People unironically buy Nazi Company Sneakers

This is retarded honestly, the people behind these brands ok with people being exterminated and tortured for their beliefs. Forget the "Jew" propaganda and look at it from a human standpoint on people being gassed and killed, families separated and these companies were 100% ok with that so long as it mad Germany look good.

Why the fuck do people support these brands?

> Cause their companies, and people feel more inclined to buy from anything even if it was Hitler himself selling so long as it's made by a company

I never understood this bullshit, people talk about fashion day and night. The damn clothing manufacturer could have people wearing an emblem that means fuck humanity entirely on it or some political propaganda and you wouldn't even fucking know.

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying the Nazis did anything wrong
>implying this doesn't positively reinforce my selection of Adidas and Puma
brb copping Tsugi Shinsei

Watch yourself on that edge man, can feel it slicing you from here clown. Call or whatever you want, but people are people regardless of their beliefs so their deaths were not deemed good and also the point on why Germany banned the Nazi symbol.

Even they don't see it as right you damn clown

>Forget the "Jew" propaganda
>people being gassed and killed
Take your own advice, friend.

im fine wid it

>He believes a biased YouTube video over actual history.

You know I think you really are retarded.

>"edgelord" attack
>ad hominems, name calling
>ignores evidence presented, doesn't provide counter argument
Please learn to discuss adult subjects, child

>Nazi killing people were good
>I have no idea what it's like to suffer an ordeal like that
>My Veeky Forums privilege
>Evidence if from a non-credible source on YouTube
>Defending companies you don't get a dime for but actually instead of pays for.

You know I think you actually are retarded

Listen here Shlomo: This is not the place for you. Nobody here likes your kind and we don't take easy to people trying to spread Jewish lies around here. Better get your hook-nosed visage back to plebbit.


Dope I didn't know this. W2c

>caring this much about Muh Nazi boogeymen
>doesn't mention the soviets
Got mitt Uns, but not you, Schlohmo

>non-credible youtube videos

Stop trying to be better than everyone else by not buying shoes from a company that used to have different management who stood by when people did horrible things.

Literally every group, no matter how big or small, diverse or homogenous, given some time, does evil or sides with evil. Hehe y would i buy a phone or clothes or live in a house or eat food if someone was exploited or killed for me to have them I'll just complain about it online and use moral products such as soylent green and this shirt my Grammy knit

If you really care so much why don't you do something about it instead of posting such garbage on this depressing board for rich skinny college students and narcissistic degenerates (with a few exceptions). Go blow up their head offices, you'll really make the world a better place. Here let me get your 72 virgins for you right now. This is malia Obama from 4 years ago b4 she started getting dicked by every nigga in DC.


I go by sight heil on Veeky Forums

I want an ak-12 from kaloshnikov concern think I give a fuck about some made up Holocaust fable

People who stand by brands and companies that have been apart of and approved of actions that caused the loss of life to people in unspeakable and wrong on many accounts regardless of if it affected you or not.

I'm not naive, I know majority of people here don't give a flying fuck if someone is hurt so long as it isn't them or anyone they care about but in the grand scheme the acts of the ownership and management of the companies and their roots are wrong and incredibly fucked. Yes I get you're edgy and like to think hurting people makes the company even cooler and then agreeing with it at one point in time "cool".

But seriously grow the fuck up

You have the political awareness of a 12 year old. Zero understanding of history or the workings of the world. Go back to posting your shitty homemade shoes on Veeky Forums, cobbler sperg. I know this is you.

But Nazis were the good guys.

>People taking the bait

When will you people learn?

Nowhere did I say doing bad things makes a brand or company "cool" or "hehe lole my fellow #kekistani I'm wearing a shoe that was Le nazi xddd" A company isn't some mystical force or ideology, it's just a bunch of people who make and sell you shit.

Guess what, wow 70 years ago the people who were in charge of this shit were nazis!! Omg!! I shouldn't buy this shoe!!

If you boycott a brand simply because of "muh Soviet Union" or "hey guys did yuo know that um this cuban cigar stood by Castro while he eggsecuted political emenies" your retarded. Same principle.

At the very least get me ppl show me people who have done wrong or are doing wrong rn who belong to a company and then maybe if I'm a faggot and a little gullible I'll boycott them for a morally superior product.

Until then why don't you do something about it white boii? See this nazi company? No there are no nazis here rn, but hey, there WERE nazis here b4 they all died. Go change the world dude, fight fascism bro, punch a nazi bro! See this poor immigrant working making shoes for you? He's a part of a nazi company, let's take away his job!

