Why does black culture ruin so many people

people od on black culture and never return

I swear I've never seen something more detrimental to people than black culture

Everyone who partake ends up a delusional mess

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W2C whitewashed ebony qt?

Just be ugly as fuck and listen to rap music

>rap music
I said whitewashed user :c

It's a culture that endorses drug use, and glorifies convicts.

Glorifies single motherhood, low income, theft, and violence.

Also pettiness, doing anything to stab your community in the back in order to increase status (drama or killing)

None of those tend to be conductive to living a long and fulfilling life.

>Glorifies single motherhood


Do you not know the amount of black children raised by single mothers? The terms "baby daddy" are disturbingly common among black americans




>Do you not know the amount of black children raised by single mothers?

I am fully aware but I don't think rap music or the culture glorifies it.

Don't act like you don't know what they're talking about

you should go outside more.

I bet you've never seen a black person in your life, at least a lower class one.

>I swear I've never seen something more detrimental to people than black culture

How about American culture in general?

the best thing a black man can do is to remove himself from black culture.

A buddy of mine who I grew up with was half black and half japanese. He is doing well in his life, full time job, wife and 1 kid with 1 on the way.

he's making a 6 figure household income (wife works too)

now...you tell me that skin color is the sole deciding factor on why these hoodrats can't make it out of the ghetto?

it's jut not true, it's culture.

user, this is why I've decided to completely stop listening to rap music, or anything that can be deemed as "Black Culture"
(((The Powers That Be))) don't want you to succeed, so they entertain you with a degenerate form of entertainment that will destabilize your self-confidence as your are force to co-mingle and interact socially with a racial group that is composed mainly of people with intellectual capabilities below the reasonable standard. As you interact more with a culture that will bully you and criticize you in the country your forefathers built with their blood and soil, you will become a weak-minded and obedient cuckold to their absolutely degenerate culture.
Believe me when i say this, this is entirely part of (((Their)) game to destabilize the racial status that you have earned in this country, and let a bunch of third-world mongoloid savages rape and pillage your culture after they become sick of their own.

The black man is the most copied man in America, bar none.

Everyone wants to be a nigga until it's time to be a nigga.

With that being said, the morality of the average African-American is tangled in the use of narcotics, uneducated spending, and the loss of moral fiber in all sectors of life.

There are some, such as myself who have risen above this. But only after wading in the cesspool.

Black culture is a beautiful thing, but the typical always ruins the atypical.

Honestly, there's nowhere I'd rather be than around dignified black people, because white people always have an ulterior motive.

You're an idiot to think that black culture is automatically rap music.

Get a life sieg

Sage and report


Our (I'm speaking of whites) distant ancestors lived in matriarchal societies. Sex was such that no man could really know who his children were so the role of "father" wasn't really a big thing. Children were raised by their mothers, Uncles and so on. People that knew the child was their blood. So from the perspective of a man you fucked whomever you fucked and there was no responsibility attached to that. Your responsibility was to your sister's kids.
We eventually developed patriarchy and marriage and making sure, to the best of our ability, that we knew who our kids were and we raised them as fathers. Father was then an important role because it wasn't Uncles and so on protecting and providing for the kids primarily.

Black Africans did not "evolve" culturally in the way that we did. It's still common in African countries that father is not an important role, you fuck and forget.
Blacks in the USA if left to their own devices revert back to being themselves. That's why Detroit looks like an African nation - basically it is.

What's more is that blaming the men ignores the role of the black mother. She CHOOSES the man and these women actually choose men they know will not hang around and want to be involved. They KNOW these guys have ten kids and don't look after them. It's actually why these women choose to get pregnant by them.

I know Paul Mooney when I read it.


>Honestly, there's nowhere I'd rather be than around dignified black people,

Go back to Africa then


if you truly believe you'd be happier around nigger culture, rather than complain about your life

take initiative and go change it

there are houses in detroit being sold for cheap go

jokes on you I am black

>A buddy of mine..
anecdote. dropped.

