How do I get a body like this? i'm gonna start going to gym tomorrow, tips?

how do I get a body like this? i'm gonna start going to gym tomorrow, tips?

i'm skinny fat, 5ft 6, 119 pounds/54kgs and hate myself. My diet is on and off in quality but it's pretty good at the moment (vegetables, fruits, chicken breast, lean beef, fish, all grilled not fried, brown rice, legumes, that sort of thing)

Whoops, meant to post in /thinspo/

Fuck off Brock.

Yeah that's who it is I think

Of course it fucking is you moron.

step 1. stop eating so much
step 2. wait a couple weeks or so

Literally stop eating like a pig , and have decent genetics

I look like that right now with a bit more musculature

boiled eggs (scramble in olive oil if you can't eat boiled), boiled chicken, boiled potatoes (with skin), raw broccoli, raw carrots, boiled spinach, garlic, tomatoes, some fruit, yogurt/kefir

lift three times a week, cardio two times. rest on weekends

eat no food and dont touch any weights. surefire way to become a little twink faggot like that

stop eating

>Eat at a 400+ calorie deficit until desired body fat is reached.
>Do absolutely no exercise except for a few crunches.
I assure you this isn't a body you actually want. He's tensing, twisting his torso and angling down light to look as good as possible, and it still looks like shit. Would be skinny fat outside of this pic.

I'm 5'6-5'7 (not quite sure) and 51kgs. Am I good?

Planks and pushups. Atleast 20 minutes of totalt plank time a day, and atleast 60 pushups a day

OPs photo has no chest retard

Listen up faggot, going to the gym sucks ass, especially if you have no physical culture, stamina or strength to begin with!
What you want to do is start with a sport that you find fun and interesting, I suggest kickboxing because that's pretty good cardio and most classes will end with some ab exercises, do that for a few months so you up your general condition at least slightly, then start doing exclusively body weight exercises in large sets. Vinyasa yoga, or power yoga are great for keeping a lean and not very muscular physique.

Yeah no you don't want a body like that.
You think you do but you don't.
& read the sticky


You don't even need to go to the gym, high repetition bodyweight to tone and cardio to slim would do that for you as long as you ate relatively well.

Pushups wont grow your chest

this retard

not him, but pushups can only get you so far
they won't grow the chest

literally lift weights for 2 months, eat a decent amount of protein

easily obtainable

Given good meal plan, good sleep, enough water and fairly good genetics, you can get chest gains with pushups. Obv it's worse than bp

Are you a girl?

This cunt. Surely bait

eat less.

It's literally all genetics as far as I've experienced

I'm 5'11 145 lbs and look like that now, 4 months ago I weighed over 200 pounds.

just fucking swim that's literally all you need for this physique

t. surf 3-5 times a week and look kinda like this

literally pullups+pushups 5x10 two-three times a week

do people actually want to look like this? youd look like a pushover twink who cant stand up for himself. if you like dicks in your ass then go right ahead

>if you like dicks in your ass

but user, I LOVE dicks in my ass

Trust me OP, you don't want that body.

I know it might seem "aesthetic" to you and shit but really it's not good, I wanted to look like that too and I achieved it.
Never felt more like a powerless faggot ever.

If you want to be smashed by every guy ever then go ahead, girls don't find it attractive either.

A month ago I joined the gym and slowly adding muscle.
>pic related my body currently

Don't be a twink, be Veeky Forums.

> lifts for a month
> posts topless pics on the internet

Way to go, faggot

I'm not attracted to girls

Even if you are a faggot, point still stands.

Guys won't find it attractive either, unless you're going for 40 year olds who are into young boipussy.

>i'm not attracted to something therefore no else should

also what happened to wanting to look how you wanted

That dude and his bf made me change from bi to full faggot

He can do whatever he wants, I'm simply giving my perspective on it.