Winterball 2017

Hey Veeky Forums, it's /pol/
A few of us were maybe thinking, we know every year you and Veeky Forums go to the ball together, but /mlp/ is rigging the votes again, and rather than cause divisions between other boards, some of us were going to ask if you'd like to rock up with us?
We never get the time to catch up, and fashion plays an almost crucial and complimentary part in culture, history, and politics, so it'd be nice to discuss those things rather than be forced to look at beastiality again this year.

Obviously not in a gay way.

I'll fuck you in the ass

You used to be cool but then you changed, /pol/.

But then again so did we.

The Nazis did wear Hugo Boss and Veeky Forums is a Veeky Forumsscist board. So it would make sense.

/cgl/ or bust

I suppose its just letting other sites get in our head, not our fault, just a rough time
i guess you could relate, reddits given us both a headache
anyway to paint a picture of the night i give you this

Veeky Forums has been depressed so we were gonna see if he wanted to tag along, he's a solid dude

Why would Veeky Forums be depressed Bitcoin hit 7k.

Because all Veeky Forums thinks about is making money, not what uses to put it to.
Also bitcoin is a gamble right now

>it's ball season already
holy moly time flies
regardless my vote is for no, we need to get our husband Veeky Forums back

True but now Is a good time to sell. I made $100 from the prince rise and moved it into XMR for when the DNMs come back up. The only problem is the transaction fees at this point.

Veeky Forums if any part of you agrees on this can we poll it to the mods?

i'm gonna say no strictly because whenever /pol/ talks about fashion, like any other art, most people have retarded opinions. if i have to see another "dress like a white man" thread where it's just that one faggot spamming shitty pictures of dadcore and wannabe prep shit, i'm going to lose my fucking mind.

I think a combined board would be different, the common line that is drawn when it comes to art is truly degeneracy.
Things that aren't wholesome, or aesthetically pleasing, or meaningful.
fashion is alot different to painting, an abstract pattern can make a beautiful shirt print, but the same abstract pattern on a canvas that sells for thousands is questionable.

>art is truly degeneracy.
and who draws these stupid and arbitrary lines? i've seen people say that any cut of jeans slimmer than boot cut are degenerate, that t-shirts are degenerate, that long hair is degenerate - where does it end? it just shows that /pol/ isn't adept at fashion, falling back on "classics" in a medium that is constantly evolving.

Forgive me, I worded that terribly.
The uniting factor that /pol/ has against art, is when it borders on degeneracy.
"falling back on classics" or tradition? usually as long as theres a divide between mens and womens clothing (mens being masculine and womens being feminine) the possibilities are still endless without blurring the line that makes us human. Also the creativity built on those foundations is something precious in itself.

Also a line drawn on when an outergarment becomes something you wear right before you're about to get fucked.

>The uniting factor that /pol/ has against art, is when it borders on degeneracy.
then my point still stands. when does it become degeneracy? there's ancient romantic paintings that /pol/ jacks off to and then there's SJWs coating each other with period blood purees. both are art, technically, but there's clearly some middle ground there. /pol/'s overton window of fashion is clearly tilted too much to tradition (ie the dadcore and prep shit i was talking about) to be compatible with this board's.

also i have no idea what this sentence is supposed to mean

and would make for some interesting discussions don't you think? both boards could learn something. you have some good points.

and forgive me I'm sleep deprived, but I meant drawing a line between when an outergarment becomes an undergarment, as we're starting to see in our days, which has moral and societal reprocussions, that shouldnt be sacrificed in the name of expression and relativism

Does pol still idolize Trump? If so, no thanks. That nigga is ugly af

>mod moved the /jp/ thread to /trash/
>but not this one
fucking cocksucker fuck off

Get the fuck outta here, youre blowing my cover!

Don't listen to this guy! we should totally ask /g/ out!
Techwear fits! terrorist watches! /fag/ could be great!

more like anti/fa/scist

I think Veeky Forums is overall Veeky Forumsggot before anything

>Hey board it's me some other board

Fuck off with this you absolute fucking autist.

Homosexuality is pretty antifascist, historically and currently, though I suppose not by necessity.

What would the essential /fag/core fit be? Obviously the accessories would be a late 2000s thinkpad and a f91w so there's already a bit of a theme there. It's gotta be something a little grungy and crappy but also practical and in some ways forward-thinking. Maybe some kind of blend of late-2000s hipster grunge revival and more subdued techwear. Hiking boots, jeans, flannel, a subtle parka (definitely not black). As much thrifted as possible. You could probably get some kind of techninja type layering going with a couple oversized flannels and a parka.

Alternatively you could go straight for anarchist/punk fashion. I think there's a good ideological and aesthetic parallel between a denim jacket covered in punk patches and a thinkpad covered in free software stickers