Is Barron Trump effay?

Is Barron Trump effay?

You bet your sweet ass he is

He's fashion expert.

Isnt he 11? Why is he like 5' 11

fuckin lanklets man


yes, he looks gay with severe autism, also mildly ugly

>that t-shirt


I want him to grow up to be the Kazuya to Donald Trump's Heihachi.

>Son of a multibillionaire
>Wears shoes for poor people



[spoiler]it's sold out[/spoiler]

he does it for the culture
>New Era

That's fucking Crewcuts, J. Crew's subbrand for kids. I know because I fucking sell it for my part-time job. Isn't Barron supposed to be tall for his age? How can he still fit Crewcuts stuff?

>look at me bully an 11 year old online

You must live an amazing life you loser.

Can't a loser with a shitty life say that someone looks gay, with severe autism and mildly ugly and be right?

i remember some user saying before that NB backed Trump. Also NB is American

Barron represents and is the posterchild for an offshoot of ironic fashion. He was unironically influenced by fifteen years of hipsters dressing ironically, and to him that's just how men dress.
Of course for any of us to attempt to ape him would in itself be ironic so something is lost- only those who are currently under fifteen years old can truly rock a Barron fit. It's a kind of naive nu-dork brought on by K-Mart's recent accurate finger on the pulse of the young and poor. The emos of Gen Z: autistic sadbois.


>spending time defending the honor of the presidents son

so this is the kinda life im missing out on...