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Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

>MyFitnessPal: "Veeky Forums friends"

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does anyone else here plan out meals, at least a few days ahead of time?
i've been writing week-long meal plans for like a month now and its really taken the anxiety out of eating for me. the process of planning and rewriting has also saved me from binging like, countless times now

That always works really well for me when I do it, but, I rarely do an actual week. Generally just a day.

I should start doing this, sometimes I don't really know what to eat and what to prepare with the ingredients I have on hand.

On another topic, I read that when you eat it triggers a bowel movement half an hour later. I'm not getting this, sometimes I don't poop for the entire day. Am I constipated? What should I do about it?

I've been so busy lately that it's impossible for me to get more than 800 kcal in per day.

Does anyone else think that 2000 kcal is ridiculous? I can have a full meal for 200 kcal

How do I lose leg muscle? I have naturally muscular thighs and it makes me look fatter.

Also what are everyone's measurements?

>90-95 lbs

What are some low calorie foods that make you feel full?

2000 is redic if youre 5'2, 800 is prob maintenance. 2000 is a recommendation from the fifties for men who did long hours of manual work, its sad that it became so ingrained in people and prob has contributed to a lot of obesity and health problems over the years

For 5'2" and my activity levels my maintenance is around 1200 actually! But yeah 2000 is ridiculous

fuckin azn grils, jesus h:O


Is that for real? Not just some Veeky Forums meme?

depends on how you prepare it, but it's good because it makes you feel full longer than other foods with just one small bowl.

Okay so just plain oatmeal with no flavours? Seems bland.

How long can you go without food before you face serious health-related consequences?

don't, you'll stress out and crash your metabolism and it's not worth it. people who fast too much can get fatter from low metabolism and they'll look sickly

yeah i had problems with controlling my eating. I love food but food doesn't love my body lol

If we fuck, I don't want to have sex, I want to just leave my fist in between your thigh gap and sleep for the entire night

>go to a classmate's place because we have to do a presentation together
>she sits down, opens a laptop
>"Alright, so do you wanna use PowerPoint or Google office or..."
>glance at her screen
>she's ordering a pizza
>it's probably for her and her housemates, as long as I don't offer to help pay...
>"You're gonna help me eat this, user."
>"Sorry, I'm not really hungry..."
>"Too bad, I ordered a large!"

Fucking this. Every time I go out with my mates I always end up eating loads of shit.

>having friends

Wew lad

>sometimes I don't poop for the entire day. Am I constipated?
i poop once a week.

Steel cut oats with blueberries mixed in is delicious, low calorie, and filling.

It is, however, all carbs. So not good if you're trying to do LCHF. For just CICO though it's great because it's filling and low cal.

This is not healthy, for the record.

I poop 2-3 times a day. You should be pooping at least daily...maybe once every two days at the absolute least. Try some vegetables and fiber.

are you girls/guys girls or guys?

benefits of hflc?

Gallbladder problems maybe?

I haven't been able to go under 60kg for a week. I am religiously eating under 1000 calories (no I am not cheating, yes I am sure I know how to count calories).
I don't know what to do, I haven't pooped properly for this whole time, is it dangerous? What do do I do guys? Is this a plateau or am I just full of shit?

Well I think of meal ideas before I go food shopping but I don't make a strict plan. I just know roughly how many calories certain meals have and make sure they fit into my budget.

Have an espresso after every meal as a digestive. I usually poop everyday, sometimes every two days if I'm eating very little.

>I can have a full meal for 200 kcal
What do you eat?

this thread is so full of autism

Imagine being so genetically inferior you actually have to eat less calories than a starving african just to look normal

I would honestly kill myself if I had shit dna like you skinny fat manlets and chunky thighed womenlets

I hope none of you genetic dead ends are thinking about breeding


If you're a male and you've ever been higher than 12% body fat without actively trying that's a sign you have beta genes

Gaining fat is a feminine trait. I've never been higher than 10% bodyfat in my whole life

>friends who keep telling you to eat more because they're worried about your "health"


Are they wrong?. Who would wanna hang out with a mentally ill weirdo who eats 1 piece of bread in a week and makes a detailed tally board to accurately figure out how many times they shit in a day.

