Anyone else thinking about post-ironically wearing a fedora now?

Anyone else thinking about post-ironically wearing a fedora now?

you cant wear a fedora if you are the only guy wearing it, it has to be seen in at least 1 in 5 people on the street so it doesn't come as off.

I think it'll become the new postironic meme wear, like baggy pants and ugly athletic shoes

Class is for men

Nerds already do it

The intent is what matters though

Not when street is filled with them, no one will be bothered by your 'intentions'

I never see anyone wear fedoras irl. And people still wear ugly shoes fashionably and more people sincerely wear those than fedoras.

they didn't even look good when they were in fashion

If you are an american don't bother

>Anyone else thinking about post-ironically wearing a fedora now?
Don't do it until you're prepared to call it "sincerely".

They are blinded by branding, while they will see you as an edgylordfag when doing without branding

Fedoras, and formal hats in general, are so unfashionable that you just know they're going to come back in style eventually. I'll be ahead of the curve

>are so unfashionable
it depends on what you wear it with and where

rollable felt hats are all over the place; inspo on outfits, will post more if people want.



Looks fucking terrible. All of these outfits would look 100 percent better sans stupid flaccid hat.

thats a problem of taste. I like the hat and I have a similar one, some people don't like it and that fine

that's funny, because you just posted some liberal douche bag.

I don't know what you would wear with one but if you were going to do it remember to take it off inside.


Ben Croshaw

hat is so bad it looks like a malicious shop

The only reason this looks good is because it's David Gandy wearing a fedora. Anyone else who wore a fedora would look absolutely disgusting. Especially you OP.