Tfw too Veeky Forums to wear a suit

>tfw too Veeky Forums to wear a suit

Post pic

>not just getting it tailored

hey bro, u like cum bro?
u like cum bro?


Lmao christ why did you have to crane your neck down like that

Gotta show off the traps, bruh.

does custom tailoring not exist where you live?

Do you even watch james bond?

>who is conor mcgregor

stop being a faggot
also this


This is a meme right?

you're not even close

dyel dude

you're joking right

>probably got laughed out of Veeky Forums
>I'm sure Veeky Forums will think I'm swole.....le normie standards after all h-hehe
>gets laughed out of Veeky Forums
Swoleness is not a social construct, IDIOT, le normie standards xDDD don't exist. Either youre swole or dyel. Youre dyel. Fuck off.

literally DYEL

>tfw too Veeky Forums to wear a suit and dont match at all

where are your lats?
where are your pecs?
where is your biceps?
where are your shoulders?
where are your legs?

lanklets thats dont lift atleast 3 years are dyel as fuck dont kidd yourself kid

you look like the first picture

This is fucking embarrassing

You should probably delete this thread and hope that everybody forgets about it.

hahahahahahah hahahaha

where's that pic of some wrestler in an extremely loose fitting suit

dam this nig got a wide as hell waist. barrelbody heh



Look you’re obviously not small, these faggots making fun of you obviously don’t know what they are talking about. You are far from looking like a bodybuilder tho so I don’t see how a suit wouldn’t fit you

gotta love how the casual "just standing here totally not flexing" pose.

this is the person that is giving you advice on Veeky Forums

grow a neck

>babby traps so I have to give myself quasimodo neck posture to flex them
>I have to lean back like I'm fucking "keep on truckin" to show my lmao no abs and hide my pooch
>no triceps
>baby baby bis
>jeans to hide no legs
>I'm too swole to control brah
Read the sticky and go to the gym. You fucking embarrassment.

I think he means that he is too retarded to ever be in a situation where he would have to wear a suit.

well at least you look like above 190cm, that's a thing


You look like you've never lifted in your life. Fucking sad


shit man... your pic related makes me want to hit the gym... hmmmm

why does his face look more defined and boxy when he wasn't fat before? seems like taking some testosterone or something practically. haircut makes a difference too i suppose.

“Finished SS”

Here's a screencap, lads. Enjoy. Share the story.


pretty good job senpai

he wasn't fat but he is lower body fat

what a shit job kys there's nothing to screencap in this thread

lighting and lower body fat.

This dude wide af... mirin traps

No you are not, you attention-seeking faggot


you know the stripes don't make him look slimmer

>Nothing to see here

Is this just a pic of a hotel door or?

working out increases your test levels above your normal level which over a long period of time is a little bit like going through a second puberty

cringe motivational coming through