Fucking loser

stay jealous fatty

>tfw you fell for the 1200 calorie meme
>couldn't stay on the mark, started eating 1300-1600 instead
>ended up gaining 6lbs since January
>cut back down to a maximum of 800 calories
>no problems staying on track at all
>weight is finally going down again
The more I eat, the more I want. Therefore, it's better to eat very little.

stay delusional boi

Veeky Forumsizen here, former /thinspo/-er (I was the guy posting all the stuff about LCHF). Has anyone here every done Day on Day off (DODO) fasting? Like OMAD except like, 2:46? I'm interested in trying it because i've been doing OMAD for a while and want to take it to the next level and would love to hear from anyone whose done it.

Also I made this LCHF playlist, sorta Veeky Forums focused but with some good health oriented things (LCHF will cause your body to be warmer and waste energy via peeing out the ketones, etc.) So check it out if you want youtube.com/watch?v=BtKP9qzIt0s&list=PLH2uhJ2RmgYVETxvU_BCu1Xxb5dFt8xjj&index=1

CICO is at best a facilely correct. Correct in only the fastest and looses way possible. And endocrine approach to weight is a much better paradigm: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLH2uhJ2RmgYVETxvU_BCu1Xxb5dFt8xjj

Tl:dw If you do keto/LCHf your body will waste energy through saliva, breath, sweat, and urine and also turn your fat cells from storage centers to furnaces that burn energy for heat for the fuck of it (and to keep you from being cold when you normally would be).

Also, it's normally called LCHF

yall need HELP. this aint dieting. im cry.

my stupid fucking sticky-out chest
never used to bother me, but since I got slim I'm really self conscious about it

I like looking at Saint Laurent shit when i need motivation, warms my heart

hey guys
for months i couldn't find any nice thinspo tumblrs so yesterday i made one myself. if anyone wants to follow and submit new stuff, please do:


I thought tumblr banned that side of body positivity

fasting is the only answer

answer to what

Lol nah, thery just display a warning when you seach that word.

Why are women like this?

because they jelly

what is best thinspo exercise
also hw2 fix flat ass

started keto last week, what am i in for

Does getting skinny change facial features ? Can someone post results if so

not really in most cases, unless you're pretty obese to start with



did for me - went from 180 to 150 - used to look okay but a bit round faced and jowelly - now I'm gorgeous

still no tatas?

Cattiness among cats (felines)

What to eat on a LCHF diet if you're vegan? I have so many carbs in my house fuuck . (Bread, pasta, oatmeal etc etc)

nothing wrong with FRUITS and vegetables... no corn, bread, pasta, oatmeal.

Okay so I'm very limited activity wise, I was in an accident where I can't walk because one of my ankles has no joint movement and I also have severe arthritis. It's going to be like this forever and ever since the accident I have packed on a lot of pounds, I went from about 120 lbs to 150lbs... I'm 5'2 and I know I'm a fat fuck, what can I do to be around 90lbs with limited excercise? Is going full anorexic worth?

I haven't eaten anything today and I also need help with what to eat.

diet works
cardio isn't necessary for weight loss, it just helps

don't need to do an extreme deficit unless you're on a small time frame AND you have a will of steel

Idk but I'm just like you sort of, I can't exercise anymore and can only walk at a normal pace, no more running for me at 19 or my ankle and knees get too painful.

You should just eat less, I used to eat large portions whenever I want and ran or walked fast, I stayed above thinspo. now I'm very low activity and eat 2-3x a day (or whenever I'm hungry) but always 1600 at the most and I'm 5'9, I lost weight in months and am thinspo.

you'll need less at your height, take a daily vitamin too, just don't overeat anymore... I know it's difficult, it's easier if you learn to resist or at least distract yourself.

Im at my goal weight of 105 pounds
What now

tfw mom walks in with a burger meal and fries and i eat like 75% of the greasy ass meaty mayo packed burger and then feel guilty so i stop and dont eat the fries or the rest of it.

also while fruits are good, like the user mentioned lots of then are actually high in calories. Skip bananas all together, do a quick search on low cal fruits and eat those.

