it's very difficult to make money trading

> it's very difficult to make money trading
> therefore the market is efficient

Why do people believe this bullshit?

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Nice non sequitur

Here's your (you)

Nice non-response. Too difficult to defend your precious EMH?

depends what you're doing - short term trading in highly liquid products and big name stocks - sure they're all very efficiently at least in terms of their short term intraday movements relative to each other

buy and hold, value investing etc.. on the other hand - nope... the market is erratic some stocks gaining and losing double digit percentages based on hope, fear, subjective predictions of future decisions of governments and central banks etc..while the underlying business itself is unchanged. Even more so for some smaller and mid size stocks too small for a lot of larger funds to bother with.

The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.

Emergency medical hologram ?

>Why do people believe this bullshit?
Because they're stupid af and don't understand how to appraise a business' true value as distinct from its current market price.

Coping mechanism for dumb fucks. If market was efficient, how come WB is still making a shit load of money

>therefore the market is efficient (at price discovery)
explain how it isn't true

But the true value is its market price. Don't you see everything is built upon memes.

>But the true value is its market price.
How do you figure?

He makes his money by owning businesses. Not trading in meme stocks

>But the true value is its market price
What is the true value of picrelated?

This is the truth of all things desu

The market he trades in is quite efficient. He knows the structure of American business is to recover from lows that come after exuberant highs. His model works in both environments: buy low and hold forever in companies too big to fail.

>His model works in both environments
No it doesn't. Buffett almost always loses to the S&P 500 index in bull markets.

because they have been brainwashed by iHaz

He has what 10 million?

When one of you smart asses day trades to 10 million than you can talk shit

So far its a bunch of whiney wannabe faggots blowing out their neasley savings on cryptos and options

Money talks. Bullshit walks. Step up fag

I see this guy's name all the time.
Has he really become a meme of himself, based simply upon being a douchebag?

You don't think every intelligent investor understands how to find the stocks intrinsic/fundamental value? With all these other investors finding close to the right intrinsic value the market price of the stock reflects the averages of these.. You don't know more than all the people on wall street.. It's a gamble in the end, but it's about playing the right gambles.

>Why do people believe this bullshit?
outside of students and professors there is basically nobody that believes in the EMH. ive talked to 100+ traders, fund managers and others that actually work with markets and ive yet to hear a single one of them say they believe it.

>learn FCFF and FCFE valuation methods
> compare to dividend discount and implied P/E
>omg omg
>buy a stock near its all time high
>it's an investment though who cares about timing lelel
>lose 80% value no coming back have to sell have no money for textbooks
>have to suck cock at rest stop for tuition
>huge herpes oozing out they itch so bad can't stop swallowing herpes slime at night throat always hurts
>gf dumps me she tells everyone
>hot loads of trucker splooge is the only medicine I crave my aching fuckboy throat
th-thanks Veeky Forums

Please state the nature of the medical emergency.

he vertically integrated his real estate empire

Because all asset quantification is speculative. Even the worth of labor varies from minimum of 10 dollars an hour to 2 cents a year for the same work.

That was beautiful.

>100+ traders, fund managers and others that actually work with markets
I.e., exactly people who depend on the ignorance of the masses to make money. You're a market cuck, and yet the person you go to ask if your cucked is the exact person fucking your wife.


Step up, Caucasian.....

at least im a moron with a very well paying job. cant have it all i guess.

Roleplaying on Veeky Forums .... nothing more sad.