I’m not... s-soy

I’m not... s-soy...

>cuffed jeans
>Brown boots
>any clothing that's tan coloured
>a watch


Very low energy man. Go to the gym :(

Take some Testosterone pills, soytoy.


If you have a masculine face and Veeky Forums build that fit is fine

>that fit is fine
-Veeky Forums 2017

Without the glasses he'd me barely passable. Not great, but acceptable.
With them he reeks of soy and estrogen.

What a boring meme. It cannot die soon enough

God I Wish I Was A Soy_Boy

>soyboy who's never worked a day in his life wearing workwear

Neither have you if that's what you wore.

wait I thought soyboys was just a thinly veiled euphemism for traps, what the fuck even is a soyboy?

Nerds --> Beta --> Cucks --> Numale --> Soy
It's whatever you want it to be, it's a boogeyman for the people you don't like

He looks like he's 12.
Without exaggerating at all.

no fashion sense, dresses for function, ie pocket protectors and cargo shorts
no fashion sense but still a tryhard
feminine clothing and hipster/teen
hipster core
did i get it right?

not really

>having a watch
nigga what

why do people wear skinny/very slim fit jeans with boots?

what's really sad is how old this picture is...

Why people wear slims with anything??

Tan is a good colour for pale skin.

its not the fit thats making u soy

apart from the cuffs and the boots desu they are emasculating af weakboi

i don't think u could have been more wrong

dude, all memes are boring and the people who regurgitate them are worthless scum. you just need to realize that species is a spook at that u should give as much regard to the babbling of red pill degenerates as you would the barking of a dog.

If you're upset about it you either don't understand it or do understand it and it hurts because it applies to you.

Being a soyboy isn't being David Bowie - it's being a neckbeard with moobs.


being a soyboy isn't anything

This user puts it better than I could myself. You guys are always making up tiers of people and go around repeating it over and over again, until the word loses the small amount of meaning (if any) it once had. Also the fact that it happens on a fashion board.
It gets old very very fast

People the speaker disagrees with