Is moncler Veeky Forums approved?

Is moncler Veeky Forums approved?


lol I wish but
>can't afford it

i like moncler as a brand but i think it's been co-opted by hypebeast "wealth" signallers.

i fuk w it but i dress wiggerish af

effay or not, they are comfy af, and I think they look nice

And you write that way too.

if "FA" stands for "Fronting Asians", "Funded Arabs", "Flashing Assets", "Faking Affluence" or "Forcibly Appropriated", then yes, Moncler is FA approved.

lel spot on

I just saved up a bit of money and bought a Moncler 'cause I liked it. Not asian btw.

did you buy a trashbag looking one?

Moncler Auburn (now OOP), and yes it's one of the shiny ones.
Comfy as hell, warm, and no signs of wear even after 5 years of use. Personally, I like the look and feel of it.

good on you man, i just mentally associate complete douchebags and hookers with it, but as far as puffy jackets go, at least it has personality

If you copped because you like it and not because you were told that it's fresh? Then you should - honestly - ignore our opinions, write off those flashes of self doubt and wear it with pride. No matter what your background is.

You came, you saw, you saved, you conquered, you copped. Cheers.


autistic, shiny, puffer jacket? Meh. There's more effay in a thrift store.

i love that waist.
how can you look at that and not see the thot connection

I'm none of these things and I've owned multiple

I don't doubt it, that's actually why I used the word "Appropriate" lastly. Moncler has been appropriate from folks like yourself.

Lol I didn't know montcler was expensive. I got this polo from a random italian dude, I don't wear it often though.

>tfw thots wearing these is my fetish

Thanks guys, that actually cheered me up.

Their jackets make you really warm

I have a Foncler that I rock

Is that a typo or just some lingo I don't know about?

reminder: all moncler products you see irl on other people are fake. no one is interested enough in moncler to go to an actual store, as a result there is no one alive on earth that has ever seen any genuine moncler products.

I have, you should go to norway sometime

Moncler polos are cheap and that one looks fufu

Not completely true, but you're right that many are fakes.
I did wear a fake one for a while until I bought a real one. Fakes vary wildly in quality; some look and feel almost like the real thing, others look and feel very cheap.
If you see a rich Stacy with an LV handbag driving the S-class her daddy bought her, chances are she's wearing a real Moncler.
The Moncler worn by your Lithuanian plumber is probably fake though - he just wanted something warm to wear to his many cigarette breaks, and the shiny fabric went well with his fake gold chains.

Work in a sports bar and see more and more weekend warrior/football casual types with them now. Basically becoming the new Stone Island. Shame because there's some genuinely nice stuff.

I live in Norway and I rarely see any others than me wearing Moncler.
>tfw no Moncler gf

Can be, depends on what you wear it with.