WAYWT 2/16

last thread is almost five days old

step your game up did you stop wearing clothes or what


You're trying too hard.

if you dont already know who this is youre too new

let's get this party started

where's your trip huck

Finally it's warm enough for me to ditch the liner.

last night in ny, terrible pic quality from my iphone 6+

hello, my friends

you look like a little french girl

Lookin fierce as fuck bb. Id on shoes pls.

>coffee and cigarette
I'm salivating

you look like a Veeky Forums autist that left his basement in his pyjamas and stole his dad's leather jacket

stop tucking your pants into your boots

regular asian corporate drone. nothing outstanding

oui oui that's probably what i was going for

YYPH, thanks my dude B) x

looks like most of this board is too new

I fucking love you huck looks great as per usual
Take the hat off it makes you look like a european peasant. And honestly that style just doesn't look good with your face, which is really fierce looking. Doesn't match up.
Don't cuff it looks strange, jacket looks like some final fantasy shit with all the straps not gonna lie. Not a bad fit tho, it'll turn some heads
What can even be said though honestly
Love that sweater my man

Couple days ago since now I have the most horrible fucking pimple on my neck lol. Pls no sideways mr hiroshima


Love that jacket
Interesting silhouette. What cut of pants are those and how do your sleeves like that. I think the bow shoes are little much.
Sweet sweater, otherwise normal Veeky Forums fit

Never posting again I'm so sorry everybody

how would i go about dressing fiercely?

just wide, cropped straight leg pants, idk the exact name of the cut
sleeves are quite long and hugely billowy, so i just pull the cuffs up to my elbow and there's so much fabric it spills over, creating this effect

damn i love that sweater. w2c?


i actually kinda dig the office drone vibe
it's done well here and not mfa tier

video game character

Id say milsurp, leather jackets, anything with dark tones. Combat boots

Where can I buy a tux at a decent price? I'll only wear it once this year for certain, no idea when I'd ever wear it again. But I still don't want some cheap Topman shit, yet I don't want to spend a fortune

Are you the next Jojo?


basic shit

too shit or fine?

contributing to the Veeky Forums-dresses-bad-meme


buy pants that fit you fucking queer

id on pants? looks good

wow, what a fucking faggot.

you too daddio, you could pilot my fighter plane any day

jealous because your shoes don't have bows?!?!

it's like, not even funny how fem you or that user is. It's almost insulting. Pretty fucking aggravating if you ask me.

what? are you aggrevated by words on a screen?

Ralph Lauren Purple Label famalams

What are you actually wearing here??? It looks dope. Love your hair

No, that faggot's appearance is aggravating. It's so lame and gay that it's infuriating

thanks bud

your dick is tiny, moving on to the fits


yeah don't like the bows, rest good as always

cuffs and scarf are garbage

not fashion?

i usually like native american patterns but yours is bordering on the dude weed lmao, also the rest is trash

