Why don't you guys like classic americana?

Why don't you guys like classic americana?

Other urls found in this thread:


what jeans

Levi's 501 STF

Because Veeky Forums is just a bunch of fucking hipsters.

as if people wearing Americana aren't?

The vast majority of people wearing "Americana" just call it "clothing."


it's good when you keep it to minimal stuff like this, but it's easy to look like you're trying too hard.

The vast majority of the people who are into Americana also bitch about the lack of American manufacturing, but aside from shitty-ass Harleys, refuse to pay the price that American manufacturers put on their goods.


just image search it

>classic americana
>nigger in picture
>not hanging from a rope.

That would be classic americana when involving a negroid.

Is there such a thing as americana sneakers? I like my boots but don't want to wear them all the time, especially in summer

the stuff is okay but the people who post about it on the internet are reddit #bifl neckbeards

new balance, pf flyers

This is actually nice except that most dudes who wear americana have these really shitty rectangular jeans not effay

what are rectangular jeans

what brand are the boots?

so edgy, much wow


I think he is talking about is people cuffing their jeans like this

>Pic related.
>New Balance autism shoes.

The two staples of """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""American fashion"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

bending your jeans is not americana

Anybody know what those boots might be?

>This is actually nice except that most dudes who wear americana have these really shitty rectangular jeans not effay
Is this just skinny-jean-wearing-faggot-talk for straight-leg jeans?

American textiles are expensive due to a loss of skills after the 90s once Bill adopted globalism as the economic trajectory of the nation. Reagonmics was okay, when the wealthy were invested in the U.S. But combined with low-no tarriffs and welcoming nations abroad jobs were shipped overseas to manufacture goods that were then imported which decimated manufacturing which had not seen significant investment in a long time in the U.S. Rather than build a new plant in the U.S, they just kept the old plants from the 50's and 60's in areas that had undergone urban decay which meant the lowest of skill workers were there and dependent upon the plant.

What this meant is that a vast section of the U.S labor loss the skills necessary for textile manufacturing which is why there is currently a massive demand for workers that still have those skills. Jobs are paying 15$+ an hour in places at 7,25$ because they simply cant fill the demand.

Time to stop, fella. It's been years. Give it up. No one is going to use it as slang.

damn dude ur cool as fuck

if those are 501 stf's they're like a size 28

don't expect them to fit like that

looking good dan

thanks dan

fuck this looks good, I remember in 2012-13 when I liked this shit then I came to terms that I was a young looking skinny manlet who would looks silly in this stuff, so I sold my boots le memes

I think the answer to your question is in my response, this board is filled with twinky teens, americana aint their thang

lol his belt 2 fat for his belt loop

Did you vote for trump, will trump help save the industry

OP said classic.

I posted a book in the pastebin that you might be interested in, OP
it's about vintage labels and it's very nice
*My Super B Class Archive (1970s Vintage Clothing Guide): drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0jc0NJQ4qefeXNMNFVaOVBvajQ?usp=sharing

That has nothing to do with their hypocrisy though.

It explains why they use the lazy copout of "Why would I pay $200 for a pair of Rogue Territory's made in USA jeans when I can buy 3 octillion pairs of jeans for a nickel at Costco!", though.

moncler egide

Lol this is so fucking gay.

>black people
>work boots

YLYL thread?

fuck off

those aren't work boots, they're iron rangers. strictly 100% poseur bullshit, in other words

>refuse to pay the price that American manufacturers

As someone who works in America helping to manufacture rockets, I completely agree. Very few people are willing to pay even a few dollars more for US made goods.

Shit, I'm a skinny manlet and I pretty much dress like this for work everyday.

For some specifics, I'm 5'10" 132lbs and I mostly wear jeans or dark Carhartt pants, grey American Apparel t-shirts and a pair of Red Wing Classic Mocs that work bought me.

Is this at all effay? If not, what could I do to improve? Keep in mind that I'm a welder/weld inspector so I have to wear comfortable/durable clothes and I frequently have to wear protective clothing over them.

