Start wearing cowboy boots

Start wearing cowboy boots

Already have



already do, it's not bad

>angle makes jean legs look shorter than they are

howdy pardner

Can I wear these if I live in New England?

I love the way they look, like chelseas but for striaght men. My only concern is that ill look autistic wearing them in my area

My city is already all over that shit. I'm just over it.

>tfw black snakeskin boots

Yee haw (bump)

Fuck. That movie is so effay. All the fits were top tier.

Tornados are my ultimate grail boot for real.

No, stick to bean boots

like them what kind are they?

No way. They're gay af

What kinda pants do y'all usually wear with cowboy boots? The only jeans I have that fit over them are some slim cowboy cut wranglers I thrifted and while the high waist/wide leg opening is fucking fantastic the legs are still pretty baggy compared to what I usually wear and the materials are pretty cheapo. Is there anything better with the same features or should I suck it up and tailor them?

>this is now a western wear inspo thread

We get this question a lot at Tecovas, and we're big believers that you shouldn't have to wear boot cut jeans over boots - it's 2017! I personally wear straight cut jeans from Bonobos, Mott & Bow, and Buck Mason, and they all work great over both our roper styles and cowboy styles. Levi's straight cut is also a no nonsense, good way to go. Hope that helps!

You shouldn't wear them anywhere.

Dumping inspo







They're based on riding boots, so if you ride a horse, fine.

If you walk or drive, forget it.

what if you're a taxi driver

just size down if they're "baggy". slim wranglers really shouldn't be if you've got them sized properly anyway.




so that rules out chelseas and jodhpurs too

Lucchese Classics my man

I live in the south so I could easily pull off cowboy boots. They don't look bad honestly.

These faggots look so unbelievably tryhard

That is an instant turnoff for women. It is literally advertising that you seek approval from effeminate men interested in minute, autistic fashion "microtrends". Lack of character, metrosexuality, lack of any 'roots' or authenticity to the outfits.
I guarentee you all of these men would cry if you made them crawl under a car to change its oil in their kooky 'slacker edgy weathered' clothes. They wear combat boots, yet you could probably break their legs. The holes in their shirts are not from wear, but from autistic manicuring with scissors. Their clientelle in their shops are literally Brooklynite insecure estrogen bug men.

Do not be like these people. Choose clothes that suit you, choose clothes you aren't afraid to do masculine and physical activities in, choose clothes that are conscious of both your roots, your occupation in life, and what you aspire to be - and if the end result is a metrosexual hipster faggot, it's time for the noose.

You can be the exception to your feminised teen friends. The younger you start dressing like a man, the more they will look up to you and the more you will have a sense of self and dignity in this sea of globalism and consumerism. Reject faggotry. Reject hipsters. Reject quirky or edgy trends. Be yourself, and make yourself masculine and dignified.

Engineer boots are less niche and easier to pull off outside of a western oriented fit. Highly recommend them.


oh baby what great inspo

You do realize that's a male prostitute in your picture don't you?

jesus christ you sound like an insecure tryhard

No thanks, Cleetus.


I wear my Ariat Ropers pretty often from late summer to early spring, the rest of the time is just too hot for cowboy boots.

I'd love to get a pair of Lucchese later on.

What brands/models do you guys like?

Also w2c cowboy shirts?

Hell yes.

Cowboy boots are a lot closer to the original riding boots.

While I'm on the subject, high heels have only two reasons for existing:

(1) to hold the boot firmly in the stirrup
(2) to appear taller. This only works with a floor-length skirt to hide the shoe.

I won't do it unless it becomes normalized but if it was normal you bet I would wear cowboy boots.


Yeah, pretty much. I do have some RM Williams boots with a heel not far off this

my Lucchese Classics are damn nice, I'd suggest you look for a pair perhaps secondhand or eBay since they're made to last

as far as western shirts, I would always suggest RRL- they are mostly overpriced, however the construction, quality of materials and attention to detail is unparalleled.

Classic Ted Mosby.