Is it acceptable to wear gaming headsets outside for walking purposes?

They're kinda large, but if I'm walking, my head doesn't rest on them. Do people actually care if you wear large headsets outside?

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Absolutely not, that is some seriously autistic shit user. Do you have no shame?

It's alright if it has an detachable mic, but headphones are always retarded. Just get earbuds.

it isn't even acceptable to wear gaming headsets indoors

>"7.1 surround sound"
>in headphones

Good lord, how do people fall for this shit? I thought you autismal nerd losers were supposed to be tech savvy

In my state that's strictly illegal, user. You can do it you're brave, but beware that you're breaking the law and might be arrested at any moment.

What he said.

>Do people actually care if you wear large headsets outside

Not at all, but most "gaming" headsets are outrageously tacky as well to appeal to their target audience.

most gamers only care about flashy tacticool designs and big numbers
not like good headphones are all that important for gaming anyway


what the fuck no. Why do you even have "Gaming" headphones??

Just buy headphones and a mic

>gaming headphones
Throw it away and get a real one.

No, just get AiAiAis or Xiaomi Mis if you want on/over ears

Lmao what the fuck? Where do you live?

Do you live in saudi arabia or something

This lmao you don't even get true stereo with headphones

are shure se215s autistic? they sound nice and isolate sound well but I feel like a sperg wearing them (over the ear is the only way)

he's obviously taking the piss

The fuck you're talking about? Professionals have been wearing in-ear that way for years.

It looks disgusting if you're fat and bald, but most things look disgusting on fat bald people. If you don't fall into both categories you're fine.

you do understand that's just a feature of the usb soundboard, right?

I'm not sure if you're being obtuse on purpose or if you're full on retards.

Fucking no. I've seen two or three kids do this at my university and it's autistic as shit.

Post your headsets

i ordered these today so they better fucking not be

Holy shit user no

And a fat fuck blasting shitty-ass metallica youtube rips isn't a professional


Gaming headsets are not even acceptable to game on. Get some real headphones.


wow develop come confidence


I also use these.


No. They're just a bit boring since so many people have them, and they are really bassy

OP here - tf you guys got against wearing large headsets outside - its not like I'm gonna have it with the mic in it. People wear beats, what's the difference?

It looks retarded and people WILL judge you. But go ahead if you don't care.

best choice, user. what amp/dac setup do you have with the 650s?

great thread OP
You can get away with it if you're 6'2"+ 220lbs+ of pure muscle

Sure, they'll match well with your bionicle shoes

bretty gud choice
what amp?

Everyone i know says their ugly.
Please tell me their not

Don't, Rappers and shit wear beats which attracts hyprbeasts and normies, and everyone already knows that beats is a scam.
Gaming headphones is the same as DC shoes/Monster T-shirt. If thats your style then pull if off lmao.

>every post is a headphone

>Being this fun of a human being
You are unironicallythe embodiment of young sheldon

dropping my soundcloud


OP here again - I am not fat/bald, is it socially ok to wear it?

a fulla 2 drives it fine

it's like carrying a bigass alienware laptop everywhere you go
most people will legitimately judge you

Others judging shouldn't be why this is an atrocious idea. Maybe I'm splitting hairs but fuck what others think, I just don't want to look helmet tier retarded while feeling on some level that I'm just "doing it wrong".

Ups on the alienware reference, I see that shit sometimes and I have to take a minute to stop laughing.

Jus got my confirmation for my HD 6XX today, current set-up is DT77+ o2

so is the HD 6XX like a fusion of HD600 and 650?

No it's literally a rebranded HD650 with a different finish and cable sold for $200 on Massdrop. I can't believe I got one, it was an absolute steal.

Sennheiser just announced a HD660S though, so it'll be interesting to see how that compares to the existing 600 range.