What upper clothes looks good with baggy jeans?

What upper clothes looks good with baggy jeans?

flannel shirts, hoodies, t-shirts

pinroll them and where with oversized sweater

those aren't even really baggy though


they're baggy enough imho unless you want to look like some weeb

suit yourself

stop bending your jeans. it looks fucking ridiculous.
buy the proper length.


the leg opening is wider than what most of Veeky Forums wear in waist size

it looks better that way tho

dw user, he's still young and ignorant

Looks like fucking ass, famalam


skin tight turtleneck

pic related, pants that ACTUALLY look good

that looks just as bad.
god damn chicken legs.

How was that an insult?

Baggy jeans look like shit
Actual autism-core
Looks a lot better than

You don't have to go from one extreme to another. Just a decent slim straight, or something with a light taper is best.

george costanza has some nice fits which incorporate baggy jeans

>baggy jeans look like shit.

keep wearing leggings

they werent baggy he was just fat

still looks fly af

id on these?

probably just old generic brand straight leg jeans you can find these anywhere

why do straight leg jeans always end up looking so trash on me? looking for a pair that fits like the ones in op's pic. do i have to get them tapered to look that way?

lol are you legs 2 feet long?

i fuck with this

guessing everything looks bad on you lmao

u look sorta fat

>youre not tucking
>your shirt is long
>your pants may also be horizontally creased or just too large in the waist
believe it or not, it takes 0 tapering to achieve a tapered silhoutte like op's

horizontally creased??

yeah like you folded them for storage purposes and now they're creased so that the front looks wider than the side

Take off the shirt

that looks awful too, balding older men should not wear pants that tight..especially with those prancy pointed shoes

thanks user. might look into downsizing. is there anyway to take care of the horizontal creasing with the way i store my jeans or something?

next time you put them in the drawer or something fold them so the outseam is facing frontwards




i wish this 'bending' meme had taken off

this got me


this guy is literally just overweight those aren't baggy

>literal chopstick legs

what does this mean?

I laughed to hard at this
