Ok let's post some Veeky Forums fits of our leader

ok let's post some Veeky Forums fits of our leader

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i fucking love this one

also he's legitimately good looking with blonde hair and black t shirts dunno why he actively tries to make himself look disgusting

Top breach

Anybody get their merch yet? I'm so stoked for my clown blouse and shooter shirt

i want the shooter shirt but my love interest thinks MDE are a bunch of Nazis so i couldn't wear it ever

My gf isn't super fond of MDE but she doesn't give shit about me buying their merch, she even thought the clown blouse was b cool. Find yourself a better sweetie


>letting your love interest decide what you can wear

wtc this?


Wow dude you're pretty whipped. Shed probably respect you more and be less likely to suck your best friends dick if you don't hold her opinion so high





Wow. Veeky Forums mde-fan incels offering relationship advice and it is as autistic as one can imagine

i got that shirt and my girlfriend thinks its hilarious, dont be such a faggot user

stop trying to act like sam hyde

I'm not trying my dude. My duuuude. My duderino.

He is big

He's 6'4''

Not wearing something to appease your sjw oneitis is acting like a cuck for real tho

thoughts on sam hyde dad cap?
gonna cop the shooter and trash economy shirts no doubt

link to their website, can't find shit

I want Sam Hyde to kill me in a self defense situation

Has Sam perfected Sandlercore?

5' 7"

((alternative)) """""humor"""""

I find his work hilarious but don't really want to support him. He's a fucking asshole. He ruined Nick and Charls' chance at having an adult swim show because he wouldn't stop running his fucking mouth about his politics

>he's legitimately good looking

This picture really makes me want to punch him. He really captured this type of skater style well. Impressive.

World peace had borderline genius skits, tho the yt content is majorly trash

Whoops! Think ya got those two mixed up there buddy!

>my love interest
Are you actually dating or what

both are good, depends on what you want


Cuckadoodledoo to youu

This stereotype is wishful thinking senpai

agreed. world peace dropped the ball


you checked out smocaine?

I liked Smocaine desu

It's not 2015 anymore you underaged faggot

classic bomb rescue

the youtube stuff is true patrician MDE

>nobody has posted full ROSS

This is an ace outfit for gymceling


Their higher production shit is always pretty on point, now look at smociane 1 after watching 3, it's shit

he always was a big guy
for you

ross simons rick ro(((wnen)))ss usually what im dressed in

Sam would make for an effay boyfriend. In terms of what it could look like if you knew how to dress to be next to him. Like he's an accessory. Where to cop Sam as my bf, Veeky Forums?

ROSS! Looking good!

Same. Give me some of that ranger unit 18, encroach upon my freedoms senpai

Connecticut, obviously. But don't come here, it's shitty as hell and he already has a GF.

Sam Hyde fucks 18 year olds, you don't stand a chance

How cringe would it be if I bought that or the 2070 tee? Only female models appear in their site and it's leading me to believe that it'd be gay

I doubt that's real but if it is I like him even more now lol

Fuck Sam Hyde

>don't eat anything between now and tomorrow
He's going for the ane.

how is anyone surprised he is a sociopath? Its a fundamental part of being a right wing

Reddit is that way

a good friend of mine worked on mDx during the first few eps. sam showed up at the agency with a young, readily underage asian girl in tow and forcefully stage whisper threats at her whenever she tried to make eye contact with anyone in the office. he would demand access to his "chappie" and would admonish her during creative meetings when she was too slow to produce his chapstick (burts bees). he would immediately go from this to re-engaging the numerous other people in the room with whatever shit he was discussing. the staff at the agency eventually asked him to stop bringing her into the office because she made people nervous because she cried all the time and hid her face in the corner of the room. sam apparently also spent several nights in the office with her, unbeknownst to the agency.

its all true.

he would demand access to his "chappie" and would admonish her during creative meetings when she was too slow to produce his chapstick (burts bees)

Meant to green text that but holy kek, that's funny user. Was the azn really underage, or just look it?

I'm not surprised if he did overnight there, his YT is full of him in weird places for the night

nothing wrong with being a sociopath, just dont hurt them psychically

I like the shirt but people will probably assume I'm a school shooter if they see a 19 year old white kid wearing that


no one confirmed her age because he would aggressively demean her in front of everyone w/ a stage whisper whenever she made eye contact with anyone else in the room

I need a chappie lassie. I'll call her El Chappie