Facial Aesthetics/Rate Thread

I haven't noticed one on any pages, so I'm gonna start a new one up

lose weight

sorry lose weight then you'll look good. you have an okay face so hang in there

I'm currently in the process, I started at 254 and now I'm at 198, I'm about halfway through

gs bro you got this

How comes most people who visit Veeky Forums already have good genetics?


Last one was moved to /soc/, apparently now these threads aren't allowed on Veeky Forums

looks like you have some great cheekbones under that flab

thank fuck, this has nothing to do with fashion

You need to shave really badly, and not ever part your hair like that ever again.
Did you use a filter because your skin looks unnaturally clean. If you didn't what is your secret

if you were ugly would you be interested in things like clothes


Not him but absolutely. Gotta compensate some how and I know I wouldn't be successful

It's like good....but then bad. Face is good, hair is bad

I cut it myself so that might be why

cursed image don't open

open my image or your future gf will die in her sleep tonight


Hate my jawline, im mewing for 1 month
Also, what the fuck i do with my hair?

hey man, for what it's worth you have some nice skin. Wish I could say the same

well son, you best lose like 20kg so you'll become a 9/10

Rate my outfit


Dressed by effay but also bad

Read the rules.

>Images and discussion should pertain to fashion and apparel.

This goes in

this thread give me confidence

not very original

it's idiotic, most people have fun with it, at least I think. If we just keep doing it and ignore this rule, they'll notice that we don't want it to go away and will scrap it out

lose wieght, begin HRT and grow your hair out and you will be a great trap

>inb4 "lose weight"
down to 260 from 290, I think I'll be like 180-190 at 10%bf

Every day I open the catalog and I see the face of some fat, ugly, smug nigga looking at me. Why do you feel the need to post your face online if you know the answer is lose weight first

Rate my shit face

To piss off faggots like you :^J

Yes The last thread got exposed for how dumb these actually are

Whatever is on your chin, get rid of it. FAST


Veeky Forums and /soc/ should just merge they're pretty much the same thing

fantastic job dude. you have really nice features. i already think youre cute, and im sure you will look fantastic when youve lost more weight.

i think youre cute :) maybe try growing out your hair longer on the top??

your hair is gorgeous i think if you lost some weight so that your jaw was more defined youd look hot

Just Curious



soft and beta

soft and beta

awkward and unattractive
terrible, bad hairline, bad teeth, fat, beta

considering the fact that you started up a /soc/ thread on Veeky Forums you are a 0/10
honestly you are very attractive. i like the hair. don't listen to these other numbskulls
i can tell i wouldn't like you as a person but 7.2/10
that's an awful angle to take a picture and a really really dumb face so the best i can give you is 6.2/10
there's been worse outfits 7/10 not bad but very forgettable. i approve of the denim
best i can give with that facial hair is a 7.1/10
shave that facial hair jesus christ i can't rate you until you take action against that shit on your face
0/10 because im pretty sure you're the same person that posted your sweaty face in that acne thread. you have no acne, what was the point of that dumb ass post?
dig the chest hair 7/10
could go either way. best i can give right now is a 5.5

how much u deadlift bitch

you should look to david gilmour for inspo. there's a definite similarity

You faggots all look like shit

your skin is decent, the facial structure is there, lose wieght, start running and lifting, lose the pube moustache, and find a haircut that would go once you lose enough weight and have a more pronounced, taller face. 1/5 right now with potential for atleast a 6-7

so, how many little kids have you stolen from their abuelas?

look at those chapped DSLs. come suck on my Carmex

c-cute pls b my bf

what does effay think of me?

lose weight and cut your hair
like the aesthetic
ugly outift. bad shade of denim, tuck your shirt in and don't autistically hang your keys on your jeans.

you're hideous rofl

>hiding butt chin
>death grips

You are huge fucking faggot for posting to these attention whoring threads and not only with your face but with something unrelated so people will validate you through your taste in other things.
This all leads me to believe you are also extremely insecure and vain, that is what I think of you.

lol was expecting that desu, dont have a butt chin but was just the last picture of my face i took for a friend.
but yeah you're just sperging on some random person on Veeky Forums im sure you're completely secure in yourself as a person :)