At a glance (this looks tedious to read in fll) it looks like you and he are arguing about two different things.
You an "authentic" black culture and he a culture that was basically marketing executives collating the worst aspects of that culture and selling it back to you.
The impact of the latter on black people should not be ignored.

oh my. know what I just realized? The only reason black peoples are not god tier aesthetic is because of their noses solely hahaha. See look at this Caucasian ass nose and this bitch hits that 9.5/10

Because people don't understand the crazy shit we do is a coping mechanism for a Fucked Up poverty fueled life. Fuckers jumpn in cuz it looks glamorous on the surface but it's not. It's ugly and broken, but what else can you do when that's home. Gotta show some kind of pride, and some take it too far. Some use the culture to come up, but it's this culture that keeps us down. I come from the Shit side, and I always wonder why couldn't I end up in a nice house in the nice part of town, why am in the Shit part? I was born here.

get off Veeky Forums for your own good

the way prolonged immersion in the /pol/ echochamber coupled with irl failure/isolation literally turns these people into delusional fanatics is genuinely terrifying like this shit isnt even coherent

How are you so dumb and uneducated at 30? This place messes people up. Your level of depth in your sociological analysis right here for your age is hilarious.


wrong board, it isnt fa to browse /pol/


>Racebaiting threads like this stay up even though they're not Veeky Forums related and clearly against the rules.
>Make a thread bashing faggots and get instabanned.

Fuck this shitty board and it's autistic mods.

see you're way too sensitive.

Veeky Forums is about honesty

you were born with inferior genetics within an inferior race

rather than attacking everyone for it

why not find a way to overcome your inferiority win all aspects of life

overcome your lack of aesthtic by finding different fashion avenues,

overcome your lack of inherent intelligence by working harder and longer on academics

overcome the lack of respect you get in a social setting by acting in a manner more acceptable

this does not mean go into the street shouting black lives matter and throwing bricks through windows

all races have postive and negative aspects to them

You should be grateful, have you seen what happens on /pol/?
It's an interesting kind of forum destruction what they do is post and re-post and re-post things that are technically on-topic but are simultaneously completely without merit and able to generate a million replies that are also without merit.

An Veeky Forums equivalent would be like... Imagine dozens and dozens of new posts each day that were like:
>is this a good shirt?
>are these shoes Veeky Forums?

i think the odds aren't too much in your favor, user

Don't worry OP you're not alone, I fucking hate niggers too. God they fucking ruin everything. The stupid fucks in Africa are still living in mud huts for fuck sake. Why do they have to be so loud too? So uncivilized.

I should add something because I'm not certain I made it clear. So it would be someone posting:
>is this shirt Veeky Forums?
Every single day but it's not even a real thread, right? It's someone deliberately ruining the board with threads like that: they don't want to talk about a shirt.

>tfw black culture is essentially a broken familial system, rap music, weird feminine outcasts, and corny humor

Alright, quick rundown on things desu:
Current black culture (other than useless virtue-signaling that creates further racial division for the wrong reasons), consists of appropriation of white music, fashion, and art.

Look at all these black kids who want to be effay for Christ's sake, they are wearing shirts from punk-rock and new wave fixtures such as black flag, the smiths, etc.
These are all bands created by white men with generally sound political beliefs.
The nogs wearing them couldn't even comprehend the lyrics to one of their songs.
Yet, they criticize white people, the people essentially for the culture they hold so dearly.
"but muh rap music originates from rock and roll, which uh originates from blues, which is black music, user"

>3 word responses
>see you're way too sensitive.
>reddit spacing
>broken pol slogans
when do the new janitors come in? how is any of this still here?

and stop samefagging

I don't know how to describe them but those types of noses on girls are god-tier cute. It's not the typical black nose either, it seems to occur the same amount between black and white people.

stay bluepilled son

>Our (I'm speaking of whites) distant ancestors lived in matriarchal societies.
Great, you made Sieg look smart by comparison.

This is literally the most retarded thing you could believe, user.

I'm into some of its elements either ironically or post-ironically, yet I'm fine. I listen to nigger/african music, but i'm absolutely fine.


why tf are you avoid the substance and instead focusing on subtleties of presentation, kys you stupid fkin nigger

Any body who says their fine 2 times in a single post probably isn't fine

kek, yeah that would certainly be the impression, but it is the case tho

>Veeky Forums - Fashion

It gets better

>what is a non-West African African?

Do you know these people or something? Are you salty or do you just want the guys to yourself?