How do we make Veeky Forums great again?

How do we make Veeky Forums great again?

We should make Avery Ginsburg inspo threads

Step 1. remove all tripfags, especially the cancerous ones like the fake Eliza basement dweller and the edgy mexican beaner that types in all caps. They bring nothing to the board and make every thread objectively worse in content when they post.

Step 2. Update the sticky so its relevant and newfags actually have a clue before posting their trash here.

Step 3. Bring back discussions of designers. Not just rick, but all kinds, from jap shit to archive to ready-to-wear and avant garde.

Step 4. Delete any thread that asks "Is X effay?" and shit along those lines.
Fuccboi Generals should be used for those

Step 5. Get a janitor that deletes all non-fashion related threads. There should be a Miscellaneous General that goes up consistently for all non-fashion talk.

Step 6. Make a Newfag WAYWT in addition to the regular WAYWT. The newfag thread will hopefully raise the quality of the other WAYWT by containing all the trash fits to one general area, and people can give legit advice in both.

Only if these steps are taken can Veeky Forums be great again, theres too many wannabe newfags/tripfags that don't know jackshit about fashion.

it never was

The separate WAYWT thread would have been a sick idea 2 or 3 years ago. But now the WAYWTs are so dead that newfags and irrelevant tripfags included barely reach 300.

Also worth noting, all of the decent posters have left this place, so in other words newfags and tripfags are all Veeky Forums has to work with currently.

>Step 6. Make a Newfag WAYWT in addition to the regular WAYWT. The newfag thread will hopefully raise the quality of the other WAYWT by containing all the trash fits to one general area, and people can give legit advice in both.

Probably the best idea i have heard in this board





Fuck off cunt

i dont think this is actually him, the trip is different
hes mexican btw

yeah I know.
The issue now is that there is so little good content overall that idk how to bring it back even using these steps

I am mexican too, i can find him and kill him if you want, i hate him

It was a joke, boys
I guess I was more convincing than I thought

The fact is : the "good" posters are discouraged to face all that bs and either leave or stop posting, so there's kind of a vicious circle.
Following the steps by + encouraging the wise to give advice and post for inspiration would be great.

Or we can just leave this board and let it become absolute thrash.

lol a lot of people want him fucking dead
theyre on edge

honestly the only time any constructive feedback is given is in the depression/effay feels threads. If we could maybe be like that, or even at least supportive like 30% of the time it would massively help Veeky Forums stop being so trash. It's not like we have to stop being "edgy" either, if a fit is bad you can legit still roast them but maybe if we gave some actual advice other than "lol kys faggot" it would lead to less posters making the same mistakes

There is a thread right now making fun of reddits WAYWT top posts and i swear to god there are better fits there than in the current WAYWT thread from here.

>Ban nigger threads/posters

>Ban faggish threads/posters

Veeky Forums would be 99% great. And I don't mean actual normal black people I mean their corrupt degenerate variant: the gansta dindu nigger, same as I don't mean normal homosexual people I mean their corrupt degenerate variant: the flamboyant fairy faggot

Tbh senpai they should be banned in real life with a bullet to the nape

ban flyover state ip addresses

enforce a posting threshold, must own a minimum of 10 designer garments before contributing

No, constructive feedback is given often in waywt but the kids just get angry and refuse advice when confronted with the possibility that they're not already dressing perfectly. Ban anyone under 20, then this board will be free

How feasible is this? Do you think the mods and hoot will support this? Step 1, 4 and 5 are not usable. You've got to find a solution compatible with the limits.

I've seen some threads where people discussed updating the wiki, but weren't able to edit it? I'm not sure. Even if it was updated, do you think people would read it?

How do you bring back discussion? You don't buy it at the supermarket, you need to stimulate people. Why do most of those threads only get 50 replies or something? Is it a knowledge problem?

In other meta threads I've seen the comment that "good posters", better said: knowledgeable folks, don't have any reason to be here. People only come here for advice. If you figured out your style, you're done here. What you could do is them to give some space, through /DIY/ threads, runway threads and maybe other ones.

Criminally underrated post

Are there any decent non-Veeky Forums forums or boards for fashion? What other sites do you guys use?

here. These knowledgeable folks are essential in this board to actually GIVE the advices people want. And we need to come back to what this board was actually about : fashion discussion.

This board is what you want it to be
I wanted it to talk more about diy, so I made a diy general, and people came along
If you want to talk about designers, make a runway general
If you want a newfag waywt, make it happen
It's litterally that easy guys

first time on in a while, this board was usually lols and some interesting thread, but like most of 4chab its mostly garb.