If you really care go do something about it. Write "embers ghost squad" on ur forehead and stomach so I can know it's you on the news.

>the point on why Germany banned the Nazi symbol.
>Even they don't see it as right you damn clown
Just like how they (((want))) a military that's limited mandatorily?

Don't wear sports wear in general then sports wear is a direct descendant of futurism and subsequently fascism

I dont fucking care you dickless faggot

>Gtfo reddit commie

We all know you're trying to takeover

>The everyone did it so it's ok argument

I really thought you were out the 10 year old mindset when you started talking but this is just baffling you inhumane prick. In your eyes you think a company isn't defined by its creation and initial thoughts? That's the bases of the damn concept of a fucking company you low level dipshit. Try and understand what a company is before you argue on behave of one.

Get the fuck out of here you damn /mu/ shill, yes I know it's you

Wrong site you fucking degenerate.

You know that Adidas is extremely popular in Israel, right? If the Jews can get over it; you can get over it.

t. Jew

baka at yall niggas answering this clown, nigga be trolling hard and yall falling for it baka at yall bitch ass niggas

But adidas made a pair for a black american runner

Hey OP is this Veeky Forums?

But this OP is actually serious. He's the same clown who posted the Nike hate thread earlier this week. He has a neurotic, all-consuming hatred for major shoe brands because he produces his own homemade shoes which he believes are superior to anything available from a retailer. He posts his embarrassingly bad designs on /r9k/ and Veeky Forums, seeking affirmation from fellow spergs. Google Image search pic related and check for a laugh.

fuck off jew, don't even like adidas but might pick up a pair now ;)

As long as:

- they are making good stuff
- they don`t kill people

I don`t care.

Oh, and say what you want, but nazis were Veeky Forums as fuck.

Also this

Course you would you're a consumer who bases what he buys off shit he feels others hate. It's edge kid

>Taking the bait

I'm not a fan of these brands but it's less offensive (they aren't offensive, that's your perception) than retarded anti-fa fags wearing hammer and sickle patches and shit like that.
as if the far-left just like natsocs never commited intense atrocities in history.

Your shoes look like they're from Aldo


nice try Nike,
come up with some new technology as good as boost and we might buy your sneakies again

Nike is actually a good fucking brand and made by Americans for American values unlike these two Germany Nazi Agreeing brands. Also Louis Vuitton helped as a brand in the Nazi Party too since they profited from it but I'm sure no one gives a fuck about humans suffering equating to money right?

>Shows no evidence
>lol Jews wear them calm down bro

Are you aware that hippies made rich the car company that was made by Hitler?

As Kubrick said, Hitler was right about almost everything.

I fucking love Kubrick.

>Germany banned the Nazi Symbol and all things associated with it. They would erase it from history if they could.
>He was right


>implying ethical consumption is possible under capitalism

>Hitler was anti-capitalist
(((citation needed)))

t. Have a whole branch of family in Israel who literally spent $1000+ at the Adidas store when they came to the states to visit.

Do either of these brands even currently promote a nazi agenda


Very depthful analysis. Remind me when did Nazi Germany abolish private property and the commodity-form?

>Bases the whole of a demographic off a family

You retarded

No one cares about the history of the brand. The fact that it was a nazi brand is not why people buy it. Neo nazis don't even wear normie sportswear faggot

Well done bait tho

If they did I would spend even more on them.

don't give a shit

Sounds about right, another mindless fucking consumers who proves every day you're a damn sheep not worth shit by a company that doesn't give a fuck if you buy or not.

Why should you? I mean you're only wearing it on your body. If you don't give a shit about what you wear on your body then why the fuck are you here

you sound like a histrionic fag

Well, time to order some Adidas.

Listen mate I'm gonna drop some facts for you.The Nazis actually founded every fashion brand in the world.
Don't believe me? Fine but it's hard to argue with evidence like this:
GAP - Gas all Polish
H&M - Holocaust and memes
CDG - Camps of Dead Gays
Patta - Poles aboard trains to auschwitz



Well, this is all "socialist" part of his politics, they were progressive for it's time and all, but stop ignoring the fact that it's extreme "national" part that everyone has a problem with

They currently operate sweatshops in economically exploited nations

They got what came to them when people found out they were lying about the emissions of their cars. Basically ruining the world's health while making money. What you did was prove my point further.

So how is it not pathetic utter cuckoldry for a Jew to buy a Volkswagen?

>this picture is actually meant to justify the murder of 11 million people
wow user
