Is anti/fa/ actully Veeky Forums

Is anti/fa/ actully Veeky Forums

Looks pretty good

i bet not a single one of them is above 5'7

Why do they have such a problem with this board? I mean sure there's some degeneracy on here, but then why don't you see anyone on the streets protesting /b/ or /pol/ or /r9k/ or /diy/

No, beta cucks will never be Veeky Forums


You sure about that

Yes. Nowadays it is fashionable to be a degenerate.

dressing in all black vs dressing in khakis and white polos
you tell me op

Veeky Forums people don't make politics their entire identity

Introducing the brave soldier who suckerpunched Spencer #punchnazies

Is coprophilia Veeky Forums?

This man is standing up for his way of life! Salute

I pray next time he running punches at a nazi full force, he actually makes them stumble and fall over

There's not a pound of muscle underneath those cheap petrochemical Chinese clothes


holy kek

Holy shit lol

>that nose
"my fellow whites"

Extremism of any sort is the hallmark of unfashionable, because it is the hallmark of a follower or one who is closeminded.

Plot twist, the tallest guy in this picture is 5'8"

i dont like them but the american ones are not Veeky Forums

anitfa please leave

How do you guys remove text from tshirts?
I like the little flag with "always".
If anyone has tips on how to do that i might buy it

Probably fake but fuck me if that wouldn't be golden

---> /gay/

No, it's confirmed, you had people calling "fake!" then switching to "who cares what he's into!" then "Spencer got punched by a literal cuck, how badass and ironic" lmao. The state of antifa

such a stupid waste of time.

what do you get out of these posts? are you waiting for others to post images from /r/beholdthemasterrace?

do you just want to throw shit at eachother?

Failure to think outside of the status quo is a neglection of your duties as a man. Your priority should be your people, your brothers and children, the memory of your ancestors, the collective dream and future of your tribe, the custody of your land, the Earth and its animals and humanity at large. If your current government and media apparatus brands you an extremist for this, then there is something deeply sick with them and they must be disregarded and ultimately excised.

Extremism of ANY kind includes governmental bodies themselves, brother.

You ain't gotta tells me about landholding! I'm sure we're one and the same about many things.

is that why you praise kek and post sad pepes?

>the memory of your ancestors
when white people do it, it's the memory of your ancestors, but when black people do it, it's "WE WUZ KANGS"

>Your priority should be your people
Pro tip: all human beings are your people. If you really are a Christian like you pretend so, then take a few lessons from Jesus Christ and cease your mindless hate and frustrations.

I like you man

"We wuz kangz" is a meme because there is shaky evidence that a population of Nubian blacks held tenure as pharoahs during the Egyptian period, and the central and eastern Africans that make claim to this ancestry are just as bad as Nordic Swedes who claim they were Ancient Greeks. It's a joke because blacks claim this instead of their actual ancestry, in which the tallest structure in central and Eastern Africa built before whites showed up are termite mounds, the wheel wasn't used for any transport, milling or machinery, no animals were domesticated, two story building or written language used. Kings indeed.

>all people are human
Sure. So let's see you donate your inheritance to Africans who chose to have 8 HIV positive starving children instead of giving them to your own children and family. Also I never said I was Christian

The longer I live, the more specific my ideologies get. Thanks for the bump.

>So let's see you donate your inheritance to Africans

>if you can't solve all of the starving and poverty in the world at once, might as well not do it at all
better to just post racist memes on /pol/ and spread hate, right?




wow, these images really convinced me...I think I like trump now

Personally I hate Trump, I just think the whole identity politics shit is a load of cringey larpers

The way I see it, you shouldn't set anything in concrete except this: your children matter. What kind of world will you leave them? Who will protect them when you're gone? Who will die for them, suffer to make their lives better?

I don't go on /pol/ and point out what I've said that's hateful, brainlet. Is loving your family more than a stranger on the streets or someone who hates you family hateful? Brainlet



I run into conflicts with this directive because I don't want children. I feel like it's terrible to drag another human into this shitstorm.

then why do you only post "leftists"

>your children matter. What kind of world will you leave them? Who will protect them when you're gone
do you hear yourself? in what year do you live bro? there are no wars, your kids don't need to be protected in that way. I have a better idea: protect them to not become like you: hateful and frustrated

I never actually used that term but okay, this is also a thread about how cool antifa is. I'm just posting the reality.

I won't argue with you but consider that in almost every metric your ancestors had it worse, and still had children, believing that either they or their distant descendants would have a better life. Existence is suffering, you can't change it without ending sentience in all beings forever, but you can contribute to your family's tapestry and honour and continue their dream of a better life for their offspring. I used to be very antinatalist too, but now all I want to do is create lives and steer them through the dirt of this world, and hope that they can improve the world and do the same for their children.

