)

thx mate, here's another one of her, i think she was somewhat effay overall


Who is this angel?






