Losing hair at 24, was attractive (not for long)

I have tried propecia - got sides. Have tried RU - experimental who knows the sides and can't cover scalp. Have tried rogaine - makes hair stick together and apparently makes your skin age. Every hair loss cure is a double edged sword. I have never thought that I would say this but I feel like offing myself. I have other issues and this is just too much. I will say this to any guys who are not balding, your hair is literally worth more than millions of $. It is one of your most valuable assets.

> just buzzed my head despite always having long thick healthy hair
> wont grow it out again because I realised how annoying long hair is
how does this make you feel OP

>shave head
>wear rick

Where's your problem OP?

Jelly ofc desu. I am literally dying

Because I can't hack life without my attractiveness, especially at this age

You queer, I'd kill to be you
pic related, I'm 18

jesus christ you fuckin pussy lmao

just go bald

If I didn't have other issues I might be ok. A few years ago I was on top of the world, but then a few things happened that knocked me off course, but I could still manage. Then my hair started going and it is like I am already knocked off balance and then this just knocks me completely off my footing and I am tumbling down. If I only had hair loss I would be ok, and if I only had the other issues I might manage, but this is completely overwhelming. I would have never thought that I would ever consider this.

What other issues user?
I think the best thing you can do with the hair loss is to get on fin and forget about it.

I feel like my spirit would be crushed irreplaceably, looks like going bald isn't actually a choice at this point tbf

A traumatic event that may drag on and a couple of deaths in the family. I have taken fin but I got several sides, it's unfortunate because it definitely does work.

That's really shitty user, I'm sorry
obviously it means nothing coming form a stranger who knows no details but I hope everything turns out alright for you

i think im balding too, im already far too depressed to be dealing with this so im just ignoring it for now and waiting for god to throw me a bone or i dis. feels like this might be the end though

I've embraced it desu. Yeah once you first shave or buzz your head it'll feel like pulling teeth but after about a week you'll realize life goes on.

I do appreciate it, am sorry to post this stuff on here I don't want to fish for sympathy. I will just say to protect your heart. People can deal with stuff like balding, but if you have other issues it can compound.

Good man, if you genuinely feel ok throughout balding you will be alright. It is just if you are already on the back foot in life it can be a bit much That's kinda like my feel, if there are already other issues it becomes a bigger deal. I will say that if you feel that you can overcome the issues feasibly then you can be ok, it really becomes a problem if the issues seem potentially unsolvable

im not even 100% sure im balding yet but im a little bit sus. if it is balding ill take that as a sign from the gods that this world is not for me

Could be hairline 'maturation' of course. The thing that makes me think that I am balding is that my hair is receding and my hair is getting a lot thinner on top. For reference my dad is bald, I was hoping that I would get the hair genes from mums side or something lol

Am going to go to sleep lads. If the thread is alive tommorrow I will reply. Stay safe out there fellow balding guys, I feel your feel.

Been balding since 17, my hair is extremely tine but some how I am able to concealed it well, im also pretty tall so most people don't see the top of my head. I'v made an appointment with a dermatologist so hopefully i'll be able to resolve this situation. I don't give a fuck what the possible side effects are, my effeminate babyface cant survive without hair.

What are the side effects of fin?

your dick stops working

I felt kind of similar to you but fin sides can be pretty bad.

dick dysfunction, prostate gets all fucked up, general hormone imbalance, potential man boobs, weight gain, mood changes and brain fog etc

>slowly going bald
>forced to get shorter and shorter haircuts
>suits me well
>bear growth accelerating
>finally buzz
>come out the shower as a god

If you have the chin, the beard and the shoulders youre set.

>buzzcut and HRT till you get low T
> wash your hair in female urine 2x a day

Stress and anxiety also affect hair loss user
You on any psych meds?

No meds man. I wouldn't be surprised if the anxiety has triggered my balding genetics early.

Just remember not to fight for tranquility
But to accept the present chaos with grace

If you can grow a thinck beard you have no reason to worry

Will try that user.