>member casey

except that any designer thread inevitably gets shitted to death by newfags and crossposters.

So you stop trying?

We can make any subject we want, but the issue is the quality of the content that is being shared : it's garbage because of the newbies. That's why we need more implication from the advanced people who has experience and more humility and listening from the beginners.

Tbh Veeky Forums is only shit because the entire fashion scene is shit now
The biggest designers in the game are people like Kanye and Jerry Lorenzo
And we have too many normies trying to get into fashion.
Nobody talks about McQueen, Wang, Raf, Rick, etc. anymore
I just want the japshit, ROG, etc again
We should talk about brands like Norse Projects, wings + horns, WTAPS, NBHD, stampd, and 424 on Fairfax.

maybe less threads about losing weight and
>is X effay

maybe more threads about clothes and people who design clothes, who knows

>So you stop trying?

What the fuck is your point? Who wants to come spend their free time getting sagebombed by dyels from Veeky Forums projecting their insecurities when there are other places where you don't have to put up with that shit?

Then why bother with fa or Veeky Forums in general

fucking ban the trash polshit that stink up this board

>Tbh Veeky Forums is only shit because the entire fashion scene is shit now

You obviously aren't paying attention

>The biggest designers in the game are people like Kanye and Jerry Lorenzo

Argubly allessandeo michele, demna gvaslia and gosha
No one in fashion actually cares about those pieces of shit

>And we have too many normies trying to get into fashion.

I agree, democrazation of fashion is a bad thing

>Nobody talks about McQueen, Wang, Raf, Rick, etc. anymore

No one talked about mcqueen ever on this board seeing as he waa primarily a womens designer. Wang is a hack.

>I just want the japshit, ROG, etc again

The jap threads were autists arguing about reselling and rog was filled with faggots like nahk and that dude whose gfs nudes kepf getting posted besides they migrated to discord and wil not be coming back

>We should talk about brands like Norse Projects, wings + horns, WTAPS, NBHD, stampd, and 424 on Fairfax.

Weve talked about norse projects for as long as ive been on this board, wings and horns is shit, wtaps/nbhd falls into the same trap as the jap threads

>424 on fairfax

This is an elaborate bait isn't it

GB2 >>/qa/

I'm curious
Where do you get fashion news from
I read shit like highsnobiety and Hypebeast
I want to diversify and get into more high end shit

Buisness of fashion primarily for online

Also i have something like 300 or so fashion mags stuff like prodism,032c, amagby, sense, etc

>remove all tripfags
There have been good, knowledgeable trips. The current kind are bad.

WWD and BoF are good places to start. If you're into sneakers, you can subscribe to headlines from Footwear News with a WWD sub. NYT and the Guardian have decent style coverage during fashion weeks. Some magazines websites have good coverage of fashion stuff, but it's often clickbait trash. I like Dazed and Confused and Purple sometimes for longer form fashion pieces.

Dazed and confused's social media is ...something...

>We should talk about brands like Norse Projects, wings + horns, WTAPS, NBHD, stampd, and 424 on Fairfax
These are all complete shite you tasteless fuck, you are part of the problem and you aren't even aware of it

Fucking authoritarian bullshit. This is not reddit, so fuck rules man. We're here for the memes and bantz and shit.

Please tell me the differenxe between ready to wear and avant garde i am dying to hear what you think the difference is

I'm just spitballing ideas here. These are just things I was thinking

>stampd and 424
those are terrible though

Veeky Forums always had rules.
Try to post this garbage on /a/ and see what happens.
>We're here for the memes and bantz and shit
Speak for yourself retard.

>kids just get angry and refuse advice when confronted with the possibility that they're not already dressing perfectly
That doesn't happen.
You only get "talk shit post fit" replies to shitposters who reply to everyone in the thread by saying stuff like "lol kys a noose a noose!".
"Talk shit post fit" is a pretty good rule, if you don't put yourself out there and play there's no reason for you to be in the thread.

>the flamboyant fairy faggot
Most fashion designers/consumers are just like that. They're part of the fashion world and they probably contribute here more than you do.

the diy general was cool

the whole anonymous thing makes it inevitable, idiot. Maybe if people werent so afraid of other websites, like reddit or whatever, you could talk about what you want easier with more accountability for people who ruin the site.

Maybe make a discord, or hell, make a fucking forum like its 2009

It has happened multiple times. I'm not talking about the situation you mentioned either.

fuck off to plebbit shithole fag

hi tripsk