Streetwear inspo

will start with a dump of one of the best

have to admit his fits are mad hot, love him or hate him

probably one of the biggest innovators in the streetwear game now






the silhouette is so great but the pieces in the fit are fucking garbage

how so? the pieces look good to me...

God I hate people who speak like this, and it's one of the biggest reasons why I despise streetwear. This guy actually looks great, and all the praise comes from autistic wiggers saying "you gotta admit, this shit's lit af." It's such a dumb cop out to avoid criticism.

what criticism? he is on top of his game...
if you are so good then post a fit and post what you think is "wrong" with his fits?

jah pls

You spend too much time on Veeky Forums

This. So much THIS

innovators? can you elaborate please?
not bad, but all black isn't all that creative.
silhouette makes him look really short, also bad posture, dudes craning his head out and also clenching his jaw like a mofo. some tech pants tucked into socks and a different jacket (maybe a nylon hardshell) would work better with the qasas
shoes are ridiculously small, this would work better with AF1's or low top ramones
ramones don't fit here, combat boots would be more suitable
hoodie looks out of place/ different shade would look better

none of the fits are really bad, but they're all very very safe. he doesn't play with a lot of textures or colors, and that's holding him back.

i think those are just personal preferences on your part. you call it "safe" i call it accessible. He has 10k instagram followers. that says something about how objectively good his fits are imo

"Safe" doesn't mean anything to begin with, buzzword cause you can't come up with actual criticism.
Not a fan of the guy, why the fuck would you do a thread for him?

OP here, it was just some inspo I dumped. Please feel free to dump other inspo. I thought jah_eel was a good start since he is one of the top posters on Reddit and Instagram.

w2c pants like this?

Another user here, google the word "criticism". You'll be surprised to learn that it refers to commentary on something, good or bad. A 'critic' writes good reviews and bad ones. That user is using criticism to mean 'explain what's good or bad' (in this case good, obviously), and that he's angry that instead of being able to articulate (and actually understand) what makes the fit good they just jerk off over meaningless hype phrases.

umm the fit IS lit tho...
whjatever post what is better then

Safe means boring or uninspired. He takes no risks

>biggest innovators
I can't see innovation, he's just wearing tech wear with supreme.

You are fucking throwing on bunch of clothing, there is no 'risks' in dressing yourself. Unless looking like a fucking tool is considered risky but then it kinda figures why he or anyone would do that don't you think?
what the hell does this mean then? and what is inspired?

lets see your risks then? how many IG followers do you have?

Damn you really got the short end of the stick didn't you?


Really agree with this. Jah's fits are so cool because they are "Good" objectively and people can't even shit on them without throwing out memes like "uninspired" or "safe". Show me someone else who has this exact style. You can't. Jah is unique.

w2c jacket?

I dealt with the guy on Grailed. He seems to buy stuff just for one instagram picture and resell it right away, attention whorish to me. He owns some really great pieces though.

you aren't allowed to like things on Veeky Forums, it triggers peple

fucking faggot

idk who named him tech god but hes so overhyped, i would fucking body this kid in a fit battle

also he needs to stop dying his hair because it looks shit on his trash hair and fix up his shit skin as well as MEW. why is he always felxing his jawline - it looks like he's about to die

ugly fucking tryhard

>i would fucking body this kid in a fit battle
post fit? you just sound like a jealous hater
i think only erolsson hugh and 1000deaths are better techwear than jah_eel. jah is in the top 3 for sure pioneers of the style

>i would fucking body this kid in a fit battle
pure, unfiltered, unpasteurized, fresh squeezed cringe

worst fucking thread on Veeky Forums this year
dresses like any other faggot in highschool interested in fashion except he has way more money

he actually doesn't even have money. he's notorious for buying expensive pieces, taking pics in them for reddit/instagram, then reselling them immediately and doing that process over and over again.

literally just a poorly dressed attention whore.


>first tech fit on ig posted 40 weeks ago
>pioneer of techwear

lmao try harder. techwear's been around for years

go back to plebbit then

not fucking innovative
though not bad
he just gets the benefit of fucking contrast when he posts on r/streetwear lmao

>"monochrome" "minimalist" streetwear
>a "style" that everyone on Veeky Forums and their mothers have been wearing since 2010
that's it, this board has gone off the deep end

Is Cav Empt the best streetwear brand currently out there?

>best streetwear brand
nice oxymoron

So much salt lmao. He must be doing something right :)

>if nobody likes it you must be doing something right
i agree

And this is why streetwear the cancer ruining the fashion industry. even balenciaga stooped down to making shitty sneakers and embroidered hats to appeal to these autistic fucks

lmao jah eel trying to fucking rep himself on here
sad as fuck u ugly fag hahah

wtf is with his face? LOL

I used to be really into streetwear but this is just garbage.


