Whats the most Veeky Forums pet?

Whats the most Veeky Forums pet?

My vote goes for the shiba inus

a negro




Are shiba inus aggressive. Like I understand dogs are what you train them to be but are they similar to put Bulls in regards to retardedness

Pit bulls being aggressive or particularily retarded is a meme perpetuated by the media, which in turn is perpetuated by total bellends getting pitbulls because they think the dog's going to make them seem cool.

In reality they're fantastic family dogs that love people, but they have to be properly socialised with other dogs.



what does that have to do with shiba inus?

We'll I guess he like halfway answered my question lol

Dont pit bulls have a shit ton of health issues due to how they were bred?

Definitely. It goes for a vast majority of modern dog breeds; a lot of them were absolutely ruined.

Some breeders are trying to fix it though, but it won't be easy.

>pit bulls are 100% safe don't listen to anyone but people who are stupid enough to own pit bulls they're just like any other breed except you have to go out of your way to socialize them in such a way that they no longer wish to kill people you know like how every other breed is always trying to kill people unless you structure your life around fundamentally changing their psychology

I volunteer at an animal shelter and the two most common dogs we get are chihuahuas and pit bulls because it's irresponsible shitforbrains like you who buy those dogs in the first place.

Yes they are. . Especially towards other dogs. They are also needy and destructive 0/10 shifty memo dog

not really a meme, pit bulls are the niggers of the dog world. Like straight up, they account disproportionately for like 50% of dog attacks or something along those lines. My 5 foot 50 something year old mother continuously thinks its a good idea to get one once our Labrador dies, and I am sorely tempted to just montage pitbulls just fuckin mangling people because she's too much of an animal lover softie to properly train one. We have a goddamn Australian Shepard that doesn't listen worth a damn because she refused to train it or discipline it as a pup because she didn't want it to dislike her in anyway. Fuck I'm angry now.

he's mulatto u kno

those are geese


Any pet that you love and isn't cruel to the animal itself to own.


but you need a negro to make yourself a mulatto

The most effay pet is a dobermann. This is a fact.

a white fox


Russian Blue

A white tiger


a corgi :)


i love alex jones. people post your favorite alex jones videos here pls

i have a cat but most a doberman is most effay

haha thats doge

much woof

But I want one so bad