How do I dress in slutcore?

How do I dress in slutcore?
What brands do I choose?
How do I dress to maximize the amount of attention I get from men?

not being a tranny

just add a choker

How do I dress in slutcore?
just be completely naked
>What brands do I choose?
>How do I dress to maximize the amount of attention I get from men?
wear nothing

But that's illegal user.
Where do I buy one from?
Is there anything else I can do?

every store carries them try any shitty fast fashion store like urban outfitters or something

wtf is slutcore

also the pic you posted doesn't look slutty in any way at all just so you know


pls marry me pls be in london.

i dont have too much inspo related to it
i guess this is more in the line of what im thinking of or anyone who looks like charli xcx.

also does anyone want to be my bf?

i'll be ur bf, i'm in usa and i love slutty girls

Sorry I don't live in america. Also i dont date amerilards or non virgins

that's cause you don't date anyone desu

i can help but do you mean like college slutcore, blonde bimbo who wears pink slutcore, kim kardashian slutcore? like there's a lot of different ways to dress slutty nowadays

not all of america is fat as fatass. its just that the bible belt heavily skews the population.
tfw strangers on the internet think im fat because those backwards fucks

i need to know the best way to attract a guy stat
i want random men to approach me on the street. wht is the best brand 4 this?

where in europe are you in?

also do you have a feminine penis?

The After the Afterparty video has SO MANY good looks!

>be girl
>walk down street
guys will approach you, but probably not the kind you want.


it's called whorecore and you can probably do it with fast fashion + thrift stores if you don't wanna spend. if u have money then adding some gaudy designer pieces can help. pretty much do the schoolgirl thing but less conspicuously "schoolgirl"


what a skank

Girls in music videos have been dressing like this forever


Wear as little as you can. Thats all.