Techwear / Cyberpunk / Lunarcore General

The last thread was great let's try for another.

So what exactly is Techwear?

Born out of the unlikely crossover between fashion and the outdoors industry, urban techwear (or “techwear”, for short) is an emerging style that blends form with a relentless focus on function. While the athleisure style often straddles the line between aesthetics and utility, techwear chooses to ignore the line altogether: in our technology-enabled future, why couldn’t someone have both?

Other urls found in this thread:

get the fuck out

That picture makes me really uncomfortable.


Lunarcore is better than tech wear

how long did this take you to make?

fuckin sick

add gibson plz

Gosh picture is terrible.

Threadly reminder that TECHWEAR =/= CYBERPUNK

TWear is FAR too flowy and layered to work with a CPunk future

>bag in front

This fit, is shit

How can I or any person ruin techwear/lunacore/cosplay for the "scene"? or who already has?

I'd argue to say the font is far horrendous, whichever autismo made it has no respect for design, possibly op

anyone have inspo of techwear using more colors than just black?

this old grailed item from raf would have been perfect for lunarcore

This is so cringe...what the fuck is this?







fuck gibson

the greatest out

Fuck YOU

William Gibson is Gawd you bastards

whats the point of soft shells? isnt a hard shell with a insulating top under it better because its more water resistant and warm and u can remove the insulating layer and use hardshell on warmer days

i dont get why soft shells are a thing

It's a good intermediate weight for places you know will be cold and wet but not like a down pour. I use a soft shell for ice climbing for example. It's nice to throw on when I'm in the city of I don't want to fiddle with multiple layers.

Goat insulator coming through.

gibson is a faggot

haha so many techwear greats on here

this is like techwear where's waldo

Your name suits you.

what is that LOL tee

Yea I freaking love this.

Did you make this OP? It is epic!

What is the difference between techwear, cyberpunk and lunarcore?

Techwear is just goth cyberpunk and lunarcore is all white techwear?

I now realize that techwear is essentially cosplaying an anime character everyday

Fucking get over yourself. Jesus...

lots of famous-ish on the internet techwear fits shooped together in a bladerunner 2049 pic
looks kinda funny to me, though the poses look pretty cringe in this context

Techwear - Goth
Cyberpunk - Industrial
Lunarcore - Etherealwave

Lunarcore is a style inspired by the costumes of films like the Alien films and Outland, sort of like an outer space-workwear. I really don't know what techwear is, to me it just seems like an autistic science-fiction-y style, but I think it's supposed to be clothes that are both futuristic and functional. While I can't really define what cyberpunk is as a clothing style, It's basically stuff like Deus Ex System Shock and the setting of blade runner

Cyberpunk is high tech low life.


Techwear to me is clothing that is functional and weather resistant such as outdoor clothing except that it is for an urban environment. It often takes on Eastern aesthetics because many metropolises are in East Asia. However it could be very simple Western style clothes like the items you can get from Outlier or Veilance. Aesthetics come second in techwear.

Cyberpunk is any clothing that references cyberpunk texts such as Neuromancer, Blade Runner, Shadowrun and the like. It does not need to have functionality at all it is almost cosplay.

Lunarcore is the same as cyberpunk in that it is aesthetics focused except it references space science fiction films such as Alien, Moon and literal space suits. Again, it doesn't need to be functional.

So there can definitely be overlap between cyberpunk and techwear and lunarcore and techwear but not lunarcore and cyberpunk. Also techwear can take on many aesthetics.

In the end techwear is a philosophy to match the person's clothes to their environment while cyberpunk and lunarcore are aesthetic styles only.

>It does not need to have functionality at all it is almost cosplay.
Is it cosplay if we're basically living cyberpunk now.

tfw no techwear gf

It is cosplay because it only "looks" cyberpunk because it references Blade Runner, Terminator or some other film. If we live in a "cyberpunk" dystonia then any thing normal people today wear is cyberpunk. Which seems to be branded sneakers, jogger pants and graphic t-shirts.

Those see-through rain jackets came back in a minor way at least. Also the SJWs are working hard to bring back their own appropriations of punk and goth so maybe we'll get subculture gangs.

It's inspo. You could literally wear that or just take elements from those and use it to inspire your own fits

duuuddeee this is awesome

post it on they will love it

Don't forget r/cyberpunk


Soft shells are a good all-rounder jacket but master of none. They make for a good autumn or light winter jacket if you live somewhere it doesn't get extremely cold. It also means you don't need to carry around extra layers.

who is the LOL guy and the monkey dude climbing the wall? I can identify like half of these only

>who is the LOL guy
>and the monkey dude climbing the wall

i still prefer layers

soft shell seems a compromise


amazing. this has to be op techwear image for every thread hereafter

Why are you being rude? I just said it makes me uncomfortable, that's all.

not a fan of soft shells either. some things like stoz seem good for intermediate weathers but at the end of the day seem more like a luxury than essentials for a good set up. an atom lt/ar (or similar insulator) and a goretex shell will always be better in my eyes

big tiddy goth techwear gf

some techwear brands like acronym are cyberpunk in their DNA but others like outlier have no cyberpunk at all. acronym brings to mind Akira, metal gear, blade runner and blame! because errolson loves all the same movies and manga we do. techwear can be cyberpunk if its the right brand,,,

ACR is nothing like Blade Runner... Errolson fans are so dumb.

how /techwear/ am i guys?
>pic related


this winter is gonna be tough one at my place, got any ideas for the heavy jackets?
probably SI is a nice option

shit optics mate


left to right see if we can guess them all. i know a few

1. jessica bin
2. ??
3. keith tio
4. ??
5. waley gao
6. thisistheodore
7. (on roof) ???
8. jah eel
9. (climbing) ??
10. edge
11. Aoku
12. 1kdeaths
13. (on phone box) ??
14. chrisswj
15. ??
16. ACRHIVE lee
17. ?
18. Errolson Hugh
19. ?
20. Thisisantwon
21. xeoniq
22. ?

lol waleyg's pose is the virgin pose

what a waste of an issey vest


Why'd you lump lunarcore into this thread??

We already have a bumpin Lunarcore Thread started by yours truly..

I think Hugh is in the center

thats blee in the middle


2. 1i1i1ii1
4. stepg.psd
7. chokeslamgod
9. bernard.c
13. avantsol
15. alyxbot
17. jdotkdot
19. ???
22. j3vgn

19 is

that’s all of them

I added straps to these pants.
I don't know how I feel about this fit.

you blend right in

considering this as my first hardshell because I don't have enough experience to do ninja shit


arc’teryx leaf is great

any tips on hiker core aesthetic?

triple aught design

don't wear a shemagh

Anyone know when Riot Division will restock their pants?

Good boots, not sneakers, a breathable shell, pants with stretch and a proper backpack, not those faggoty Acronym bags that are just glorified man-purses.

Looks Ok. Coordinating it won't be easy though for casual use

Use colours, boots not sneakers


w2c jacket and pants

I miss Next Adventure

KMTRS look good, ditch the white shirt and it looks crisp.

what the fuck? probably bait, but the sprawl trilogy is some of the best cyberpunk content out there.

This picture... Daily reminder that only models/actors can pull off these styles.

Are non-ACG Komyuters waterproof too?

Twg just wrapped up a hiking themed challenge and it has a lot of good content. Go check it out.

Yeah, they're exactly the same, just minutes colorways and ACG letters :c


get actual climbing gear.
patagonia, arc'teryx, black diamond, TNF etc.
salomon boots.
unnecessary carabiners everywhere
thermal jug visibly hanging from backpack

bumping for interest, need to know w2c that jacket

the techwear discord

