Grid thread

What are you Veeky Forumsggots currently wearing.

I'm in for the night





the problem with these threads is that ultimately your weight/height/overall attractiveness determines how good you will look wearing pretty much any clothes so it doesn't matter if any fits posted here are 'sick' because it might be worn by a fat irish midget

>fat irish midget
so in other words an Irishman


the virgin bomber

the chad rolling thunder

basically me

Fem btw*

Most of this posters don't even own the clothes that they post, they just create the best fit that they can or a bait fit.

are you a zipperhead or geriatric


threw this up rn, sitting on my bed listening to kanye west, also the trousers have cum and chewing gum on them
you cant really see the top im weaing cause its under the polo neck



looks like shit

thats cause the shirt is rolled up under my jumper and i rolled up the jumper so you can see the top m8

show me your fit laik

trying too hard to be metrosexual

I am boring


Best itt so far