Good luck getting off the benzoes too, buddy. It gets much better, it just takes time.

The quintessential bugman: "I don't need to protect my children, the State™ takes care of that for me"

lmfao dude did you seriously type that, reread it, and say to yourself "yep, this statement is 100% factually correct and represents my views"

do you have fucking mayonnaise where your brain should be or something?

I'm off the benzos 5 days!!!!

I want children in some part of myself, I'm just unsure about bringing life into the shit that is the modern world.

Holy shit physiognomy is real

It's not even about whether or not The State™ will be able to take care of every facet of life so that he doesn't ever have to run into conflict, it's his dogmatic belief in the utter impervious immortality of the state. He legitimately believes that the system we live in is perfect and not only will never change but is physically impossible to destroy.

>I never actually used that term
why do people from /pol/ always try to hide themselves on other boards. I've been here more than enough that I can smell through your bullshit

>the State™
where did I say anything about the state? it's about trusting other humans, but I guess that's asking a bit too much out of hysterical paranoid /pol/ aka t_d users.

>no u
good argument bro ;)

keep believing that you're a victim and being persecuted. you sure are different than those SJW boogeymen you talk about all day



No, they are not Veeky Forums.

>Pro tip: all human beings are your people. If you really are a Christian like you pretend so, then take a few lessons from Jesus Christ an
pro tip: kys

Very iconic. Yes.

good one ;) *upvotes*

>alt right people are christcucks
>alt right people follow a semetic religion at all


holy fuck leave this entire website thanks

I am a christian. I thought it would be obvious in this thread, since I was trying to promote tolerance and non-hate

anyway, good argument bro :^) the poor-drawn ms paint img ofcourse, a weapon in any /pol/user's artillery

>complains about reddit's circle-jerking echo-chamber
>reeeee's as soon as he sees a different opinion

stay classy /r/the_donald and /r/incels

Prove you are a Christian

ur not a Christian your a cuck and a fraud. just one of many who are all talk

>Luke 13:23-24 and 28, “Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them, Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able ... There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see >Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out.”

>I am a christian.

No one can "prove" they're a Christian because the faith's requirements for being a Christiain is literally just "Believe in the dead Jew"

were any of my words in this thread non-christian?

how am I a cuck? how am I a fraud?
I want to help you realize that you're drowning in your own rage and bitterness. I only say this because I've been on this site for 10+ years so I know how you think and feel. Letting go of my hate was the best thing I've did, and I hope you can see it as well

When you hate minorities or any other people, you just harm yourself. You damage your soul.

this.Amerimutt are really disgusting



You know how we "feel"? How do you feel about the fact that Germany's children are no longer German, replaced by low IQ horrible people who have no connection to Europe and only came for handouts? Did you just let that go?

Also, prove you're Christian. If you are Christian it should be easy to do so, fraud

What a shitty edit.

>I want to help you realize that you're drowning in your own rage and bitterness. I only say this bec

This is an antifa inspo thread please dont post that here

are you German? have you ever been to Germany? have you seen with your own eyes how's the situation there, or do you just trust the trolling on /pol/?

>low IQ horrible people
how would you feel if other people would talk about you like this? how can you type words like these and be happy and satisfied about yourself?

>no connection to Europe
and? try to attach to your character things that you personally achieved rather than those before you. europe doesn't owe you anything, nobody owes you anything. europe doesn't need to be in a certain way just because you want to. newsflash: history goes forward no matter of what events happen, good or bad from your point of perspective

>Also, prove you're Christian. If you are Christian it should be easy to do so, fraud
I don't have to prove my faith to no one, but God.


your virtue signalling is nearing bio hazardous levels


>NO! it must be virtue signaling
>I can only think in black and white
>/pol/said that we should be christian now
>but this guy says he's christian?
>and he doesn't agree with me?
>I...don't...know what to think

>only came for handouts


It's believe in the living jew

Christian or not I have to ask you why are you so willing to shut down anyone who is advocating for your own ingroup interest (that would be German nationalists assuming you're German) and then promote other groups (refugees/minorities/immigrants/Muslims whatever) interests, often at the expense of your own?

Do you actually believe that these people you're trying to protect from the "evil racists" would return the favor if the roles were reversed? Do you believe that if Germans become the minority in their own country that the future non-white majority would respect their civil rights instead of mass lynching them in Rhodesia/Haiti/South Africa style?

If no then please explain to me why is it reasonable to you or any German for that matter to care about the real or preceived injustice that these minorities face? Why is would you care about these "people" at all if they hate you and want you and your kind eliminated?

I'm not even trying to pick a fight, I'm just a random Eastern European trying to ask a honest question in order to understand your ethnomasochist mindset.

>as a white male...

they're Anti-Veeky Forums