Is patchy facial hair effay?

Is patchy facial hair effay?

No, it looks disgusting.

absolutely not


take a wild guess, pal.

No. Everything looks good on good-looking people though.

this should go with your baggy "techwear" fit
also might as well shit your pants for that full hobo armor set

Is santa-core effay?
Also can't tell from the pic but for some reason half of the hairs on my chin are growing out a copper colour. Ive seen people with beards with white hair only on their chin, so is this kind of discolouration a common thing?

send bobs and vagene

Which look is better?

lmfao this looks like me wtf

if short maybe, it depends. big and patchy definitely not.
i prefer the first image you posted with the larger beard but i'm not feeling the haircut in either of those.

What kind of haircut do you think I should go for?

i'd succ if ur gay

Keep it short. Shorter than this. If you're young(like 18-21) girls like it, if you're older then you are laughing stock.

Pick related is the maximum length you should go for, after reaching that shave and repeat. Measure how many days it takes you to reach it, and than do the math.

Or just use a trimmer you silly fucking gook. Muh chart hair growth wee laddy buddy boy nigger

how is this?
recently trimmed it down to 3mm

what do you guys think about my patch?

shave it off, it's disgusting

3 o'clock shadow is timeless
this totally does not suit your face, shave it asap

alright sick


Disgusting and dirty



looking very poo if you ask me

helo bitch lasagna

Put your ass in my asshole

Remove loincloth






who do I trust?
the chinlets or the beardlets?


But for OP's question I'd say no, you either shave it all off, or if you can you grow a standard beard. I'd even say it would be a really annoying pain to keep it always trimmed patchy.

Not an argument, beardlets

Say hi to Nick and Sam, Charls. Also keep the aesthetic, love it.

>tfw young hapa but beard shows promise of growing
>tfw I need to grow it out to see its limits but always hate dealing with the patches

At least no one disses me personally

Most dudes grow a full beard during their early 20's. If you're 18 with a beard it's sort of out of place, and you'll look way older.

The stache could be worse, but the goatee looks like pubes. You're also real skinny for your head shape, even with soft eyes you probably look creepy.

At what age did you have a full beard? I'm 22 and have essentially hair similar to OP's pic. Probably would grow faster if I was healthier. I want to let it grow out for as long as possible.

dude youre lucky you get grey hairs, i have dark blonde facial hair and i have patches of ginger beard that GLOW IN THE FUCKING SUN

should I just shave it off

If you're good looking you can pull it off easily. Just don't go into more than a month's length.


Idk, my facial hair looks like shit but shaving with a razor feels bad man.

here's a side view btw.

I don't personally like it but friends say I look better with it. Guess it depends on your face or jawline or lack of?


It sort of works with your face because you have qt asian guy features.

Disgusting. Burn it off, then wash your nasty ass hair and get it cut.

Should I shave the goatee and grow the stache? Or should I do it the other way around? Really dont want to go babyface.

I want to believe

it's not that bad

ding ding ding ding found my new beard goal

that shit is terrible bro please dont


Good shit my beard brother.

I can't believe Chuck is a Veeky Forumsggot

Let it grow a bit

>facial shitters confirmed poo in loos

That's the point. Young girls like older men and looking like one is just as good, becouse they're stupid and don't look past appearance.

nah man. I keep mine shaved. It just looks like dirt from afar.

>people don't recognize Chuck


this. i follow some kid from here on Insta who has a ridiculous mustache right now, but has model-tier facial aesthetics so it looks fine.
pretty much always no. hard no

absolutely disgusting

The Poo beard looks good tho

>t. beardlet.

Is mine effay?

or better shave?

shave it off imo. great hair though, jelaous.

Did you trim it before or that's how it grows?

If that's how it grows on its own, then you might try to pull off a goatee if anything, the sides are gone man say goodbye to em.

I say go back to the black censor bar, matches your cut better.

tryna keep it short but this patch on my cheek becomes obvious when i trim
I dont have the headshape for a longer cut though


I couldn't find a picture of the guy's face but the actor in a Dani Jensen scene where she fucks a patient had a mess of a patchy beard and it was gorgeous


On this pic you kinda look Greek or Spanish due to lighting, that looks better
On the second one can see that you are a shitskin tho

I like to consider myself racially ambiguous