Is 'stop touching your face' a meme? I'm hoping that it'll cure my fucked up lips...

Is 'stop touching your face' a meme? I'm hoping that it'll cure my fucked up lips. Pic related is roughly what my lips looks like at this moment.

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Stop touching your face is in regards to acne. This is dehydration. Cake some Vaseline on your lips and stop licking them

>This is dehydration
Can't be, I drink an absurd amount of water.

>Cake some Vaseline on your lips
Tried it, doesn't help. I've ever tried using ridiculously extensive shit.

>stop licking them
I swear that I don't.

chalp stick or just have a doctor tell you whats up, faggot. You stop touching your face so you dont get a bunch of oil and dirt in your pores and get acne


So what am I meant to do when I get some water on my lips after drinking? I know that I shouldn't be licking my lips, but what's the alternative in the 'stop touching you face' system?

use a lip scrub to get that dead shit off, theres plenty of diy recipes that work better than anything you can buy, apply chapstick religiously.
I like to gently scrub my lips when I brush my teeth and pat dry, then chapstick.

it's probably just from the cold
use chapstick

>use a lip scrub to get that dead shit off
Tried it. If anything it just makes it worse by undoing any healing what was in the process of happening. As far as I can tell it's just as bad as picking them.

>it's probably just from the cold
I have this problem in every season.

ah fuck i like to pick my lips when they start chipping in the cold. Use chapstick famalam

See , it doesn't seem to work for me. Even when I use it religiously it just seems to end up with an absurd amount of dead skin on my lips.

You got some real purty lips

Talk to your doctor. But as others said, use chapstick.

Might wanna go to doctors soon could be a sign of cancer

Source? It's been like this for easily a year.

>You stop touching your face so you dont get a bunch of oil and dirt in your pores and get acne
Why have I never seen this advice before?

Is that not common knowledge?

that happens when you don't brush your teeth before going to bed. did you skip that user?

Use aquaphor all the time, it cured my chronic dry lips. I keep one of these in my bathroom, apply it every morning and night before bed. Also carry around a small tube.

I don't skip it.

Well fuck I guess you're just genetically inferior then

Why does Veeky Forums shill this so hard?

That looks kinda badass desu

Dont bite your lips

You're joking, right? Who'd kiss that?

>accutane caused my lips to be like that for the rest of my life
what was the point my acne came back 5 years after anyways

Wait, you overdosed on vitamin A?

Use a straw

Find the cure

I bought more expensive lip bals from clarens paris and it works perfectly like a smooth second skin on your lips dont have problems anymore

same here my dude

Seriously, you overdosed on vitamin A?


This will fix your lips
Also, buy a razor for your 13 year old peach fuzz

Stop stuck dicks OP

What do you mean shitposter-kun

That's what accutane is, no?

>wanting wrinkles

Take a warm or hot water-soaked wash cloth, rub a bunch of Dial soap on it and scrub your mouth until all the dead skin comes off. You can do it while you're showering, if you find that easier. Do it every morning as soon as you wake up, and just do it whenever yoi brush your teeth if it's necessary - morning, noon and night. It looks extremely disgusting, so you DEFINITELY want to stay on top of it. Like I said, just a soaking hot soapy washcloth has the perfect amount of abrasiveness. And use chapstick AFTER you shower, because it helps lock in moisture. But if you use it when your lips are n't totally hydrated then it might do the opposite, and lock out moisture from external sources.

I can promise you that ain't from touching your face


I HATE when girls say that shit, to not touch they face during intimate moments and shit? Fuck your skin, count your blessings, sorry your uncle fucked you.

Do you smoke crack or meth?

EC? I've had it for 3 years. Mine is much worse than yours, OP. Nothing has worked for me.

It could be caused by deficit or excess of vitamins.
See a doc

I use a nail file and gently file off the skin then put lip balm on my lips hourly for the next few days. After that, I tend to lapse but the skin doesn't build up badly for a few months. If I can be bothered I'll file my lips a little once a week and that maintains them fine.
Lip scrubs did nothing for me, and balm on its own didn't work either.
Don't bite the skin off! I have done this and its very painful to out balm on after and it makes your lips look ugly and makes the problem worse.
Just don't file your lips down to painful levels, do it gradually and gently.

I use an antiseptic cream on my lips once a week or so because the sun tends to kill them a bit. I just wish it were as easy with my acne.

>Dial soap


EC? Yeah, I think so.

Which vitamins? The only one that I know that I'm short on is D, my delivery of those pills is coming soon.

do you also need advice to point your dick away from yourself when you pee

>I know that I'm short on is D, my delivery of those pills is coming soon.
Just walk to the pharmacy Jesus Christ

Would I had the time.

but you've got time to sit here and wait for replies?