I guess Veeky Forums really is dead. Can't even get a decent streetwear inspo thread going.

This is just not the style of this place right now
The vogue here right now is wearing jeans2big in light blue with the hems rolled up, massive ratty windbreaker and looking like you don't shower.


the kpop nonce thinks he can 'body' someone in a fit battle


nah just an example of how some people can pull off dyed hair and some can't

it's called speaking in context you chavy degenerate

Jah we know u made this thread

>thread about to die
>better bump it

not true, he sold a few things like the undercover television parka, but that's about it, he keeps most shit.

>fit battle

>no mention of theo

streetwear is fucking dead
this probably isnt streetwear

>This is just not the style of this place right now
nigga have you been living under a rock

this board has been hawking this ugly monochrome bullshit for nearly a decade now

>i would fucking body this kid in a fit battle

Overpriced, overhyped, average quality, soon to be out of fashion, worn by mainly rich Chinese teenagers, clothing thread?

your idea of someone pulling off dyed hair is that? neck yourself you pathetic little specimen, I can't even begin to imagine what a snivelling little runt you really are

tapered (cropped) pants

Anyone know where to get this jacket?

>i keep most of my shit

go back to fucking reddit and stop spamming your shit here


haha jah posted this thread to his ig officially butthurt go back to redd it and impress 15 year olds no one wants your 45 year old lookin hype beast ass here


everyone copying fernando belts now copying fernando tats??

brigaded by discord pussies, jah is the GOAT

jah eel ripped off the true techwear god 1000deaths
stole his acronym style and he even ripped off his tattoo!!
fucking fake ass. also how come 1000deaths looks 10 years younger than jah when fernando is 42 and jah is 22? wtf?

I have a very personal relationship with my lord and savior, Jah Eel. Very personal. I met him three years ago at a goretex convention. I was hanging out with a few of my tech friends- they were all getting shitfaced, but unfortunately, I was the designated driver.
So I was just sitting there sipping on a glass of ice water. Then this Old looking lithuanian guy takes a seat next to me. "Do you wanna see a really cool trick?" he asked. I wasn't sure if he was hitting on me or not, but I was bored off my ass, so I said sure.
Then he flicked his wrist and his phone came out of his arm . "Jah EeL!" I said. He grinned and said, "Yup, that's my name. And if you play your cards right, you'll be screaming it all night long. You want to get into tech heaven, you sexy little thing? Well, let me put it this way...the only way to The Goretex is through me."
I'm not gay, so I was feeling pretty awkward. But after a few shots of some melody spirits, I started to loosen up. And it dawned on me that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. I would become the first person in human history to bone Jah- who could pass that up? So I abandoned my friends and went back to his place.
He lit some candles and put on some ZOMBY beats to set the mood. After a few glasses of sacramental wine, I was ready to go. I tore his J1a-gt off and thrust my manhood inside him. The feeling was incredible- it was like fucking three people at the same time. "OH, ME!" he screamed in ecstasy. "I HAVEN'T BEEN NAILED THIS HARD SINCE THE SS17!" I blew my load pretty quickly, but he wasn't done with me. He bent me over and whispered, "Are you ready to accept the body of Jah?" He didn't even wait for answer- he jammed his divine rod through my gravitational asshole pocket and went to town. I was surprised at how fast he came-but then again, he hadn't gotten laid in 2,000 years, so I could see why.

Well, I thought he was finished. He rolled me over on my back and said, "Are you ready for the AW17?" and sprayed his holy seed all over my face.
I never got his number- he just told me to pray to the vaughn if I was ever in the mood for a booty call. Still haven't heard back from him, though.

this guy is such a wasteman and all the people he hangs around with

can someone give me a quick rundown on jah?

here is the Jah Eel QuickRundown©
>Toronto-Tech crew (karl,sunday, etc.) bow to Jah Eel
>In contact with Hugh
>Rumoured to possess all 6 J28k colorways and original ACRNM Burton pieces
>Control's #basementapproved with an iron, but fair fist
>owns kith and supreme pop ups all over the world
>direct descendant from William Gibson
>will bankroll the first supreme techwear line (EelTech® will be the first release)
>owns basically every acronym grailed on earth
>first designer acronym jackets were said to be designed by Jah
>said to have over 200+ Acrnm and Supreme pieces respective

so dude from edinburgh i imagine, ive only met his friends and they're all local to edinburgh, wouldn't suprise me if they did visit here because all they do on facebook is post shitty memes and organise lo-fi house nights

Fucking cancer