I cant grow facial hair

So at 21 years of age its apparent that Im one of those people who cant grow facial hair and never will. I dont think its necessarily a bad thing, and alot of people would want these features. Im blonde, long shoulder length straight hair, blue eyes, pale skin, and no facial hair at all. Should I just own it? Do pills help? The only reason I dont like it is because I have a very Roman nose and strong jawline ,and being pale doesnt really give that a good look and Ive always thought a stubble could help

trust me nigga youd rather not be able to grow any hair at all than have prepubescent growths on your chin and upper lip

I feel you dude. Fucking sucks. I've wanted a beard my whole life. I see people saying "I can't grow facial hair", yet they have a shit ton of stubble. Like fuck off I literally CANNOT grow shit. End me now

I feel you dude, when I was your age I could only pull off stubble and all I ever wanted was a decent beard.

At 22 my hair started falling out, but now at 24, I can grow a full beard, but with a nu-male hair line. If your hair is still nice and thick up top, Id count my blessings. I'd trade this beard for a straight hairline any day.

But, you work with what you've been dealt.

minoxidil 5% can make you grow a beard


Just own it. I technically have to shave every day. Beards are ugly and annoying.

Good for you.

>implying people with good genes care about or need clothes

this, I literally look good in anything. Basic tee and jeans are all a good looking man needs to wear.

post a picture of yourself


Also, Im one of those guys who cant grow facial hair either. Even at 26.

Aight fair enough, you gay tho

>tfw can grow hair but habitually pluck it off

Looks like me if I lost 20 kgs

If I shave in the morning ill have stubble by the afternoon. And I break out because of the facial hair too. But a lot of guys are jealous that I can grow a full beard

Id even be Happy with something like this

>that one weird extremely thick hair on your face

Only true and helpful post gets ignored. You people deserve to be beardlets

could just be genetics i have friends that their father never could grow facial hair and they're yet to grow anything at all. they are pills out there that make your hair grow faster but doubt that'll do anything

Rogaine on yo face

you just got to wait for it, a beard just doesn't pop out perfectly full and thick. Prepare to look ridiculous for a couple of days and wait for at least 4-6 months if you have shit beard genetics.

Side effects are hardly worth it.

good jaw and chin so it doesnt matter
shave the mustache clean and it wold look much better

my dad couldn't grow a proper beard until he was like 30, hang in there

but if you can't grow something proper keep it shaved

I'm 26 and can't grow a beard and I love it. Beards are awful

Same m8

I wish I could grow a proper beard. Would make me accept my eventual buzz (not even losing hair yet, still have almost a NW2 hairline) instead of running from it.