Do these glasses work?

Do these work with my face shape and hair?

If not, reccomend something fresh, I'm looking to change these.

>>Problem glasses

you look like a raging homosexual with these, I´d rather think about getting contacts

Thought so. I'm not keen on putting shit in my eyes though.

Any recommendations? I know nothing about glasses and just said give me the cuck specs...

The glasses are fine, but your hair is hideous. It looks like burnt bacon grease scraped to the side of the pan with a fork.

glasses are too big for ur face and ur hair is ugly

Lmfao the guy at the barbershop was all distraught and gave me the cut for free...

Hat for the next month?

Hair is fine just over gelled in this pic.

Glasses are the right shape but too large.

"Henry Kissinger inspires me"

Thanks. I've been a long hair fag for years, so this is my first time using the shit.

Pomade work for this style?

no the hair is not fine
no its not a matter of too much product
buzzcut now

you look like a gay guy i know

glases out
unibrow out
try another haircut, the part is so much in the middle of your head. your face look a lot more rounded than it is

So far you look like a total fag. Here's what you need to do:
-Drop this ridiculous haircut.
-Start working out.
-Work on the way you smile and don't lift your eyebrows like that, that's what cucks do.

dude is like 12 years old tho, give him a break

he has a soft moustache shadow, probably 15/16

why dont you post a fit you fucking faggot

Don't worry ;)

I'm 20... Just cursed with the looks of a child

The glasses are a bit too big for you.
Take care of your eyebrows
Your haircut is really really bad. Especially that part. I think you could pull a buzzcut off.

Glasses are way to big(they should be as big as your cheekbones, oversized look bad, exception: some sunglasses).
Your face is way too round for that haircut .Shave it all and start again!

This is an 18+ website

eat more and lift more, you look 16

You'll probably look older if you get a better haircut and get glasses which actually fit the size of your head. And don't get full frame glasses, that shit is full faggot.

that's not a curse, you'll be thankful

Burn your hair, pluck out that encroaching monobrow (don't feel like a faggot, loads of guys do this and never mention it), stop raising your eyebrows and half smiling in picks like a faggot, stop being a small weak looking manchild, get half-frames, never ever wear giant nu-male glasses ever again.


Good to see more Hindus on the board.

This thread is proof that Veeky Forums is the most vicious board on Veeky Forums. Holy fuck lmao.

fuck the glasses
look at your chop, it's shit as hell

you look like a shittier unkle adams

you look hilarious

because he didnt say anything about clothing you fucking mongoloid ding a ling


To big mate

fucking gross gore

>haircut consists of a small stripe, 4cms in lenght

>that hair

oh i'm laffing

OP here. Thanks for the thrashing boys. Gonna rock this faggot cut until it grows out and I can do something else with it... And half frames actually look pretty good. Thanks for the """"""advice"""""""

literally just shave it. You look as bad as Gross Gore with that haircut.

and believe me you don't want to look like Gross Gore.

he would have to go bald or live with a stripe on his head for a few months

yeah just do it

I think OP looks cute. Bigger issue is the unibrow.

Note: I'm a fag whos into twinks.


brow fix

you look like a fine gentleman now

>Gonna rock this faggot cut until it grows out and I can do something else with it

Just buzz it, m8. Yeah you'll have a dumb stripe down your head but it will honestly look better just buzzed.

>And half frames actually look pretty good

It's been said, but you need smaller glasses. You have a baby face and a somewhat weak chin. Big frames make you look like a total child, like Johnathan Lipnicki in Like Mike or something. Do not go with the pair in the top two shots. Bottom left is best.

do these?

This is an improvement. Do this.

You look like a 13 year old nu-male.

The glasses are the only good thing in that picture.

>these are the people giving you advice on Veeky Forums

ssshiieeit you good


your face doesn't work

>the part is so much in the middle of your head. your face look a lot more rounded than it is

buzzcut faggot