I work in my IRs. They're fine for it.

>I work in my IRs

Does your work actually involve things that require you to wear work boots or is it just for looks?

yeah guys just keep it simple

white tee
blue jeans
leather shoes or boots

what else could you need?

Yes, my work requires boots, or at least I much prefer to be wearing boots. I find IRs to be comfortable and supportive for that. Is that really so unbelievable to you?

Agreed. Fashion is for cu cks

you're fine. just don't go overboard with lumberjack flannels and suspenders and shit. keep it simple.
it fits your lifestyle as a welder so i dont see the problem

>Is that really so unbelievable to you?
Not at all. Was just curious whether you wore them solely for style or actual function.

>just don't go overboard with lumberjack flannels and suspenders

Thanks. I definitely won't be doing that. I just want to look a bit more effay than a simple t-shirt, jeans and work boots.


So good, yet so far (not available outside the US, too broke to shop-and-ship)...guess I'll have to make do with Levis then ().

I have a bad feeling that all the jeans I aleady have might look as bad as that...

Nigger lover

You are so cool.

w2c similar boots

Because young millenial "men" are hideous and could never pull this off.


fucken native american brand chippewa ottawa or something has the price range you want, probably.

Because we aren't all 5'4" japanese men named Hiroki

>5'4" japanese men named Hiroki

is double denim americana?
i fuck with this look, however i try to mix it with more of a post-punk aspect
looks preddy good

dude's way too thin to pull it off honestly
those fucking forearms

joke's on you, my wardrobe consists largely of RRL and LVC garments

Why do some anons use tripcodes even when their post has nothing to gain from being attributable?

Because I am a huge fucking faggot and love sucking giant cocks

Complete plebeian tier shit

You legitimately have no taste






ITT: Americans trying to justify a lack of style by branding jeans and a fucking t-shirt as "Americana".

Get real you losers.
This is whats called normal clothing.

The photography is the only notable thing in this photo

I'm monitoring this thread.

I love Americana as a guideline, but as a skinny manlet I have to know my place and recognize that leather and flannel won't hide the fact that I'm a beardless motherfucker who looks pretty young.

I do enjoy wearing my moc toes and thick denim while riding my motorcycle though. Feelsgoodman.

Visvim is one of the most popular brands on here. Americana has moved elsewhere.

Japanicana > Americana

t. Weeb

Sorry bud, tradidtional Americana is now associated with microbrewery/coffee roaster hipsterfolk beard-culture pussies who listen to folk music and compare the wear on their kickstarter raw denim and Tanner goods belts while kicking around their unscuffed red-wing boots.

Japanicana like Visvim and Kapital are where it's at now.

because it's not 2009 anymore

do you even know what a tripcode is, dummy?

Visvim and Kapital aren't "Japanicana", you delusional weeb.

"Japanicana" is wandering around in Kimonos and dying by firebombing and nuclear radiation.

So... does anyone have good examples of this dressed up or in colder weather? Thick quality t-shirt with jeans and boots looks cool but I really don't have anything for more than that.

Probably flannel and like a vest under some sort of parka

Howdy, pardner

>post-punk aspect
sounds kinda pretentious

I dress classic Americana, just replace all shoes with cap-toed oxfords and throw on a parka and, if it's cold, a cardigan/sweater.

Jeans were literally invented in America, you huge faggot

Also t-shirts

That's prep, fuck off

You sneer at all those things but they sound pretty nice desu.

Fuck off Levis didn't invent jeans they just had the first US patent

Levi's invented riveted waist overalls. The original patent didn't say shit about denim or drill or any fucking textile. And "denim" and "jean" derive from French and Italian words respectively. However, what developed from that original design is still the model for jeans—indigo-dyed cotton twill trousers with riveted reinforcement. Therefore, while the constituent parts didn't originate in America, what we consider exemplar of the garment did.