Asap Rocky is skinnyfat

Why everybody ignores that fact and still calling him pretty?

Other urls found in this thread:

yeah he's gross. i can see if you like him if you're like 16 or 17 but he really is nothing special



Yeah, I wake up late, yeah, I'm out of shape, yeah, I'm eatin' crêpes
Yeah, I'm sippin' wine, yeah, she feed me grapes

Excellent thread


embarrassing level of sucking in but he's still fucking fat like

daily reminder rocky got x100 more pussy than everyone of you

we knew he was skinnyfat since the video for peso

facial aesthetics

real men have moustaches

Would still smash tbqh

are you a girl or just homosexual?

yet there's nothing but skellys in this board

he has such great skin


he doesn't give a shit

he's still jiggy as fuck


>youtube memes as a form of communication

>memes as a form of communication



>tfw skinnyfat

i was just going to say this
he really is a pretty mf


>you will never be on stage with the whole squad rocking a sold-out show
why even live brehs

pretty fat mf

Lmao chill if this is what you consider fat you need to leave Veeky Forums and fucking socialize

jfc just get out, talk to people, realize attraction is not based on how many good boy-points and plates of rice w chicken you eat a week

majority of people active sex life are in fact not 6"11 herculean models ya fucking dingus

Rocky fans are the worst

holy fuck, this
rocky is the most boring fucking artist
get some taste pleberinos

>still calling him pretty

i must've been living under a rock. Who the fuck says this??

1x100 = 100
numbers don't lie

now say it in a fun way

he has so many dick riders on here and everyone of them wore a snapback to graduation

every girl on youtube and instagram?

clearly its not a problem for him... end of

seems like a huge fucking problem for skelly fasting faggots in thinspo threads

He used to be cool in 2013-14

Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry Self-enquiry

i saw some pic of him when he was probably unaware of being photographrd and he had kinda belly but he models for dior homme and is raf simons's friend and fucks supermodels so who cares really


hes a fucking nigger.

He makes nigger music about being a nigger and only niggers and self hating white trash listen to it.

He looks like every other boot lipped nigger.

I swear this is the most niggerloving board on Veeky Forums.

his fan boys make me cringe so hard


>memes as a lifestyle


>Yeah, I'm out of shape, yeah, I'm eatin' crêpes


this won't make your parents love you

>that nigga staring at Rocky's cheeks

damn is he thicc?

>I swear this is the most niggerloving board on Veeky Forums
Have you never been to /mu/?

Black people do not really break out

I guess that doesn't apply to mixed race blacks because my skin was fucking cursed back in middle school.

true for me, never had acne. maybe a small pimple here and there

sounds like god was punishing you

that's hardly skinny fat, it's just thin

>t. A$AP Rocky

what are you talking about

every second dark skinned black person has a farm of tiny little pimples running down their side burns


think again

spaceghostpurrp > asap

all of asap trash

SpaceGhostPurrp Says He's Now Homeless - XXL

That is wrong, but I understand why you would think that. It's harder to see on dark skin.

t. self conscious fatty

Eh, my dad is South East Asian and his skin was shit. Unfortunately, that got passed down to me. My parents could afford great skin care though so I'm acne free now.

To anyone suffering from pimples, one word: microdermabrasion. Literally saved my life.

proof that Veeky Forums is a bunch of anorexic cunts


lean belly, I feel like he was cut at one time

how you made that assumption?

yams and carti are notorious lean drinkers id assume rockys been sipping too

>Implying women care

are you the same user? we talking lean=cut or lean=dirty sprite?


nah, he's off lean and only doing gay shit like acid and vegetarianism

Jesus fucking Christ how is this even possible hormones of a 14 year old with klinefelters

no shit but you're just a coping faggot desu senpai not even a fitizen but why are you so defensive you skinnyfat nigger

I would let him live with me

>black and south east Asian?

>To anyone suffering from pimples, one word: microdermabrasion. Literally saved my life.
Will look up, cheers senpai

his body isnt bad but his face and hair are utterly repulsive tbqh senpai

>0*100 = 0


W2C that gold bracelet???

are you faggots not gonna say anything about how these pics are ALL FROM 2012-13?
he models for dior now

that was a tweet he was trollin u idiot lmfao

this is from 2017, faggot


>spaceghostpurrp be trollin

november 2016

...yet he fucks 10/10s all the time

This kills Veeky Forums.

The only natural traits that women have got when choosing partner is height and wealthy, every other shit stuff they spout is influenced by the media. Bitches would call Steve Buscemi and Brad Pitt hot and had you confused what the fuck hot means to them. They just go with the herd and dont have any personal shit.

They're both hot wtf

wrong, it's a meme forced by the same insecure faggots
tell me prince, johnny depp, lenny kravitz, al pacino, kanye, downey jr, you name it are less attractive to women

Black skin is prone to suffer from ingrown hair.
If not dealt with correctly - softening of skin, attention to not shave to closely or permanent hair removal - it might cause what you described.

You most likely only saw black people who do not know about this and shave closely until the skin fucked beyond repair.

>manlet damage control will actually believe this


>johnny depp
Gender-fluid cuck

>lenny kravitz
Fair enough

>al pacino
Who even finds him attractive

Got cucked TWICE and married a whore

>downey jr
Fair enough

>those heels

By God

Someone post link to the gold bracelet now

>Implying women don't like them having those traits


Can't a guy suck a dick without being called a homosexual these days?

nice excuses, everyone of them can fuck your bitch and your mother
