Am I a feetlet if I have size 11 shoes?

Am I a feetlet if I have size 11 shoes?

Post a pic of you shoulders down or just your feet when you're standing in shorts so we can judge. Giveheight or something, Op

I'm 6'1 tall but 9 in adidas kms

Size 10D master race ?

what u wear in shoe size means nothing, take out a measuring tape and tell us how long your foot is.

pro tip: if your foot is 11 inches long then you are a size 11 US. it's really simple

pro tip: one of your feet will be slightly larger than the other, measure the larger one

>mfw 6'2" and size 8

>mfw 5'8 and size 10.5

>6'3'' size 14
finding shoes is hella hard kms

>size 12
>8 inch dick
>still a virgin

My feet are just a teensy bit over 11 inches but I usually wear like a UK 12.

Tfw UK size 7

what went wrong my dude

Tfw size 13

Same shit. My height is 187 cm .

Veeky Forums /g/

Sssshhh brother it'll all be over soon


Mfw 5'8 but have size 12 shoes.

5"11 sixe UK 9. happy boy right here


>10 UK

>tfw 11.5 EEEE
I somehow have the feet of someone who's never worn shoes in their life.Well, at least I'm healthy. I can grab stuff with them too.

Sure doods, put your shoes on and pinch down on the toes. Squeeze in at the sides. You're probably all wearing shoes at least a size too big just to look "BIG". Same thing with wearing jackets that are too large.

You are all a disgrace!

Oh, and I wind up tearing apart shoes that aren't wide enough(they break in via walking with strong foot muscles, and then break some more and fall apart) in like 6 months tops.

So, being autistic about shoe comfort as a child and having proper foot muscular development:

+3 agility
-99 ability to find shoes

Fuck, I wasn't autistic about foot muscular development as a child(that would be weird), just the comfort.(was diagnosed too)

size 8.5-9
That's pretty proportional, right?

I am 5ft 9.5in and have 5-5.5 UK male size feet. Does it really matter at all?