R/streetwear everybody

r/streetwear everybody

but if the op is asking a basic question like w2c black jeans then H&M and Uniqlo are good responses

yes because Veeky Forums is WAYYYY better

but these are ironic

Don't support shitty fast fashion companies and do literally two seconds of research to find companies that have fucking black jeans.

No they're not. Not everything is ironic. Stop using this excuse whenever you say dumb shit

This place is full of fucking idiots

yes, I'm sure that guy who recommended jnco for skinny jeans was 100% serious
also most of these people got absolutely trashed

all great responses to shitty threads

i was referring to the OPs not the posters in the threads. The responses are fine the threads are not

You get really salty if someone says something about reddit.
I agree with you, those are shitty threads, but look at what anons responded:
>paypal you 10 if you find for me...
With those 10 pounds you buy the jacket
>cheap jeans

And goes on, crappy threads get bait responses.

It is all in the replies.

the state of fa is laughable. this is by far the worst board of Veeky Forums currently. go into the catalog now and have a look at the threads. pure cancer

r/streetwear > Veeky Forums

no one is giving them responses you ass. stop going to r/streetwear or leave

r/streetwear BTFO


Veeky Forums is a shit hole

H&M jeans are bafflingly good though. I have some pairs have have survived over three years of regular use and washing. Their skinnies two or three sizes up stack perfectly and have a really flattering silhouette

Why do people here act like this board is better than /r/streetwear and /r/malefashion?

Not that those place are perfect but they're a step or two above what's posted here.

I've had a black pair of H&Ms for a while and loved them, and then bought a pair of zara light wash stretch skinnies, and they've been my go-to jeans for almost every day. Quality still holds up and they feel good. Fuck OP, people who hate on cheap clothes and associate it with bad quality generally don't know what they're talking about.

H&M is great for basics, and their tees feel as soft, if not softer than some polo tees I have

I like their jeans but come on, man. The shirts are piss-levels of quality

this not good

Veeky Forums BTFO

h&m jeans are dookie and their shirts are even worse

The fit is not, but the way the jeans fit is

the thing is you don't actually even know quality because you never owned actually good jeans
h&m, zara and uniqlo are passable, and of course they won't literally disintegrate and fall apart but they are still the absolute bottom of the barrel quality
you lack frame of reference so while you can vouch for h&m and zara they are still shit

I mean what do you want them to say? The dude is new to fashion. When you start out getting into clothing you buy stuff thats generally cheaper and they're recommending go to cheap jeans that are decent for the price. You cant expect someone new to fashion being okay with spending with 100-300 bucks on acne,nudies,april77 etc

Aren't half of the posts on Veeky Forums from people wearing stuff from H&M?

check the waywt thread and yes

I'm sorry I can't justify paying more than $30 for a basic shirt, when the cheap gildan and h&m shirts that some i've had for over a year, do the job.

Jeans might be another story, but again I can't justify spending hundreds on jeans

no they're not

low waisted jeans were a mistake

i wonder if there's people here actually delusional enough to believe that every piece u own must be from a mid-high end fashion house

lmao fuck off the industry is full of plagiarists who use shitty cheap labor. moral high ground doesn't work here just say you don't like their clothes

i'd hang with the guy to the far right

I really don't get this hate for Zara an H&M. Yes we get it some of (perhaps the majority) of their shirts and jackets are low to mid tier quality and cheap remakes of high quality-high fashion pieces, but most of us aren't made of money and people shouldn't have to look like shit because they can't afford to spend 300-500 on a pair of Saint Laurent black skinnies.

This attitude needs to change, H&M and ZARA, Uniqlo, GAP are good for people who want to put some effort into their look without going broke. Those are great stores for basic everyday pieces, even if I could afford the high end pieces i wouldn't wear them on the daily. I don't need 500 dollar jeans to go stunt on people at the coffee shop, whole foods and the DMV. Not all of us work in the fashion industry we have normal lives. Normal everyday people don't care about your high fashion clothing.

This is what Kanye was ranting about 4 years ago, We should all want an support affordable, but fashionable clothing, and affordable doesn't always means it'll be something of poor quality.

You don't have to be sorry, people have different standards

is that really an excuse?