Maintenance is the hardest part. If your goal was truly 105, i suggest going 3-5 pounds lightler incase of weight fluctuation because you might disappoint yourself if you see a weight bump on the scale.

go to the gym and gain muscle

how do they make you eat food? just say no

I was in hospital once because I had a hypo and passed out from standing too quickly
they wouldn't let me leave until I'd had a coffee and a piece of toast

They can be genuinely worried tho, even if they talk to you in a stupid way.

Just don't live in America where you have to eat all that junk food

isn't that the point?

thanks user

that consider this channel is gr8

it really does, but to what extent depends on your face shape--mine is kind of square so it didn't take a lot to look round and chipmunk-ey, but i have a good jaw and cheekbones now

you have good taste user

Im 1.76 and 66 Kg.
Am I /Thin/?

I look thinner than I actually weight

why is that ?

Yes. 207 to 160 (used to be 145 but stopped because I I got bored of cardio and wanter to resistance train so I'm only recompositioning now) I forgot that I can actually be very handsome. If you're fat, say goodbye to your cheekbones and with it your facial aesthetics. Sharp features don't live on soft faces.

>Being a vegan
Just fuck my hormones up. Love yourself user. Sunflower seeds have practically perfect macro ratios. Member 50g total carbs 20g or less of net carbs (carbs minus fiber). Cronometer.com is the GOAT keto food tracker site.

especially true for men - you need to be lean and sharp - thats basically what handsomeness is. Women slightly different, for example the sterotypical 'cute' Asian girl face is soft and round and neotanous

Gonna share some advice I gave to an user on Veeky Forums who has a bulged disc and was is tremendous pain and was basically asking if there was anything else he could try before waiting for a bullet to enter his brain. Since you have arthritis and stuff.

Pic 1/2

Also, I used low calorie no exercise with great results 600 was my lowest 900 my highest that I would consider high effieciency dieting. But, movement is super super super important to mental health so whatever you have to do, if its resistance training with no leg involvement of your bum ankle or whatever, its very important that you move. It releases all kinds of compounds like Brain-derived Neurotrophic factor.

Sorry to disturb you but just looking out for your health...

Birds live longer than any other animal of their size because they have higher SATURATED FAT and animals like snakes, bears, deer, duck, rats (ground animals) have POLYUNSATURATED FAT..

Saturated fat is healthy and okay (from milk), but polyunsaturated fat ins unhealthy (the most common ingredient in processed food is vegetable oil which is very high in poly. fat, probably the reason for more disease)

try to eat less polyunsaturated fat if you can (IF YOU EAT VERY LITTLE ANYWAY, it's not AS bad for you)



>"Birds have a higher metabolic rate than mammals of the same size, and live longer. Their tissues contain fewer of the highly [POLYunsaturated] fatty acids. Queen bees, which live many times longer than worker bees, have mainly monounsaturated fats in their tissues, while the tissues of the short-lived worker bees, receiving a different diet, within a couple of weeks of hatching will contain highly unsaturated fats."

heed this warning user


no (you)'s because of the /fitlit/ shakeup but it shouldn't be too hard to follow

Tip for everyone: if you haven't tried intermittent fasting I would really recommend it. Have easily stuck to my calorie budget since I started 5 days ago


they put that on HAES tags too, right?

if thats you looks great


cheers senpai. i hope to build it into a nice collection to browse through for those moments when there's not much going on in these threads

me a few months ago :-)

just began reducing my carb intake every few days so I can ease into LCHF.
started at 155g daily, then 125g, now I'm eating no more than 100g maximum. 85g is my next goal. lost 3 lbs this week but I think it's mostly water.
how low do I need to go for it to be legit?
when will the cravings for carbs go away

do any of you purge?

I'm not condoning, just asking

>I poop 2-3 times a day
Time to pay the doctor a visit

best free calorie counter app?

No and don't

never mind, checked the faq again.