Is this a quote

Not OP but I've been on fin for 5 months now, all the sides that I felt when I started have gone. (dick works great, loads are fine, prostate serum is good, total testosterone is higher than ever, estradiol is higher too but still within range) Best of all I am losing almost no hair down from 50-60hairs falling in the shower/on pillow. I would say try it if you're considering, it can work great. Also use nizoral as your shampoo.


have anyone of you considered hair transplant? does it work well?

>tfw 21 and im more severe than that
my hair on the top is thinning fucking crazy, my crown is partially bald and on the sides its fucking lush with hair
why the fuckk is this happening to me

>oh no, i'm 18 and no longer have the hairline of a teenager!!

it's called maturing you faggot

My brother is 29 and a nw4.5
If it was stopping at a mature hairline I'd be over the moon, but I won't be

jesus fucking christ, you pussy. get a buzzcut and lift weights. if you were attractive with hair you'll be attractive without it. otherwise you weren't as attractive as you seem to think. either way, if something as small as hair loss has you on the verge of suicide you have some serious mental problems you have to worry about first

I PROMISE if you focus on your fitness you will forget all about your fucking hair by the end of 2018. And don't bullshit me and say you already have, because if that were true, you wouldn't be blogposting this meltdown in the first place

>oh no I lost my hair it was the only reason I had to live for!
pathetic faggot, yes you look worse bald, we all do, but if you looked repulsive with hair you'll still look repulsive without it, and if you were attractive with it you'll still look good without it. Most people don't give a shit about hair and if they do, well, that's life, so tough it up and accept it. There's not much you can do about it right now, maybe in a few years there'll be a definitive cure, who knows. If you feel like suicide is a better option than buzzcut+beard+gym, fuck you, dude. Having hair is cool, but so is having a big dick, or a perfect nose, or being born in a millionaire family. You can't have it all, so just play the cards you have to the best of your ability and you'll probably be happy. The only way your life is going to suck is if you brood about bad shit constantly instead of moving on and focusing on improving other aspects.

I feel you bro, I would rather even thinning than just a bald spot, you cant cut it short cause there s abig hole in the back of your head.
25 y.o btw

You have no right to complain. I have thinning hair, it's in my family, then on top of that I have psoriasis which is apparently uncurable

You faggot I work 12 hours a day on a submarine not to mention every third day I stand duty getting to the boat at 630 in morning standing watch in a 6 hour on 6 hour off watch rotation with revilie at 5 in the morning so I get less than 5 hours of sleep at night followed by a long day of maintenance when I get relieved from duty the next day. That’s in port when we go underway I stand watch for 8 hours a day followed by a 8 hour period where I am on call to do maintenance/ evolutions as required by my division or ships operational schedule with no access to the internet or outside world during that time cause we’re fucking underwater. I have to attend roughly 4 hours of training a week every week regardless of what’s going on and I have to take an exam every week ensuring I can remember all of the pointless shit the navy has taught me over the past 3 and a half years. If I make a simple mistake the government can punish me by taking away half of my pay for multiple months or reducing my rank. I’ve spent more time masturbating at test depth than you have worrying about your normal fucking white person hair line. The morale of the story is stop being such a pussy and realize at the age of 18 you have your entire life ahead of you and regardless of how much hair you lose if you don’t try hard in school you can end up hating your life on a submarine just like me. Stop being such a pussy op

Technology, especially in the medical field, is advancing at an extremely fast rate, probably the faster rate in human history ever.

It is not unlikely to think that in 40-50 years we will be able to do amazing things. We will probably be able to defeat the aging process forever. We will probably be able to defeat cancer. We will probably be able to engineer perfectly healthy babies in the womb, ending all genetic diseases forever.

And YOU want to kill yourself instead of waiting to experience all of this.
Stay calm. Focus on the future. Future You wouldn't want Present You to kill yourself over something that will probably be cured in the next 5-10 years.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>gorilla warfare
Top pasta

user, you'll possibly think I'm crazy but have you tried not masturbating? Like, Propecia/Finesteride block DHT - and when you jerk off that converts testosterone to DHT or something. I dunno. Whenever I jerk off, my hair looks dry so I've started toning it down before it ruins my hairline.

I dunno... It may be bullshit but it occurred to me and I think it could help?