Foot wear collection thread

Foot wear collection thread

that's the most American "collection" I've ever seen.

I'm kinda looking for some light colored high tops.

And my pair of Oxblood dress shoes is still at the cobbler.

A bit of redundancy going on here with all the casual shoes.

tfw am Canadian
Redwings for hightops? They're boots though.
Also only wear my runners as casual, pretty proud of my shit-tier cycling shoes at the 1 o clock position

Also got some Jack Erwin boots coming next week.

Pretty average

Definitely get some color in your rotation. Otherwise not bad.


w2c dress shoes 3rd pair top row?

Those slippers look cozy I guess


Here's an older pic from when I got the black derbies, but I haven't added anything since.

I need some dress shoes

They're from Jack Erwin, called "Dylan." Not the highest quality derbies I've owned but easily the best value. I had another pair that had a small tear in the leather after I wore them and JE sent me another pair for free.

you need new shoes altogether

what is the white shoe in the front row?

poverty shoes but it's not that bad

almost perfect, what brand is the black dress shoe?

poverty but still solid overall minus the suicokes

What are those dark brown high-tops at 5ish o'clock?

Sandro sx 01

Current sneakers for work, exercise, and leisure.

how did you manage to pick such terrible colorways with almost6 all of those

How are you like the Specialized shoes? I "need" to get a pair of cleated cycling shoes

Who needs this many running shoes?

When you say leisure, i'm guessing you mean be comfortable? Seeing as they're all running/ training, heavy cushion setup shoes.

I am very Veeky Forums and walk ~6 miles / day for work at a job with a uniform... Los Angeles, where formal attire and seasons basically don't exist.

I am pleased with the colors on my Adidas. The Nikes are largely discount finds but still usable colorways for my purposes. Nobody buys the Zoom All Out for its looks anyway.

Post urs

Which one is your favorite? (fit / comfort)

PureBoost is my favorite weekender for shopping or for a day trip. Looks sharp and turns heads. NMD Runner is right there with the PureBoosts, but the colorway is less neutral and the heel pull tabs can rub on your skin if you don't wear at least ankle length socks. Both shoes are great for actual running, but I would rather put the hard wear of training miles on my uglier Nikes.

For cross training exercise or for any kind of work involving push-pull-lift motions, the Alphabounce are best. Solid construction, deluxe materials, sporting design, and a street price ($90) that allows you to beat on them without remorse.

You sound like a fucking infomercial

I like them, the shittier the better for me
Buy some dress shoes

Any tips? I need new sneakers but idk what to buy (The black boots are shit quality bc they're for parties so fuck em)

Should I buy sambas?