Dictator Inspo


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mamma mia thats a big a machine a gun

Here's more


>gasses people
>no TD

High Italian Fashion



his hair is fucking god tier







Always thought Sadam was cool, my dad lookee like him

Everyone's dad looked like Saddam, Satan.




rip amo

Wherever the bullets land, those people were traitors.

something about the dapper uniforms and uncontrolled, unchecked power that comes with being a military dictator is so enticing to me, I can't get over it. It's like the coolest thing in the world. I love the decorations and the masculinity. I'm going to dress as a military dictator this Halloween. I'm so excited.

Kim-il sun looked so much more elegant than kim-jong il, who pretty much was just a cartoon character come to life


I see Fidel Castro every day at my gym

Nigga looks like he's about start the hammer dance

>most people on here are too young to remember the Iraq invasion



Pinochet knew how to rock a uniform.

Sadat was so fucking fly. Notice the tie.
And the mighty gentleman sitting right beside him.

that's one scary motherfucker

cockroach edition



It's just an AK, you haven't seen one before?

i can be wrong but
lefties dictators are more Veeky Forums in a plebeian way
why are right wing dictators so patrician?