why is baron trump so perfect?

Why is Baron using Donald's shorts ?

T-thats a cute kid

>An eleven year old is as tall as me

Hierarchy is real. Barron is simply our genetic superior and our future King.

Christ, trump is such a disgusting fat slob

He looks and acts like such a cartoon character that people forget he's a 70 year old man.

this is what is commonly referred to as a normal rise. looks powerful.

how, he looks like he's melting

he's 70 that's just what happens at that age

Sorry bub, nothing about your daddy conveys anything except slobbery and neurotic insecurity.

>doesn't understand the cyclical nature of fashion
>doesn't know they're coming back

My boy baron with the gucci kicks

The rise on those shorts doesn't even look that high to me, it looks like the waistband would be below the navel.

>how, he looks like he's melting


>tfw Barons Gucci loafers cost more than my entire wardrobe

Man I'd I'd hate to be the child of the worlds second most famous retard


Those fuckers are huge on him... honestly not a good fit, 13 year olds can only dress themselves so much, and while his dad's a cunt, he's got an okay fashion sense for his age.

That being said, this looks like he took it from his dad's closet. Terrible fit

Say it with me: cum-fee, cumfee, comfy

>while his dad's a cunt, he's got an okay fashion sense for his age
What are you talking about? Trump wears giant clown ties and suits with cuts you'd expect to see on a homeless guy with a job interview. And I mean... the hair. What more can be said about that?

Which part of his fashion sense is good?

He is a world leader, not a fucking model. No president of any country can have a haircut we would call Veeky Forums, they would be a fucking laughing stock.

I'm talking Baron

Donald's only redeeming quality is that he let Americans whine as much as Brits did with the Brexit while not really endangering neoliberalism.

I beg to differ

That's the shortest I've ever seen Drumpf's tie.

you know that image is a shoop right?

Don't get defensive, I'm attacking your dumb, fat hero not you. And nobody asked for Veeky Forums, just like, the hairstyle of a normal human being would suffice.

Ah, I misread you then.

I wish the "neoliberalism is bad" meme would die.

That photo is most likely fake. At least in the sense that it was touched up by Stalin to make him look more attractive once he was in power. Besides I think Lenin actually had a cooler style to him.

>current world leaders can't be effay

You know that only makes him more of a model right?

Macri's got a great face, good eyes, and a thin profile that would actually look great in something Rick-inspired. Honestly even if he just wore darker, monochrome colors, he'd be pretty good.

I also love his hair for his age.


All I am saying is that a man of his calibre shouldn't need to worry about being fa. Btw I fucking hate trump, but you would be insane to not say he is one of the most influential people in the world right now

Please explain what trump, at his age, could do to make his hair work

But user, the only people who have benefitted from neoliberalism are the excessively rich. People like Donald Trump have managed to become billionaires while my parents barely breathe to keep up with what my grandparents did on one job and I look nervously at my student loan debt wondering if I could ever justify a child.

More of this set, it's 70's as fuck when you can see Melania's full outfit.


I voted him because he said he would change it when he got into office.

such a handsome guy

Merkel when younger had a weird style that I kinda liked. She was always kinda ugly looking, but she had that sorta, anti-fashion, I don't give a shit, thing going on that I see a lot of people try and emulate today. And I can respect that.

You're getting the cause and effect backwards. The people who become ultra-rich from neoliberalism are the people who have the skills and inteligence to adapt to changing market conditions. Either adapt or die out.

Okay, you're a sophomore now, but soon you'll have graduated and you'll discover that even though you got a marketable major and "good connections" you're still drowning in debt with no path to a good job to pay it off immediately.

Even if you get lucky and you're a CS major at an elite school and you get recruited, you're still disposable.

Unless you get really lucky and a benefactor or two decide that your site is the best of the bunch and deserves the money, most of the time you're just a piece of meat with an expiration date of 38.

Don't be an idealist, either you're a millionaire who got that way through luck and good connections or your getting royally fucked over by neoliberalism.

Really, just about anything would be an improvement. He's 70. Letting it just fall out naturally and having the horseshoe would look better that what he has now.

If he was 20 and his only options were this and bald, I'd understand, but what looks good changes as you age.

Actually I'm making bank as a software dev and I have no debts.
Try obtaining some skills with real market value, your perspective will definitely change.

Jokowi I'm always kinda torn on. He a lot of the time looks like a kid that's being let play a game (though with Megawati I suppose that's not completely inaccurate).

But I really like some of the more Indonesian flair he'll sometimes wear. Especially when he wore that hat last G20. Shit was dope.

Can she just come out of the closet already

Putin I think of all politicians is one that should really shave his head. There's a lot that try too hard to hold onto their hair, but I think he's got the jaw for it (well, he actually might have let himself go, or he's just getting old, but sometime in the past few years that changed), and he's got a great profile for it.

Definitely would give a powerful Lex Luther look that would go well with his overly masculine image he tries to force.


What is he like 6'2"?

The kid I meant.

A true leader and icon.

emmm what? he looks siq with his current hair

those gucci loafers are probably sold out now, just like his "The Expert" T
most effay president

i love my capitalist cult of personality

how are trump supporters on here who are usually super critical about fashion so delusional as to think he doesn't look ridiculous

like damn if you're gonna support him then whatever but you know in your heart he doesn't look good

does donald really have t-rex arms or is the suit just horribly tailored to conceal how fat of a fuck he is?
barron just needs a longer tee

He usually looks pretty goofy, but this is a nice fit.

Trump looks sharp as always, Barron is... Barron is guess lol

I've been copying Trump's style since before I even knew he used it, I've always like the long tie and coat

Considering how fat he is his suits do him more favors than people admit

you now realize a 11 year old is taller than the majority of G-20 leaders

Lanklets are now SEETHING.

manlets are the most powerful people in the world

height complex makes them strive for the most powerful positions, napoleon complex is real

>Expiration date of 38

Also you do realize someone is making a lot more off you than what you are making

he dikk too big for he pants

President Trump really have awesome genetics, i mean look at his kids, Ivanka is like a valkyrie goddess and then this kid at 11 yo look better than all Veeky Forumsgs. Shame he went with the jews tho.

holy shit putin confirmed manlet


god you are so retarded

>he just wore darker, monochrome colors, he'd be pretty good.
holy shit dude enough none of this would make him fashionable