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

Veeky Forums and r/streetwear literally have the same userbase of 16 year olds

lmao top thread is mine

even if the person in the OP was looking for cheap jeans it takes barely any effort to look up "cheap black jeans" and get the same brands suggested to him that were in the post

uniqlo selvedge is literally one of the best jeans you can buy for price per performance other than vintage levis
obviously my nudies are better quality, but it really wasn't the 80 dollars more I paid

kanye is a hypocrite in this instance cuz his line of clothing is insanely overpriced not to mention if looking like garbage. h and m and zara stuff is literally garbage pieced together by children in bangladesh and is only marginally more affordable than mid tier designer clothing. a lot of people spend the same amount of money buying more low quality cheap clothing rather than buying a few reasonably priced pieces that will last longer and can be worn more frequently.

/r/streetwear gets too much of a bad rap on Veeky Forums.
You can hate the style all you want, but they actually have some structure and content there, while half of Veeky Forums is whining about trends they don't like and the other half is "is x Veeky Forums?" shitposts.

>me looking for jeans that don't involve exploited labor at some point in the supply chain


>fast fashion
>low waisted and literally made of paper

>literally made of paper
Wrong. The ones I posted are made of a really thick and warm denim.
>low waisted
If you do what I do and size up on their skinnies, the rise becomes higher

lol h&m jeans are not thick in any sense of the word. try on some denim made for actual work and you'll understand what i mean. and why would i intentionally render my pants ill fitting just for a half an inch more rise (IF i choose to belt them)?

>all H&M jeans are thin like paper lol
>No actually look at this pair, it's pretty thick
>no haha all H&M jeans are thin like paper lol

if you said you were wearing acne no one would here would be able to tell you were lying

yes we would lol

i've done it before and no most people here cannot

Well I can tell because I own a pair of both and theres pretty clear differences even in shitty photos

I feel like most people here wont correct you because they either dont know or care

Levis are the best jeans

What brand would you recommend to a broke student OP?

lmao jesus stacks are ugly

You guys realize a lot of people on /r/streetwear are high school poorfags who use their parent money

They just want some cheap clothes like any normal human being that doesn't browse this board. Once they get into college and starting a job in their 20's, they can get some spare money to invest in more expensive clothing items.


you go to my dbt group user

I can assure you I don't, say hi to my doppelganger for me and tell him to get better soon, though

thats a damn nice ass

If you're really broke then just go to a charity shop and get whatever looks nice, can't go wrong with levis as mentioned above

Can you guys recommend good sites or tumblr blogs or whatever where people actually know a thing or two abiut fashion?

>defending reddit

Streetwear is an autistic fashion trend anyway but we are far worse when it comes to legitimately trying to recommend things to other anons.

.Ho can Veeky Forumsggots even recover

>ou get really salty if someone says something about reddit.
Lol what's wrong w/ Urban Planet jeans they're cheap and have tapered fits? Do u only wear Raf Simmons sweatpants w/ a drop crotch that goes down to your knee lol?

Fuck off. Beyond the fact that you only think they're good because you've never actually had anything good, they're shit for plenty of other reasons from economics, to human rights and the environment. Stop being a faggot who propagates fast fashion to save 50$.

>H&M jeans are pretty thick
>No actually, they're all relatively thin
>no haha they're thick
This is how fucking stupid you sound. You can't even speak on the topic until you own a thick pair of raws or something of similar quality. You're a dumb faggot who's only eaten fast food all his life, and when someone tells you that gourmet is better you argue that it isn't, simply because you don't know what it is.

>>>>>>>>>look at this pair
You're claiming ALL H&M jeans are thin
I said "no, look at this pair I personally have which are NOT thin"
You're acting like that isn't a valid response to what you said

You are a fucking moron

> bu-but deez are ironic

t. guy to the far right

If H&M jeans are ""average" quality, what's bad then? Mainline Levi's is average. H&M and Zara are bottom of the barrel -tier trash.

Is /r/malefashion still better than Veeky Forums?

Is superfuture even a thing anymore? I remember years ago when they would bully Veeky Forums

>from economics, to human rights and the environment.

Ain't no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism. Stop pretending that you can stop exploitation by consumer choices you bourgie arse.

These look great. yall pretentious af

>mocking people for not being able to afford expensive clothing while simultaneously pretending to care about the 'economic' reasons for avoiding mass market products

polo lauren? that's trash tier too

since you guys seem to know where do you get good black jeans? I have a pair of nudies as my go to right now but the only other good brand I know of is acne


Naked & Famous and Unbranded are both pretty good without breaking the bank too much.

why don't people ever post the version with all the descriptions?

humanity was a mistake