not old enough to post, also lol

really dont like this, the red shirt in particular is bad

holy fuck youre right, you look basic asf

why do you even post

Classic critical no fit rant poster

talk shit post fit, pussy

its funny how you post this literally every thread and have never once posted a fit of your own

~~~uninspired grocery store fit bc i wanna critique y'all w/o "talk shit post fit" responses~~~

world traveller/10


fashion victim

lose the cig and sandals. i like the turtle under the bomber tho!

i dont like the shoes with this, feel like combat boots wulda gone better.

red shirt ruins what is already mediocre. jacket is ill-fitting.

would smoke w/ u

yikes!!! uncuff pant, lose scarf

10/10. most creative fit i seen here in a minute, italian artist vibes

huck shit always tight keep doin it

New overcoat. Opinions?

throw away that fucking jacket holy shit. why do you keep posting yourself with it on, it looks awful

Looks good, but why the fuck are yout aking pictures right in front of a dark drawer?

Really not feeling the velcros here
Awesome- getting some serious MGS vibes
Solid as usual

Traveling for work this week so I didn't pack anything nice

Nice. Where to cop jacket?

Flecktarn parka

our legacy

i dont comprehend

mfw i scroll down to the shoes

cool cept for camel toe

might be cool if i could see anything


Better pic


Q: Do these air force 1s look big on me?

I have wide feet so some shoes (chucks) look odd on me because I have to size up.

Pretty bad.

because then he wouldnt have a false sense of superiority

very nice
pants n shoes
very interesting

What about the pants and shoes my dude?

If you're asking what they're, 32x32 all black dickies and double white and black Nike tn's :)

no you dip this guy is you said "pants n shoes"

& he wants to know what you meant by that

oh lmao, it's a decent combo

I really need a pair of tns in my life. Are they as comfortable as I remember them being?

Hahahahahaha thanks lol

will senpai notice me if I wear this?
I like it. why are you at angry though

this is cool but still needs more straps

your companion is dressed nice

your sweater is cool and I appreciate how it matches the logo on those sneakers

you look ready to catch them all

maybe a bit too wooden... but I don't hate it

you look ready to drop (Jaeger) bombs

the aliens will accept you as earth's military leader if you use darker shoelaces

put on some shoes and I like it.

in the middle

this looks pretty cool, everything comes together nicely, although it depends on what you're doing... great travel wear I think

... :/

can't see shit

looks chill, would mosh with

idgi, like... squarecore?

I guess it was really cold so you put on all your clothes and then the boat started sinking

flame hat, bro?



dont let em talk down on you bro socks n sandals are fuckin dope

looks pretty good user

I think a tiny white accent would be cool with that fit. Do you have a white watch?

I don't but i'll look into it. What would you think of a white button down with this fit?

Go for it

I think it would look good if you button the overcoat mostly. I'm thinking little bits of white.

one of the worst fits in the history of mankind/dinosaurkind/amoebakind

please tell me you dont go out of the house in those, jesus

fucking hell I come back to Veeky Forums for the first time in two years and your ugly fucking mug is the first fucking thing I see I spent several happy months where I'd forgotten you existed and now you have to come back into my life again fuck you, you ugly fuck with no fashion sense

jesus fucking christ words can't describe how much I fucking hate you

fuck you

fuck yes senpai noticed me
(* ^ ω ^)

dslr up and running, once my laptop gets back from the shop my posts will be waaayyyyy less shit

work on ur pics, i dont think theres much wrong with the fit but u look painfully awkward

this is great but not really effay

fucking rad, snaps were wild

what r ur pins

yea fair enough, i know it's boring but i thought my suit it really nice and wanted to show off on the internet

Funeral attire + cosplay outerwear. Gonna use the money I get to fit the pants.

bottoms look good.

couple of bad style mistakes coming together here, pal, therefore, yes, you'll be noticed.

white long haired dude trying to dress like a black dude? Why?

omg you look like Gary Coleman in Avenue Q!

dunno if it's your gut, but that coat is spreading around your waist like a dress.

the way the shirt stops right above the crotch makes your whole fit looks unbalanced. Maybe use some slightly drop-crotch pants to counteract this?

not my style, but your stuff fits as it should.

thought my suit fit**


shit and fits weirdly
it's time to stop
it's time for you to stop as well
very dope

Reddit nu-male -tier.

Fuccboi today

Very nice, huck
Not a fan of the bows, but otherwise really neat
A little too zumiez, but decent concept
I luv u m@tt
What pop punk band do u play in
But seriously, kinda generic, dig the shoes
Ninja crew, shit guitar, okay fit, hard to see

Im wearing a terrible electric blue trapeze skirt, a short but large sweater and doc martens.

just awful

more suits on effay

bottoms are comfy too

ur lookin v dope as well my dude

my guitar is more punk rock than ur guitar

You ain't wrong. I'm more of a fender dude myself.


anyway this is what I actually wore

should i wear this today

also i like these:

I just wanted to show you my quads

Also the sick brand synergy

indiana jones-core
talk shit post fit, weeaboo

This is great, you look like you're on your way to drink espresso and write poetry

tech runner silhouette is nice here but i agree you need black laces
or just cop runners in palm :^)

I can't tell if you have tits.

Woahh that's heavy, Doc!