Shave or grow?

How will this shit grow out? Showed barber picture of coke sprouted and she cut it wayyyyy too short. Just hoping that it grows into something vaguely like pic related.

It was a years worth of growth she cut too so I'm pissed.

Sorry, wanted it to grow into pic related. Previous pic is my hair rn.

if you style it right you cool look like pic related famalam, it's about the same length

it is the same length as cole sprouses hair moron, it looks p much the same

it looks good

You should have gone to a stylist, not a barber. Stylists are trained better for cuts that use scissors primarily like Barbers are used to only doing garbage like fades and undercuts and other clipper-heavy styles, unless it's a very nice barbershop with classically trained barbers.

went to a barber after cutting my own hair for like 3 years, a lady cut it bcos the main guy was busy with another dude and she didnt even fucking wet my hair she was like "oh god your hair is so nice" im lik.. you better not fuck it up and she kinda did

oh sorry thought it was a hair general
yeah the sides look weird, how do you style it? if you use a dryer try to apply some nice anti-frizz cream first and blow it with the coldest air setting, it takes some minutes but looks hard


They are never trained to cut men's hair well.

There are legit female barbers, and those you can trust to cut your hair. They look like angry scene lesbians usually, they'll have lots of ink and piercings and a short edgy haircut.

i've learn that the hard way
i can't stop being victim of evil women

Sides are what are annoying me.

Probably just going to suck it up till it grows, start wearing hats.

it's not that bad, just take care of it like it's your newborn

The sides for reference. Seeing as they're the bad part.

She fucked you up senpai

Fucking same, grew my hair out for 2 years and I wanted a cool, long hairstyle. I showed the FUCKING STYLIST literally like 15 pictures of how I wanted it and he cut everything off. Somehow I didn't notice it, it started off long and got shorter and shorter. I was never that pissed in my life. Literally the worst feel ever.

cut my hair yesterday and it's way to short
need to wait for like 2 weeks for this shit to look normal



Honestly just let it grow for about a month (maybe two at the most) then go to a male stylist and let him take a wack at it. Take that same picture with you and take the pictures you have posted here and let him know that if he cuts your hair the same way your previous stylist did then you'll chop his fucking testicles off, shove them down his throat, rips his eyeballs out, then skullfuck him until he chokes to death or bleeds out (whichever comes first). Don't forget to tip.

yeah, my hair grows pretty fast too. Grew like 10 inches in a year


Oh god. user, I'm sorry.