Holy shit

holy shit..

just proof if you're attractive you can do anything

How much is he getting paid to model? Jesus Christ.

Holy fuuuuuuuuck

where to cop a gf who wouldnt be attracted to these kinda guys?

Where can I see his work?

> new money

they'll file for bankruptcy in months

This. Reminds me of poor people who win lottery then end up even poorer than they were before after a few months,


some home girl in asia

so where do I get a sugarmomma?

Yeah dude guy is so fucked

homeboy used to stay in weston ranch here in stockton

Crime does pay after all.

good, white woman racemixing with a criminal degenerate...it's all working as planned....

Reminds me of a Rolls Royce Phantom that I saw getting repo-d in front of a shitty apartment complex with a couple of squad cars.

Scum of the earth

She doesn't really look white.

fucking idiots, live within your means
these people are the reason the economy crashed in 08'

does anyone know what he was charged with?

i think he was riding in a car with someone who had a gun and he was charged with firearm possession

apparently he also beat a 16 year old to a pulp in 2002

if he had brown eyes he'd still be in jail living the life of a not white mulatto thing

but with blue eyes hes rich and white
which is further proof Mediterraneans arent white

She looks like typical white trash hood rat from nigger ghetto.