On the topic of religion

On the topic of religion

when and how did the Islamic Golden Age end?
A lot of texts I've read made me infer that Al-Ghazali's anti-rationalism combined with the Mongol sacking of Baghdad were the coup the grĂ¢ce to Islamic intellectualism.

But what preceded this death? And is my conclusion valid?

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As far as I know the idea that Al-Ghazali caused the end of the era was first made by an amateur physics professor writing a book on the history of philosophy, but I haven't found any actual argument to support that. It seems unlikely.

What I believe happened was that the madrasa became increasingly standardized, patronage of which steadily replaced patronage of individual thinkers. The later madrasa had no place for advanced non-religious sciences, so these were pushed into the private homes of scholars and enjoyed little protection from angry mobs of Sufi mystics which had begun to appear around the 13th century. Economic decline from environmental changes, European expansion, and nomad raids by Mongols, Bedouin, and Berbers also whittled away at the Arab mercantile middle class that made up the bulk of early Islamic scholars.


It ended with the decline of the Abbasids in the 900's AD and the coming of the Turkics. The Abbasids tottered into a collection of Islamic Princedoms who were far more busy fighting each other than doing knowledge n shiet nigga.

>angry mobs of Sufi mystics

But aren't sufis supposed to be bro tier according to Veeky Forums?

Sufi is a broad, broad umbrella, and while some Sufi mystics might be super chill, others might be wide-eyed mendicants preaching mystical fanatical things to volatile mobs. Others meanwhile might resemble military brotherhoods.

So they're basically monks with islamic peculiarities? And I mean monk in the broadest definition that includes christians, buddhists, indians, etc.

No, they are definitely Muslims.

>Islamic Golden Age
There never was such a thing, just a handful of scholars working separately across centuries and across the whole huge span of the Muslamic Empire.

That doesn't contradict or support my "they're basically monks with islamic peculiarities" sentence though.

>Arabs make Islam
>they suck
>they conquer Persia and convert them to Islam
>suddenly Islamic Golden Age
>Persians are exterminated by Arabs
>now Islam sucks again
but sure, race isn't a thing...

>This whole post

You mean Persians were exterminated by Mongols.

Persia only reached its 1100s population levels in the 1900s.




>taking such a simplistic and largely inaccurate view of a few centuries worth of history
Wew lad

Believers in Islam seized political power and made edicts only Muslims could hold public office, own property or later be the recipients of fair trade. Believers in zoroastrianism either converted for the sake of their families or remained in their religion, suffered and perished.

[citation needed]

>islamic golden age
>he fell for the meme

okay, I'll put it more eloquently
>Arabs are Semitic/African inbreeds who have never created anything
>Persians were a superpower on equal footing with the Byzantine
>Persians were a high culture
>Arabs were savages
The "Islamic" Golden Age was due to Persians, not Islam

Ibn Taymiyyah is to blame too.

I understand what you're asking, but it's pretty common knowledge. I know wikipedia is a cop-out, but you can question the citations in the article if you like.


You are aware that all golden ages are relative?

>never created anything

Look up Himja and Nabatea.
Muhammed arose when those kingdoms got into trouble due to the romans not buying masses of incense anymore besides other factors.
In this time of confusion and poverty revolutionarys like mohammed could strive,


Mongols had a huge effect on Iranian populations in general in Central Asia and Greater Iran but there is no evidence their population dropped THAT much. The main area where there was huge dips in Iranian populations were specifically in Central Asia; which is part of the reason why the Turkics were able to settle it.

Persians were never exterminated.