Chapstick until it heals, then sugar scrub to get all the dead skin off.

>La Roche Posay Cicaplast Lip Protective Balm


< --- me
I should mention that I've had a biopsy and allergy testing done, and I've tried over 15 different medications. Because the skin is moist and warm near lips, I have had multiple yeast infections in the time that I've had this condition, which turns the skin yellowish. This made all the doctors I've been to think that yeast was causing the entire thing, but after using anti-fungal creams, the yeast is gone, but the condition remains. My most recent try with doctors, which have all been unsuccessful, has led to them telling me that they can't help me. They claim that what is causing this condition is me licking my lips. I told them that I am not doing that, but they say it may be the normal, unconscious lip licking that probably everyone does that is preventing them from healing. They recommended I go to my normal doctor and ask for OCD drugs and anti-depressants they say might make me not lick my lips.

I am undecided if I will actually go thorough with the bullshit they recommended, but not many other choices at this point, I've tried everything else.

Fuck this noise, hit the drugstore and grab some carmex.

This is why I never went on accutane

At this point I'm at peace with my acne and scars, it's just going to be a part of me forever at this point

Godspeed bros, I hope the best for the rest of your lives

By a humidifier in your room and chapstick.

idk abt you but when i went on accutane yrs ago i had baaaad cystic acne. now i break out from time to time but it has never been as bad

How would that help?

looks like oral herpes

Easily dehydrated here.

Drink water, take vitamin supplements if needed.

Vaseline helps but the best is olive oil on your lips.

I used to think that, but if memory serves the symptoms don't match up.

I drink fucktonnes of water. Is there anything I could be missing?

I use it to take 5 minute breaks from my university work.

you should see a doctor about it, he'll probably be able to fix it

It might be oral thrush. Basically you can get yeast infections on your lips. I'm pretty sure thats what you have. Meds should clear this up in like a week.

OP here - operation "stop touching your fucking face" seems to have only made things worse. Since this thread was so insistent on it I'll start religiously applying the one chapstick that I have left, but I'm not expecting any results. If anything I'm liking the dehydration idea, but I'm still not sure what I can do beyond adding to the already absurd amount of water that I drink. Is there anything else that I should be doing? Like keeping my window open or something?

if you have the "two spots" on your bottom lip like the picture, then you ARE biting your lips and you need to stop. those spots are from your two top middle teeth sinking into your lip when you pull back to chew it

Despite your argument making absolutely perfect sense, I'm as confident as I'll ever be that I'm not biting my lips. Assuming that you're right however, how can I solve this problem?

vitamin A
Im telling u, it works wonderfully
No vaseline ever worked for me either
And yeah i cant stop myself from licking my lips

Every result on Google for that shows people with infected tongues. I'm doubting that I've got a yeast infection because my lips have been like this for years.

I eat carrots daily. I can't see myself being vitamin A deficient.

nah man, i mean like a cream u put on ur lips
I too eat carrots and yet my lips were shitty

That's a fungus, i have that on my balls.

Religious application of chapstick has continued. Rightmost patch (similar to what's in the OP pic) has nearly come off. The temptation to peel it is being resited.

If memory serves this is what always happens when I use chapstick, but when said patches come off they expose what they were covering along with a few of the surrounding areas, leaving an even bigger patch when it "heals" in the future.

See a doctor, fuck.

OP here. Last blogging post for the night. The third application caused the right patch to be removed and the fourth did the same for the left. Now I just have to wait until morning for me to be able to see chapstick fail for me once again.

Are you in the sun a lot? Use something with an spf


Same. It also fucked up my eye.

Can someone give me the quick rundown on this shit? It sounds like I should avoid it at all costs.

this is like two truths one lie

Looks like STD

OP here. Lips actually look ok today, the chapstick seems to be working better than usual. Possibly because I'm being religious about its application and I'm making sure to not get dehydrated while it's on my lips. I'll see what things are like in a few days.

Lips are starting to look worse again, I was running around all day and didn't get much chance to look after myself.

Virgin I'm afraid.

I wish.

Cuz it werks

I'm barely in the sun ever. Hell, I supplement vitamin D.

The only thing I discovered that actually stopped me from getting acne. I used to touch my face all the time, next day I had acne in ALL the places I touched. All my pores are enlarged af now, don't touch your fucking face

>All my pores are enlarged af now,
Why? Shouldn't that make things worse?

Accutane is some fucked up shit used to cure cancer patients and artards are using it to cure fakin acne.

It dries up your body to the max so your skin stops producing natural oils, and your lips, scalp, skin all starts to break. A lot more horrible side effects as well.

If you plan on using it sit down and have a good talk with your doc, its not a joke.

you must be seeing dat ass in your sleep and biting it then

Shit, time to get a new fetish.