>but was just the last picture of my face i took for a friend

oh right you chose that picture because it was the most recent. because that's a rule: you can only post the most recent picture that was taken of you. that definitely makes a lot of sense

i'm sure it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that it's extremely low quality, hides your chin, is sideways and has poor lighting

a guy on Veeky Forums would never be self-conscious about his appearance like that

sideways bc mobile upload. not going to debate you all night because i'm not THAT much of a faggot but uh yeah i just used the latest picture of myself on the phone, didn't really think about it desu

if you think i'm ugly that's fine mate, if you think i have an ugly chin, good for you.

but unless you post your own face i can't take you all that seriously user.


fuck outta here. pic of yourself cuckboy

now you post a picture of yourself from when you were 14. is there anything between yesterday and when you were 14? hahaha

and you can't fool us. we know you consciously chose both of those pics because you think you look good in them. you cannot lie to people who already suspect that you are lying. especially when you're dumber than us

lol picture is a month old. you're pathetic.

gee i wonder if this is samefagging

it isn't and i am actually annoyed at whoever posted that comment desu because i thought the same thing

it isn't and i am actually annoyed at whoever posted that comment desu because i thought the same thing...

>le beta maymay

i bet you live in the eternal autistocracy

big guy/10

hello cousin

t. low test flab face

his bone development is literally average, he's ugly because he's ugly not because of that.

>fashion board
>no one takes care of their apperance

jesus christ watching all those fat fucks itt really explains a lot

> be like 180-190 at 10%bf

Veeky Forums just had an aneurysm

lose weight, you've got good bone structure under the pudge

t. boneface

look at his forehead. if your face looks like that then you may be ugly. probably are

Well this is the only way these people will get any form of attention. You would think getting ignored irl would be a pretty big hint

D-don't judge my baby face.
Also I am 50/50 on this haircut but I just got it after getting rid of a shitty afro, thoughts?

>im sure you're completely secure in yourself as a person
Enough to not seek validation over internet from teenagers on anime forum

fair enough, sperging out on teenagers on an anime forum is obv far better.
i'm insecure, you're insecure, have a nice day user

>sperging out
m8 you asked what I think of you
I gave you straight honest answer
hardly sperging out, maybe you should take long hard look in to the mirror and read what I wrote with thought again, you might learn something

Are you by any chance related to jason genova?

Getting advice you don't like =!= sperging out

Ive always gotten mixed views, usually either 8 or 9 or low 4s or 5:
What doesn't Veeky Forums think?
What kind of hair style would work with this face? Right now I just leave it as is when I wake up.

And yes, a literal neckbeard I know. It's 2am, I'm tired, ill get rid of it tomorrow

R8 and h8

It would look much better with some white sneakers

Sorry about your eyes

Sorry for the shitty instagram filter but it's the best picture I have of just my face.

You have a pretty round face but as long as your body isn't too chubby I'm sure you look fine.

This unsettles me

You're reasonably good looking, I second the idea of growing out the top of your hair.

That's a shit angle like the other user said, also stop being mean, it makes you look uglier.

Not exactly the cutting edge of fashion but it seems like you know what you like, it suits you fine.

People give you shit but you seem to be reasonably attractive, just keep losing the weight man, good job.

You look like this guy I'm friends with online who's a total cunt so I don't think I can judge this accurately because your face makes me mad.

Work on making your smile not crooked, also do something more interesting with that nice hair of yours.

cmon man

Best itt

I think you're cute :)

Your face kind of intimidates me but not because you look scary, but because you seem concerned and it's making me concerned too, you look alright though.

Look like a friend of my uncle

Christ this thread is a disaster; are they always like this? Last one at least we had some attractive guys, honest rates and even some qt grills posting up but this is just full of insecure arguing and

why so triggered? faggots

>literallly not a single good lookin guy

fucking hell...

umm no sweetie I posted my face in itt :)

>R8 and h8
wish i could mate, but there's nothing to say. i couldn't possibly rate you or hate what you're wearing. you just look normal

it's like asking us to rate the fashion of a 10-year-old who is wearing a basketball jersey. it looks like a child wearing a basketball jersey

>stop being mean
Well it's true, OP has great potential


Just fuck my shit up

Did that jacket come with a free bowl of soup

Say that to my face in real life not online /10


Rate or hate

havent had sex in two whole years

i wonder why too cause u hot as fuck