Was A$AP Yams effay ?

Was A$AP Yams effay ?

>when you laying in bed eating a jelly donut and the donut bursts on your face

if they have asap at the beginning of their name they're not Veeky Forums

not really, but he had a lot of character


imagine being a grown 30 year old man and putting your gang name in the front of your name then unironically wearing it as a permanent fixture

hahahahahahaha rappers are so cringe

> putting your gang name in the front of your name
>Gang name
ASAP is a gang??? I never knew

gang/crew/squad you know what i ment cunt

some of the shit rappers get away with baffles me. rap music is the corniest most embarrassing culture


Kek I remember in the 9th grade my social circle had a name we used to call ourselves as a joke. ASAP mob are way to old to still be role playing . I don't know they look at themselves in the mirror

throw your self off a cliff op

You've never heard of the infamous A$APs vs Crips rivalry? damn

ASAP rocky is effay

prove me wrong

protip: you cant

You're right, I can't, because the image you posted has already done so.


protip: you cannot prove me wrong


Imagine being anybody who doesn't understand what a brand is and expresses this freely online

lol looks like something that would get posted on lookbook.nu

the brand is cringe though

I miss him guys

maybe once i reach his level of fashion sense

rocky posters need to return to /r/streetwear

hes way better than that

go to asos.com and check the popular tag

same, his tweets were funny

post the standing up version of this pic. the silohuete is horrible

maybe thats where you need to be if you cant understand the deep intricacies of his outfits

looks good here Jim

Is this supposed to be proof?


is it not?

im missing out on getting blowjobs like this

wicked b8


Their fan base is teenagers anyway so I guess it doesn't matter


At least I respect his love for Hennessy

fuck back to /r/streetwear faggot

>in street wear

Question answered itself


What's wrong with being a spic you fucking racist faggot?

rip yams


No, A$AP stole all of SGP's style and claimed they started it all, fuck them but RIP Yammy he did have some funny tweets


this is how i imagine asap rocky fans dress


>those fucking overalls
gets me everytime