Comfy pants AMA

Just copped 2 pairs of those comfy ass grey flannel trousers everyone's raving about ama

why that shitty color? trying to distract from your aging hair?
seriously, you can have comfy without going i-dont-know-if-this-is-a-casual-event grey.

Grey is the best pant colour imo

>Grey is the best pant colour
couldnt agree more. but damn, not THAT grey.

your photo is already the best example, just compare how it looks when you dont see the pants.
if you dont see the pants, dudes hair is quite okay. as soon as the pants are in the picture, his hair color becomes an undefined brown-ish lameness

I'm not op and i don't particularly like those pants in the picture. I agree the colour is bad with other colours in that pic, but i can see them working elsewhere. Personally I prefer darker grey and looser fit.

link to said pants

My hair is dark brown, almost black, but I do have some premature greys (20 yo btw)
True that, I can combine it with everything else in my wardrobe, apart from light khakis maybe
As I said, there's still a lot of contrast between my hair and the pants, but the second pair of trousers I got is closer to charcoal with speckled yarns
Thrifted :( but I think Drake's or Chad Prom has some higher waisted flannels.

I'm not the guy in the photo btw, his name is Andreas Weinas, but the trousers are almost identical.

They're a cotton/polyester blend giving them a slight sheen, this makes them a less versatile grey than say flannel. Does't mean they can't be incorporated well.


I could never commit to pleats though.

how the fuck do you assume this from absolutely nothing
pair of doubles wasted on total retards

no way would this guy wear anything with a polyester blend. It's probably worsted wool, s120-s130 maybe

cotton polyester blend doesn't look like that

can't you see they havr ..... trips and names????
they clearly know what they are talking about and are fucking radical cool guys..,,.,.,.

polyester is shit my man

Good get


The tie tucked in the pants thing.

Collecting Veeky Forums opinions on this. To me, it's odd and doesn't really enhance anyone's look. This is coming from a guy who does things like wear a button up entirely buttoned, even if the majority of people don't. I'm not opposed to oddness, in any of itself. I'm not even opposed to the look. But I don't get the visual appeal.

it's one of those things that has become popular with moderns sartorialism. Similiar to the skinny blade wider than the tie meme. Tanner Guzy said that as long as everything else is on point you have some leeway to have an unusual characteristic in your clothing.

It's more of an old timey thing. It keeps it in place like a tie bar and it can be done if your tie is too longe



that was also me :^)